The trouble with amateur's is.....

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Ron T. Storm
Posts: 2593
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by Ron T. Storm »

erm are we gonna talk ever. you ignore all my postings and i have yet to work out what the heck i have done wrong. mail me please.

one eyed jack
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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by one eyed jack »

You make a very good point Snowy sir. I guess i dont have this problem as I'm nearly always solicited by people wanting to be on my sites or recommended by word of mouth so i guess what you say doesnt apply to me.

But I see where you are coming from.

Still I think a short cmment like what you said could be mistaken still so maybe being negative to what you saw as a negative comment was not the best recourse.
one eyed jack
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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by one eyed jack »

That's what porn's all about females getting scr*wed so that producers can make money out of them.. unless your an amateur, in which case you do it for the pleasure.. that's the only difference.

Does that mean working for amateurs is better then? I'm sure in some cases it is. I know. I was once an amateur (some would probably say still is LOL). the other side of the coin can be just as annoying. Shoots getting cancelled. wanting more for their money for less than a professional shoot and when some dont get what they want (within reason) throw tantrums (not unlike some professionals ).

I've been on the receiving end of hostile models in the past and usually can tell they've been stiffed by some other producer. My reaction is to leave them alone. They usually come back a few months later when they hear from other models about me thats when i lay into em hard and demand anal for half price, even when they dont do it and play on their guilt (ok not really).

Usually its over money because they've been hoodwinked by some cheeky producer to work all day sucking off 20 different guys for 40 photo sets and 10 anal scenes or something ridiculous for ?150.

I'm not knocking all amateurs. Present company excluded of course. I just think like some professionals some do take the living piss and its the few that ruin it for the majority.

Dont take it personal Sparky.
Ron T. Storm
Posts: 2593
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by Ron T. Storm »

thank you.

Posts: 166
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by Gary »

I quiet agree with Snow Patrol on sending a short email on contacting a model for the first time. If the model replies to my email, the they get a full detailed email of references to model's i've worked with plus work i've done.


Jack Steele
Posts: 9
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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by Jack Steele »

Emily is great to work with, very professional and I hope to book her again in 2008.

Happy New Year to all !drink!

one eyed jack
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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by one eyed jack »

The trouble with amateurs is...

They are amateur.

Ok...grenade. Room. Door slam. Run!!!!!

(ha ha ha)...Lighten up folks.

Happy 2008!!!!!
Posts: 166
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Post by Gary »

Hi Snow Patrol

The reason I usually start with a one liner is because I have sent detailed emails to models before, only to discover that I either:

1) I get no reply,
2) The email is a bad email addy, or out of date.
3) That they are currently not working...
4) That they have just been contracted to bluebird and cant shoot...
5) That they have recently changed there levels...
6) They are about to go on a 3 month trip to America next week...

On the Bluebird one being contracted out, i had a reply from them and they would lease one of there girls out for ?1000 a day.
I thought that was cheap lol.

You forgot one from your list.

7) I can't make it today as i was filming yesterday and didn't finish screwing this bloke. I need to go back to finish screwing this bloke today, so can't come to the shoot we had booked.

