A reply from lolly re many posts!

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Lolly Badcock
Posts: 448
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

A reply from lolly re many posts!

Post by Lolly Badcock »


A response to a few posts which are currently being discussed on here at the moment regarding my and my website:

Ok.....yeah i fucked up and should have just poped into a internet cafe and posted weeks ago.....i hold my hands up and apologise.....i have no excuses or explanations apart from i had shit going on and my head was fucked. Yeah i messed up and i am sorry...but i am just a human and i am sure most of you have fucked up at some point in your life so please give me a break.

Pornstars are normal human beings too...with normal lives....normal emotions....and normal shit to deal with.

Website.....as my hubby was heavily involved in the site i have had to wait to see my solicitor as currently going through a messey divorce and the site is involved. Needed to fine out about the legal side as he shot most of the content and appears on it.......so couldnt legally update until i had found out the relevant legal info. I will post on here when the next update will be.

I am not playing the victim....but just being honest as to the reason why.....just cant win can i!! I am sure that this post will be pulled apart too.

Webcam....on this section it says "coming soon" etc so it is clear before you join webcam aint avaliable....but again sorry.

My lack of repsponse to other posts is just because i think some people have just got a bit nasty and i dont retaliate to this sort of stuff as it just turns into a childish battle of pointless posts going back and forward and not getting anywhere. Even though everyone is entitled to their own opionion i feel that some people have taken it a bit far. Having a go at me wont make anything happen any quicker and get you the results you want.

Tequila...email me and i will come to some arrangment with you..... [edited by mod] if you read my first post you could have emailed me direct and we could have got this sorted. I asked for your address before and you never emailed and or text.

To conclude..................i am very very very sorry and i fucked up....but i cant do anything to change that now........

Website: I have one more solicitor meeting then the site will be updated and get back to normal. I will post on here when i have any further info.

Tequila: Lets be adults and stop being children...email me - lbadcock@hotmail.com

Lets see what nasty things everyone has to say to all of this....like i said i cant win.....so i will speak to you all soon

Just want to get horny for you all and make some filthy porn ....so can we start enjoying the reason we are all on this forum

Love you all still

Lolly xxx
one eyed jack
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Re: A reply from lolly re many posts!

Post by one eyed jack »

To quote the venerated Rodney King: " Can we all just get along?"
