Warning - nutter alert

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
paul jones
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Warning - nutter alert

Post by paul jones »

After I told a wannabe who posts here he was wasting my time I got an abusive email ending as follows:-

"Take the following very seriously. When I get to work with you and I promise one day I will, im going to cut out both of your eyes with a very sharp knife."

I'm not bothered for myself, (if I was I'd have gone to the police and to the organisation that supplies his proper - not hotmail - address), but how can I warn people about him without naming him?

He is contacting models from this site, and I think he might be dangerous. (He came across as very chummy until I told him I'd had enough - totally Jekyl and Hyde).

Mods - the email address he used to write to me is the same as one he posted here in a "contact me" message to a female model. Given that evidence I think I should name him - it's facts, not rumour.

Webmaster of [url]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/drupal7[/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if tittivation.com will be an outlet :-)
one eyed jack
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by one eyed jack »

Sounds like a jealous ex boyfriend mate. They always act like that. People like those are so fueled ontheir own rage and hate that they expose themselves before long...or burn out either way.

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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by colzilla23 »

Name and shame him. It's the only way of warning girls without emailing each of them individually
Andy Colin
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by Andy Colin »

You should post his name now, otherwise what would be the point of your alert?
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by steve56 »

Be a waste of time getting the police.
Posts: 1956
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by Cenobitez »

The BGAFD has a NO NAME AND SHAME policy in place, there for the name and shame, is at the discretion of the Mod Team.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by tas »

Paul, why don't you post everything you know over on uk adult producers forum

Lena Leigh
Posts: 63
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by Lena Leigh »

hiya thanks for the warning but to be honest i think hes contacted me a few times, please could you mail me and let me know who it was because i was considering working with him before he turned on me,

Sexy lill' slut making you blush :P

check me out: http://www.adultwork.com/misslushiouslena
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Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by Nicolesexy »

I know BGAFD will not allow this. I have a site forum if you want to post under the heading Reliable and unreliable models, just create a new thread and Name him there, Models should know about this looney. It may help get his name out and about.
Take care,

Posts: 3779
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Warning - nutter alert

Post by BGAFD Admin »

The answer to your question is no.

The FAQ makes clear our position on the issue of naming and shaming and the reasons for it.

By all means use the forum to invite models to contact you for details - so long as your post complies with the FAQ. Any information that enables readers to deduce the identity of the accused will result in the post being removed.