Parents in porn

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Parents in porn

Post by Peony »

Hi there,

I'm writing from Bliss - a girl's glossy magazine. I'm looking for parents who work in the sex industry (doing anything at all), who have a son or daughter 14-19 who would be willing to be featured in the magazine. It's a fun, tongue in cheek piece about how their kids feel about it, so if you're a family of extroverts then please get in touch today.

Emily x
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by Marino »

Dear Bliss. Wht is wrong with you people. Why on earth do you want to link children with the adult industry. Is your chief editor Garry Glitter?

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Re: Parents in porn

Post by Jacques »

Perhaps they are sponsored by Social Services?

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by Cerberus »

Yet again?........I'm sure there were recent posts along the same lines.
I agree with Marino, who in their right mind would wish to link 14-19 yo's with the adult industry?
"It's a fun, tongue in cheek piece ".....really? For a girls mag I find the idea totally reprehensible.
Now if it was the "Scum" or "Nooze o the Skrews" than I could understand it.
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by bigboy »

typical media scum, looking down their noses
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by chatterji »

Well said that man.

Totally inappropriate feature for a mag aimed at young girls. It also assumes that porn peformers won't shield their kids from the world they work in. They have sex for money; I'm not sure why that would automatically make them less concerned for their kids' welfare.

Shame on you Bliss, but then having seen the drivel you peddle to girls, pehaps it's not surprising.
Snake Diamond
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by Snake Diamond »

I would have expected this article to be for the Daily S***t or even better, the Sunday S***t, they would be the first 1s I would think of, to have an article like this.

Snake Diamond,
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Re: Parents in porn

Post by bigboy »

sad, very sad these media leeches
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FAO Emily

Post by dabbers041272 »

I share the same views as the you going to respond to the comments????