Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by lindsey »

SB ignorance of the law in this country is not a defence. Just ask the authorities or look it up if you?re not sure. Basically it?s the exposure of genitals in a public place. I noticed you compared our uk laws and morals to other countries and seemed happier with many other countries. Have you considered moving ?
What does seeing some of the stuff on your website have to do with indecency ? I presume you are operating legally and protecting children ?
Can you and them not handle a debate ? We are like-minded, i?d like some porn laws to be changed to be more liberal, but not by breaking the law that currently exists. Where did I say porn and nudity was disgusting ? In fact I said ?We all love porn, but try to keep it right place, right time. If you have kids, would you like a man to strip of in front of them whilst your out shopping. Every decent mum knows the answer to that is no.?

?. Still not grasping that indecent exposure law is there to protect children, are you.

Louiza I love the way you blame your actions on other people. First it was it was ok because other people were doing it, and now it?s ok because there was a big crowd. It doesn?t occur to you that kids (and their parents) might be attracted to the crowd not being able to see what?s going on, so they move through the crowd to look, and then its too late if that was something they did not want to see. Either way you shouldn?t be doing that in public in this country. Its to protect kids you know ?

It?s a bit rich coming from a self publicising 41 year old porn model with 2 grown up kids to say ?Gemma does not care that kids might end up watching her in action? ? What does she do or not do to protect kids that you do differently ? If you don?t do anything differently then you?re basically saying you don?t mind if kids see you in action.
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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by strictlybroadband »

The Brutal Truth wrote:

> It's about repecting other
> people's boundaries as much as you desire them to respect
> yours.

So if my Muslim neighbour doesn't like to see my wife's hair, I should make her wear a scarf to avoid offending him? I've never known this forum to be so damn PC!

If you respect everyone's boundaries, there's nothing left that's acceptable to do - someone will always object to something they don't like.

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Limey Dick
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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by Limey Dick »

Hi, of course I meant Larry F and not King, thanks for pointing that out...Jesus, this debate is scrambling my brains, hard to imagine Kinger issuing an array of open crutch publications is it not?!!

But...Hold on a minute, I never said they are not entitled to their view, I just said at least 'NASTY' was admitting it was an uninformed one. Sorry, but in most serious debates, people's opinions are taken more seriously if they can display at least a smattering of relevant history or background knowledge of a subject they are addressing...If their perspectives are devoid of that, then they merely constitute emotional rhetoric.

On the whole, the howls of moral outrage hurled at Louiza and Lala here, certainly epitomise that. People are laying down moral definitives and condemnations on a porn site and then hiding behind the most facile of equations in order to try and justify it. As for the cocks and kids shot, it is cheap and smacks of those unable to debate seriously. Of course we would not encourage it, but the girls were wearing thongs beneath their dresses, at no time ever did they expose their genitalia so how the fucking hell do we reach the point where people start equating the sight of nipples through a fishnet dress with blokes flashing their choppers at children???

Pathetic and ridiculous, I am afraid. Girls walk down the high street flashing their nipples everyday and as soon as they are able to pick up a paper, kids open it to see images of topless women...That was all this involved, a couple of topless women, except they were not even topless....Most kids are not walking around with an inborn terror of the sight of women's nipples either....


If there is something wrong with the principal of studying a subject before you become a moral authority on it, then so be it. Strange world you live in, but then some people are more concerned with hearing their own voices rather than making any qualified contribution.

To my way of thinking it is simply ration - and that is an essence sorely missing from most of the critical posts on this thread.

Limey Dick

'There's a life to be lived, if you're brave enough to live it'
Limey Dick
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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by Limey Dick »

Baby, the difference is that Louiza does not come on here judging the moral standards of other porn models. The point I have made regarding Gemma and every other porn model risking their parents DVD'S being seen by children - and yet still working anway - remains valid....I well remember finding my own Dad's porn mags when I was about 12 and boy did I search for them after that!

Please refrain from this ludicrous moral blackmail regarding 'kids', I have kids too but as I have just stated on another response, there was no flashing of genitals at any time, which for some reason, your post seems to be implying took place.

This argument is not about 'kids' it is about censorship and the imposition of supposed 'moral's upon others. The fact it is taking place on this site and at the instigation of supposedly outraged Porn models themselves is staggering...

I am fast coming to the conclusion that what is occurring here is an airing of collective guilt, this being massaged by preposterous moral stances, the condemnation of others i.e the classic 'holier than thou' number and the transposing of actual events into almost mythical status!

Limey Dick

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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by Lala_X »

Hi guys!

If anyone's read any of my replies on this subject you'll probably realise that I tend to take a more light-hearted view than most!!

Now....I've not been in porn that long....about 18 months or so....and perhaps the most surprising thing I've found in this industry (given my limited experience) is how happy pornographers and (most) adult models seem to be!! I found myself asking early on why this was...and came to the inescapable conclusion that most people in this industry are doing what they enjoy doing; the fact that it often pays well is merely a bonus!

Look around you at the vast majority of people in this country and you'll struggle at any point to find someone who can say, hand on heart, that they enjoy going to work!! We are very lucky people....we have made and continue to make our set of rules and do not live our lives, in the main, adhering to the rules and hungover Victorian values of Olde Worlde England.

Laws and morals are there for a reason...to prevent anarchy.....I can go with that!! But I don't intend to lead my life abiding by an archaic, out moded set of values that I never bought into in the first place!! We all come into the world in the same way...naked...and by whatever God's grace you happen to believe in, we all go out the same way! Sex is not scary issue and neither are naked bodies and I think that 'protecting' kids from a flash of nipple shouldn't be a priority given the life or death moral issues that we see dragged our TVs every night at 6pm!!!

Surely teaching them to respect and try to understand other people's opinions and lifestyles, and not to knock them is a much more worthwhile activity!! At the end of the day we all have the same bits and pieces....(although I have seen some some pretty wierd things since I've been doing this job ....lol....but that's a whole other story!!)....and I happen to be proud of my body, I'm not ashamed to show it and I'm not ashamed to say to say that I love sex and I love what I do for a living!!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm surprised to find anyone preaching cover-up morality on this forum!! In fact I find it quite funny!! Each to their own though and everyone is welcome to their opinion!! In my home country (France) a bit of nipple is a daily occurence in TV ads and magazines and no-one batts an eyelid.....and as far as I know it doesn't warp the mind or attitudes of French children.....unless....maybe I've been warped by it because, after all, I am a porn actress and total slut of the first order who loves sex!!

But if that flash of daily nipple has warped me to such an horrific extent that I can actually dare to show MY nipple in public and not find a huge moral dilemma in that action then surely that problem is mine to deal with! But, at least I've got an excuse for being warped and working in porn!!

What's yours?????????

Have fun y'all!!!

Lala xx

PS I love stirring it up.........dive in boys!!! I got no more to say!!!

I am black, french, very sexy and love my work! I'm a real poseur and love being in front of the camera! I really enjoy my work and bring that enjoyment to each and every shoot! If you want to know more please get in touch!
louiza ray
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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by louiza ray »

No Darling, if men did exactly what we did, i.e flash a bit of nipple and bum cheek through fishnet dresses with thongs, nobody would bat an eyelid, who cares about seeing men's nipples!!!

So in actual fact, you are completly wrong, you've just got caught up in the hysteria and are not concentating on what really happened. There was no big 'live' perverted sex scene, just a bit of erotic dancing that's all!

Limey Dick
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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Post by Limey Dick »

Once again, it seems as if people have not even read these posts before responding. Nobody has ever said anybody DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to respond or disagree with anything....Why is it when people are losing an argument they repeatedly insist, whether consciously or unconsciously, to repeatedly hone in on generalisms that everybody would agree with and try to purport that their opponents in a debate are advocating a completely different position than the one which they in fact, hold...

For god's sake, anybody is welcome to debate mate, all I have said, in spirit, is if you go on a forum dedicated to debate about nuclear science, people will take your opionon more seriously if you have actually studied the history of the subject, rather than making your judgementas on a completely emotional basis...I happen to think that principal holds strong in most aspects of our lives...Are you really disagreeing with that? If not why does anybody ever bother studying anything for crying out loud?

Anyway, if you disagree with something you have to flout it in order to change it...IF THE SUFFRAGETTES HAD NOT BEEN READY TO DIE FLOUTING THE LAW, WOMEN WOULD NOT EVEN HAVE THE VOTE....If they had been prepared to just 'accept other people's views' i.e the men who controlled society at that time, the whole course of our history would have been changed - and more unjustly - for it....

I and many others happen to believe the so-called decency laws you refer to are not only outdated and repressive, but actually infringe on people's human rights. In which case I applaud anybody who is willing to challenge them be it naked walkers, streakers, porn models dancing or whatever...

Long may those challenges continue and hats off to Louiza and Lala....

Limey Dick

'There's a life to be lived, if you're brave enough to live it'
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Post by strictlybroadband »

Limey Dick wrote:

> Long may those challenges continue and hats off to Louiza and
> Lala....

I second that, Limey.

Congratulations to all girls who push the boundaries in Birmingham... including the brave girl featured in this video which is accurately entitled "Busted":

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