who are you to judge?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by Trinity »

He sounds a complete dick head!!!

I've had a few emails from people with silly requests, but i didn't bother replying (to those who have emailed with enough details i WILL get back to you)

Silly people should be shot LOL!!!

Ignore him, let him go and have a wank now he's got his kicks from trying to be a dominant prick, and carry on what you're doing if YOU'RE happy with doing it!!!

Don't let him get to you!!!

Trinity xx

Keen, reliable and professional model.
Working from solo through to HC BG/GG

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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by NeilUK »

Hi Snake

I was referring more to the actual email address as very sadly the rightful owner of that email address is no longer with us.

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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by NeilUK »

Can you trace the IP Address from his emails?

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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by LADY_A »

iIwould love to know how to trace him, i typed in joeA in posts and sadly the guy has passed, so how sick is this guy for using the poor guys addy.
Real sick. He is a disgrace.

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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by androm17 »

You can trace emails by


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Re: who are you to judge?

Post by LADY_A »

I have now had to go to the extreme of deleting my CONTACT ME page on my website, yes he has sent me another truly vulgar email, even insulting the dead.
Maybe he will post on here now, and reveal who he really is, although i doubt it as he is now using somebody elses name to post, and its certainly not them.
He is going through names that post on here, a very strange and weird man
