
The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Mr Mark
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Post by Mr Mark »


Just registered it. The name says it all really. Wouldn't be used to victimise the innocent, but would be used to name the guilty.

I'm toying with this, and may or may not end up launching a restricted, passworded forum on this domain.

It could do more harm than good, and this is where I want input please...

If I do:

1) Would be a closed forum, subject to requesting access - strictly members only - and would be open only to recognised and established UK adult performers and producers, who can prove their identity (easy enough to do)

2) Would be subject to those who post accepting an initial disclaimer, that their posts are their legal responsibility, and not those of the 'host' or 'site owner'

Now, this site clearly could damage reputations. On the other side of the coin it could force out those that need forcing out. The idea is to name those that perform while knowing they have STI's, who escort without protection, who fake certs and who spread rumours about other performers.

Be under no illusion that this could be a hot potato, BUT, then again, maybe something like this is needed, as peoples careers, and more importantly their health and their LIVES are at risk.

Food for thought isn't it...


Like I said, it's not something I would launch lightly. Feel free to email me off-board - mrmark@spuffco.com

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
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isabel ice
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by isabel ice »

it would be a nice idea, but how will anyone be able to moderate what is said, or posted?

If someone had a grudge or even someone trusted, who'd been taken in by hear-say, it could damage peoples careers... However, if it worked, it would stop a lot of grief for many of us.

I just sent you a MySpace message, demonstrating just that kind of example.

Mr Mark
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Mr Mark »

Read it - got it - interesting...

Back to what you say above, that's where the issue lies - moderating and avoiding grudge matches.

I'm long enough in the tooth to know which performers and which producers can be trusted in terms of professionalism, intelligence and insight, but then that would make me a censor.

A difficult one.

What I would say is how saddened I am that we even need to be having this discussion - our industry should be about fun and fantasy-fulfilment. Not any of this silly bollocks.

We should be intelligent enough to realise the risks, and know when to practice safe sex - jesus, we make porn for fucks sake! We've hardly got our heads buried in the 'sexual knowldge' sand :(

Until we all wake up though, this debate continues, and sites like the one i'm suggesting remain worthy of discussion.

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
[url]http://www.britpornvideos.com[/url] or follow @britpornvideos on Twitter
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shock the monkey
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by shock the monkey »

If this place was run like xxxporntalk.com then there would be no need.

Pretty much all the 'insider information' about the UK porn industry that gets deleted on here can be found on there.

ATTN MODS: I have mentioned no names and made no allusions to any 'stars' so there's no reason to delete my friggin' post.
Mr Mark
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Mr Mark »

xxxporntalk seems US focused...

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
[url]http://www.britpornvideos.com[/url] or follow @britpornvideos on Twitter
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one eyed jack
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by one eyed jack »

Naming and shaming doesnt always work out for the best as there maybe legitimiate reasons for certain things that will be misconstrued as out of hand not to mention I can see someone getting seriously hurt one day because of the mere use of words being said out of context.

If there is irrefutable evidence to suggest someone is guilty of something and not just one person making an allegation then yeah i can understand but stuff like a model not turning up to a shoot etc...Do people on here really care? Does it spoil the enjoyment of a girls fan that she couldnt be arsed to show up for a producer?

Said producer might have a legitimate complaint but what if the model just didnt like the producer or who she had to work with and just flaked out of a shoot. It wouldnt be the first nor would it ever be the last time it happens in this business. I've known of girls not turning up because it was merely raining and the clouds were too grey to work.

Yes a poor excuse but an excuse all the same. You know women. They can change their mind like the weather. It just makes the difference between her being professional or amateur and lets face it, not a great many take this busines that seriously otherwise it would be a lot better than it is at the moment.

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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by RoyR »

One Eyed Jack, Sorry but I have to disagree with you. You say that perhaps a model no-shows because she didn't like the producer, but shouldn't she have decided that before even accepting the shoot? and if something did change after agreeing to shoot then isn't the right and professional thing to cancel with as much notice as possible? Yes, models may change their minds for whatever reason, that's fine, they have the right to, but it only takes a couple of minutes for them to send an email, text or make a phone call to explain and cancel.

I can accept models cancelling and wanting to reschedule, I'll always give the benefit of the doubt and give anyone a second chance, but it's the ones who cancel at the last minute for a second time or the ones who completely fail to show up that DO deserve to be named and shamed. No-shows are bloody annoying, a waste of a day and in some cases a loss of money too, they are a real inconvenience and although I'll get shot down for this quite frankly those who do it need a bloody good slap as there is just no excuse.

I had one model earlier this year who has 280 entries listed here on the BGAFD who no-showed, left me sitting at the station waiting to collect her and never showed and no explanation why, she ignored my correspondance, but then a month later she emailed me looking for work !shocked! obviously forgetting she'd previously no-showed on me. When I pointed out she'd let me down, she sent a nasty reply saying it must've been a misunderstanding, she's not a flake etc. etc. but there's no way it was a misunderstanding, the bitch messed me about pure and simple.

I'd never name and shame a model for cancelling, or even for no showing if she'd contacted me with an explanation, but those who clearly take the piss by cancelling more than once, those who blatantly lie (i.e. when a model cancels saying she's ill and you find out afterwards she actually worked with another photographer on that very day, higher level job paying more or not involving travel comes along and they think they can take the piss) and those who no-show without any word, they deserve to be named publicly, not for any kind of revenge but to warn others. If people (photographers or producers included) were named and shamed then they might think twice before letting someone down, if not then atleast everyone knows who the unreliable ones are and can make the decision to avoid them or not. You wouldn't not book someone based on one negative report amongst dozens of positive ones but if someone had a history of being unreliable then you'd take serious note of it.

Snake Diamond
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Re: www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com

Post by Snake Diamond »

I can understand your reasonings in this, both potentially against (one eyed) & fore (RoyR). However, if this type of site does go ahead (www.ukporn-name-and-shame.com), I would make sure that the main information was accessible ONLY to those in the Industry, I.E. Performers, Producers, Togs, etc etc etc...

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!