
A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.


Post by Otis »

Bloody hell, just went into Maxims in Soho for the first time - got a tape I'd been after for a year, the bloke spent several minutes assuring me that if I had any problems with it, "do not hesitate to bring it straight back"...brought it home, better picture quality and cassette quality than R18 (looks like it had been taped from DVD, in fact). Things have changed since the bad old days indeed.

Re: Maxims

Post by Psycho »

how much are the tapes in there

Re: Maxims

Post by Shaun »

?20 first time purchase which gives you a 50% discount when you return the tape and get another one.
Andrew Jones

Re: Maxims

Post by Andrew Jones »

what films do they sell?
are they pirates?

Re: Maxims

Post by Simon »

I wish you F***wits wouldn't talk about shops in an open forum like this. You're just inviting the wrath of Westminster Council Trading Standards/ Charing Cross Vice. It's different for mail order outfits, abroad or oprerating behind a PO Box.

Re: Maxims

Post by Otis »

Attract the attention of Westminster council and the vice squad? Surely these places' lit-up signs reading "XXX ADULT VIDEOS" would do that?

Anyway, point taken. Will shut trap.

Re: Maxims

Post by Simon »

Nearly all the places in Soho are crap, stock supplied from the back of a van, no quality control etc. If they get raided they don't care - just bring along another vanload of random hardcore. However there are a few places that are more reliable than this.