
The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

Yes, exactly, as I am at the moment, some1 who likes porn, but has not started working in the Industry, then there shouldn't be any need.

If some1 gets into the Industry, then yes, they could be allowed access to the more detailed information on some1's name & shame status. But for the moment, if the site is go ahead, I see no reaon why a fan/punter/viewer etc needs to see the more detailed work related aspects of their status.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

Another thought, probably already raised in some of the recent topics on here, besides the fact of potential liable from un-proven information (which would have to be substantiated before acceptance as truth), there shouldn't be any chance of random mud-slinging/hate campains/flame-wars from non-industry people, just because some1 is accused, or proved, of a specific incident from within the industry.

Also, once a incident is broached, there should be steps put in place, to protect the individual concerned from harrasement/lack of work/hate campains, etc. Once the incident is proven, & the person involved is proven to be guilty/irresponsible for their actions in said event, then it is upto the people within the industry what will happen, I.E. blacklisted, lack of work, etc.

As already mentioned, there should be some discretion & professionalism used in these type of situations, there should never be any need for hate campains, harrasement, etc etc etc.

There has been alot of discussion on this situation of late, whether this type of site mentioned in this thread is to go ahead or not, the people for, & against this type of information, etc, there should be ways to deal with the situations previously discussed, with professionalism, as at the very least, this type of situation deals with some1s work & character.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Cenobitez »

Law Suit waiting to happen, unless you have concrete evidence to go with the posts.

Would all be Libel and Defamation resulting in Slander, I wouldnt want to be in your boots when someone gets pissed off.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
Posts: 321
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Shopgirl »

I think this is completely wrong, I have had only two no-shows, both with a couple of hours notice that is all, I think one was genuine, the other a bit iffy?! What did I do - after swearing for several minutes got on the phone and rallied round another performer who arrived a couple of hours later and carried on, spoke to the cancelled performer again said "hope you feel better - sorry you missed a great shoot etc etc" and moved on!!

If this site goes ahead you are opening up a shit load of trouble. If you are a decent Producer you know who to work with and who not to work with. You don't get the likes of OEJ on here complaining about a no-show, neither from George at Doll Theatre or Gary at Nectas etc etc, they are more professional than that and deal with things in-house rather than letting the whole world know about it.

Lets look at it from another angle, suddenly the models club together and want to name and shame directors, producers, the little man with the dodgy camera wanting to do gonzo and offering extras - would everyone be so keen then!!??

My comments for what they are worth!

Posts: 2480
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by randyandy »

Shopgirl wrote:

> I think this is completely wrong, I have had only two no-shows,
> both with a couple of hours notice that is all, I think one was
> genuine, the other a bit iffy?! What did I do - after swearing
> for several minutes got on the phone and rallied round another
> performer who arrived a couple of hours later and carried on,
> spoke to the cancelled performer again said "hope you feel
> better - sorry you missed a great shoot etc etc" and moved on!!
> If this site goes ahead you are opening up a shit load of
> trouble. If you are a decent Producer you know who to work with
> and who not to work with. You don't get the likes of OEJ on
> here complaining about a no-show, neither from George at Doll
> Theatre or Gary at Nectas etc etc, they are more professional
> than that and deal with things in-house rather than letting the
> whole world know about it.

I agree with naming and shaming but completely agree with shopgirl when she says it has to be open for everyone.

The point made about experienced people doing things in house is that it doesn't really work because while it stops the problems for them it just moves the problem on.

There appears to be a will to do naming and shaming and a will to do fixed minimum rates on another site all in the interest of looking after people within the industry. What baffles me is why you all don't come together and form something that looks after the industry in full.

Posts: 92
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by RoyR »

Shopgirl wrote:

> I think this is completely wrong, I have had only two no-shows,
> both with a couple of hours notice that is all, I think one was
> genuine, the other a bit iffy?! What did I do - after swearing
> for several minutes got on the phone and rallied round another
> performer who arrived a couple of hours later and carried on,
> spoke to the cancelled performer again said "hope you feel
> better - sorry you missed a great shoot etc etc" and moved on!!
> My comments for what they are worth!
> Wendy

Cancellations with a couple of hours notice are exactly that, cancellations, they aren't no-shows. Last minute cancellations aren't good, and regardless of whether the models are being honest with their reasons or not, atleast they've let you know.

No-shows are where the model just doesn't show and doesn't contact you to offer any kind of explanation, when she's confirmed the night before that she'll be showing and then you're sat outside the train station on the day waiting for her and she doesn't show, doesn't ring, doesn't email, that's a no-show and there is no excuse for it and those who do it should be named and shamed to help others avoid the same costly experience.

As for all the comments about such naming and shaming leading to trouble and people sueing, that's the pathetic excuse that too many model site owners with no balls always use. If what's reported is factual then there's nothing to worry about.

one eyed jack
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by one eyed jack »

Roy I totally empathise with what you are saying but it makes not a blind bit of difference. name and shame yes but watch as that same said unreliable girl gets work with another producer who wont take a blind bit of notice because he wants her to shoot.

There is no solidarity amongst disgruntled producers because most of them only care about themselves and what they do and dont realise that what affects on will utimately affect the other.

The only way to elevate your presence is to unify as a mass which is what we are trying to do with UKAP but it seems producers would rather moan about conditions and waste time just naming names without partaking to make a change.

All naming and shaming does is feed the salivating baying crowd of naysayers and the anti porn brigade that derive entertainment out of seeing the adult industry fuck up. Apart from producers who really cares?

Cornish Chris
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Cornish Chris »

Thinking of registering

www.ukporn-makes-a-shit-brew.com to name and shame models / studios that make a crap cuppa.

Seriously Google is your friend, its a great tool for checking and cross referencing details.
So some minor research into models, directors, togs, studios whatever can easily be carried out without the possibly biased opinions shown on a hate forum.
Take people as you find them ....and don't always believe the hype.
