Porn and relationships

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MK Printing
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Porn and relationships

Post by MK Printing »

Hello peeps

OK a slightly more serious thread than my normal ones on the subject of relationships with those who work in the adult industry.

I speak to a lot of people in the industry and the subject of their partners often comes up. From the people I have spoken they are either single or in a happy relationship and their partners understands their job and what it entails.

From my own perspective, I am not a jealous person, but I would find it difficult to be with someone who is a performer and works with multiple performers on a weekly basis. I know that when two people are together on screen that there isn?t an emotional connection, but it is still quite a strange situation.

From a lot of people who I have spoken to it seems that their partners are also in the industry in some way. I can understand this as birds of a feather flock together etc etc.

I suppose it is because I am a bit old fashioned in some respects and a bit of an old romantic. I never tell people how to live their lives, I am just interested in how other people live and how they view the world.

So has being in the industry harmed or even helped your relationships? Do you hold off telling people what you do when you first meet them in case it scares them off?

Right better get back to some work, think I have been watching too much Jeremy Kyle and it is affecting my brain!

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one eyed jack
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Re: Porn and relationships

Post by one eyed jack »

All the above. Its everything you said and then some. The good the bad and the ugly. I've been around them all. The great thing about porn for me is that you do lose for the most part that jagged jealous streak. Maybe I'm desensitised and jaded but it works for me.

I deal with a lot of couples who are new to this industry and many still have jealousy issues. Thats humans being for you.
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Re: Porn and relationships

Post by centrestage »

Same as above and more.

If people have true feelings for each other and are in a relationship then they should always share their thoughts and feelings, listening and discussing their feelings with each other.

It is no good one hiding what they are doing from the other or one hiding their true feelings about what the other is doing.

Both parties have to be open and honest about what they want and where their relationship will end up.

As for the relationship to work, yes, it looks like they both have to be in the same sort of work so the one doesn't get upset over the other.

I do think that the majority of people do not have good relationships if only one of the couple is in this line of work.

Anyone differ or agree?

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Re: Porn and relationships

Post by LOUI$E EVANS »

I only do up to gg - but obviously still get naked for the photographer been in the business nearly 4 years and it hasn't affected my relationship - actually probably made it better!