Advice please

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Michelle B
Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

Get well soon sexy!

Michelle B xxx

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Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

Thanks for the advice babe. You've lost of sites and must know what your talking about so I'm grateful you replied. Hope you're all well.

Michelle B xxx

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Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

Miss you too babe. Have to meet up soon sexy!

Take care

Michelle B xxx

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Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

Thanks hun, hope to work with you again soon!

Michelle B xxx

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Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

How can you blame me for this? Saying I should have just called up to sort it out, what do you think I was doing over the last 5-6 months, sitting on my arse or going on holiday like my webmaster?

I'm not some new girl causing trouble. I've worked in the industry for 8 years now and never slagged anyone off on a forum so don't make out I've just come on here to cause trouble for somebody.

I'm trying to get things sorted out and I hoped that when i get my content (next week I've been promised) then everything will be fine. Blaming me just keeps the thread up at the top and isn't really helping.

Michelle B xxx

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MAI Productions
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Re: Advice please

Post by MAI Productions »

Michelle I dont think blaming you is what Jay meant,

He was just defending the webmaster who, I have to say is also known to me, and is extremely reliable and professional

Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

He did blame me. He said I'd slandered the guys business, which basically means I lied and he said I'd made my webmaster look like a rip off merchant. I never said once that I was being ripped off.

Michelle B xxx

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MAI Productions
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Re: Advice please

Post by MAI Productions »

Maybe I didnt word my point quite right then.

What I mean is, the webmaster was working for the company you have a dispute with as opposed to him being central to the dispute. Jay was defending the webmaster as the dispute is not his fault, he has simply been commissioned by this company to make/maintain the site.

Jay was, as I am, stating that the webmaster is honourable, reliable and professional. That's all

Michelle B
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Re: Advice please

Post by Michelle B »

Well if Jay wanted to defend the webmaster then he should have done without blaming everything on me and calling me a liar. I wasn't going to sit around another 6 months while they're holding all my content that I've paid for. I doubt anyone else would have put up with it either.

It shouldn't have gone this far really.

Michelle B xxx

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Dickie Davies
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Re: Advice please

Post by Dickie Davies »

JayK has made himself look like an arrogant twat. Can we have a list of sites he is responsible for please so those who are so inclined can avoid them.

His attack on Michelle was unworthy and has probably made things worse for the person at the centre of this who could have avoided all this by responding to Michelle's requests promptly.