Channel 4 get nasty.

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Channel 4 get nasty.

Post by Otis »

Fucking hell chaps, stop bickering (aside from the fact that rowing about Matt's website is so far off-topic it's unbelievable).

I wouldn't feel the need to be quite as zealous as Matt, but I'm glad he's doing it because I'm quite interested to hear this story through to the end. Although my guess is that referring the whole thing to the legal department is just Principal's way of getting him off their back - "you say we fucked with the truth? Ahhh, tell it to the lawyers."

And I don't think it'd be "FANTASTIC" if Max Hardcore took action against CH4, even if it turned out he was actually in the right. Porn is a crowded business so it has to look for gaps in the market, and there was a space there for films like Max's. As long as he can prove that every single one of the girls involved are ok with the whole thing (a point which was far from proven even before the Lee-anne episode), let him get on with it, cos sad fucks need their own kind of porn too. But in the circumstances, him starting a court case against a film that showed him as a dangerous character is probably not a good idea - we surely don't want this sod representing porno in the media, and if he has been crossing the wide line between rough consensual sex and abuse, then a victory for him is a defeat for everyone, and if he loses, whichever way, it's a victory for the anti-porn nutters. Good job maybe, that far from thinking about sueing he's probably relishing the publicity. Now if someone tried to stitch up Ben Dover, that'd be worth a visit to the Old Bailey. The queue of character witnesses would be both long and a good place to hang around...
David J

Re: Channel 4 get nasty.

Post by David J »

I don't think there is the remotest possibility that Max Hardcore would sue anyone in a UK court, if only because he has no UK income to defend.

The one person who might have an interest in sueing would be Richard aka Dick Nasty, but if he had an 'understanding' with the TV film-makers this would be unlikely. He must have had some motive for letting a camera crew follow him around and for helping get them in to film with people like Max Hardcore, and the only motive I can think of is the folding kind.