The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Post by wayne »

!blush! now those are kind words indeed!

Just carry on being who you are and it and you cant go wrong.
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Post by RogerCockUK »

I like Tiffany too and she has always been polite and helpful to me - so I was a little disappointed by Rob's comments - We know that some models are a little flakey to say the least is an understatement (the amount of times I have sat at stations awaiting the arrival of models only to get lame excuses is amazing! Even if through agencies) but there are many that act professionally and turn up and I am pretty certain that if I asked Tiffany she would for me. She's a total babe!
I found her to be an intelligent and friendly person, and what she does work wise is her decision and choice - who are we to judge? Tiffany always look at the positive side of things and keep ya chin up we loves ya hun xxx

(producer /director /editor /pro cameraman /Stud)
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Post by Jacques »

Super Randy II wrote:

> I'm not Warren's biggest fan, but he is spot on here!

Neither am I and I agree too. Sorry but that's the way it is.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Sam Slater
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Post by Sam Slater »

Thank you for such a sermon-like post. Since there was no hint at denial in your post, I guess you're not angry with what Rob said; only the manner in how he put it across?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Post by harmonyhex »

I enjoyed shooting with Rob and Miyah on the last film as well. I feel kinda sad that it will be the only ********** film I get to work on. I was quite looking forward to raising the bar and stretching my boundaries for the next film.

Geek never looked so good!

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joe king
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Post by joe king »

I don't know ********** or Tiffanny personally.

Basically, ********** seems to be fed up with trying to get models to answer their emails and his requests for work/assignments.
Maybe he shouldn't have directly used the model Tiffanny as a named example of the general trend he is seeing. Why single out Tiffanny?
Is Tiffanny the last ever person not to answer their email. Why should you assume that a model will by devine right, have to answer each and every request via email?

'As she couldn't be bothered to respond either, and I had no desire to pass on any messages via a third party, I decided to try a little test.'
Why? Why did he have no desire to have a message be passed on by a third party? If he really wanted to book a girl he would jump through at least a small email hoop. Are they more productive though? A message from a third party?
The last line seems to show a lack of serious intention. Was he really going to ask her for a job? If she had said yes he wouldn't have filmed the scene anyway because he 'don't shoot kak-munching videos'.

It could be me but this line
'A Model's willingness not to do something is indirectly proportional to the amount of money being offered to do it.'
What does that mean?
Is he trying to say the model will do more when you offer less money?

The Oliver Twist analogy:
'By the way, the kid holding the empty plate in that picture is ME. And the spoon is my booking request. And the angry git behind is the model receiving that booking request. All the other horrified faces behind are probably a few bastard amateur UK producers who are shocked and appalled at my gall to make a request from a proper domain name.'

**********=Oliver Twist
Tiffanny=workhouse Administrator
Spoon=model request

So, what is the food Oliver Twist is asking for? Is food=porn?
Why is a spoon a model request? You use a spoon to get out the food/porn.
You use/make a request/spoon to get/make some porn/food from a model/workhouse Administrator.
********** is like Oliver Twist in being forced to (or feels forced to) make a request of a model. Does that make sense? Who is forcing ********** into making these requests?

'Who in their right fucking mind would want to associate themselves any further with an industry polluted with halfwits and timewasters, censors and persecutors.'

'Incidentally, for some of the more ironically challenged of you out there, no I don't shoot kak-munching videos. I think it is fucking disgusting, degrading and sickening. The thought that I am even remotely associated with an industry that has people who indulge in that kind of psychological fuck-up makes me want to go bathe myself in a tin bath full of concentrated acid.'

To me those 2 paragraphs show the usual hypocrisy (I am not actually free of this either), it is something you have to observe and live with.

Here's a juvenile observation, Rob spelt Tiffanny as Tiffany, and misspelt 'juvenille'.

~~~~~joe king~~~~~
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