Producers: AITA needs you!

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Archangel »

Well in response to the suggestion up there, I am not in the porn industry but have a knowledge and interest of it.

I'd sit on the board lol.

So does that mail order legislation still exist? I though is a uk based site that sells porn via mail order?

I never really considered the hardcore on tv issue before. I suppose you could say it would take away business as people would watch it on tv rather then buy dvds or suspecriptions to websites, but then couldn't production companies make and sell their creations for tv, making even more money?
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Keith »

Archangel wrote:

"Schemes to help aspiring porducers would be good, simlar to ones to help people into the mainstream film industry."

What schemes are those then? If you know of such a scheme that's "free", do tell. Pretty much whatever experience and knowledge people gain of the mainstream entertainment industry (film or otherwise) has to paid for by someone, usually the recipient. Most film and TV production company "runners", work 24/7 for less than the minimum wage. Even basic training in production technology (filming, lighting, video, photography, editing, authoring etc.) at a local FE college will cost you something.

No dis-repsect intended, but all those offers that you (and others) make to help out with productions usually result in a cost that has to be paid for. E.g. in my case, even if you volunteered to do it for free, you'd probably still want your expenses covered; the work you do needs to be planned for, supervised and checked - all of which takes time, which in my case is money :)

Nothing in life is free, except the air we breathe (and even that's arguable).


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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Archangel »

Well yes its cost to the providers but place slike the BBC run schemes for aspiring talents and such.

Like if you write piece, the yhelp you make it a production or if you want to start your own production they help you out with advice, equipment, money.

So yeah its not free to the AITA maybe but it aids the industry. Puts new talent and new idea sout there for the benefit of all. You can help existing proudcers and aid new ones.

Funded by profits from filsm or other events. Make it big, modelling it on other areas and you increase the respect.

Well I mean you can plan a volunteer's work but I made requests for work so its just like being a woker which you would pay anyway. I mean you pay ur camera man etc so whats worng with that?

I guess observers dont cost you anything, tho if the request espneses paid then it might. I dont know if I would so it oculd be free for you :-)

train up proetgse you never know it could be good.
PR Models Ltd
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by PR Models Ltd »

would be extremely interested as well ... drop me a line

/Patrick Regnouf
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Keith »

"Well I mean you can plan a volunteer's work but I made requests for work so its just like being a woker which you would pay anyway. I mean you pay ur camera man etc so whats worng with that?"

Yes, but I know the crew I pay can do the job. If I use you for free and you can't do the job, I've still had to pay the performers, travel, location, catering, hire of equipment etc. so I'm ???s out with potentially nothing to show for it. And why would I offer you paid work if you have no experience? If I wanted to train up proteges I've got a bunch of mates forming an orderley queue, so why train up a complete stranger?

I'm always looking for someone to make the tea, hump and dump the equipment, and do the cleaning up after a watersports scene, but I guess that's probably not what you're looking for :)


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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Archangel »

Well water sports ain't my thing and I ain't a big tea drinker :-)

I find it hard to belive there is a way to mess up up the filming though. I mean the red light is on, your recording, check ur view finder to make sure you got the shot right. Not too hard.

Plus everyone is new at some time. The crew, the performer, even you. Someone gave them a chance, gave you a chance. Give a little back you know, its good karma :-)

Plus its not like your making a special shoot just for a newbie. All those costs you mentioned would be there anyway.

Plus this wa sin a wider context of the AITA. It would be them headin gth scheme and such and would give legitimacy to the industry and give a chance to new talents.
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Keith »

"I find it hard to belive there is a way to mess up up the filming though. I mean the red light is on, your recording, check ur view finder to make sure you got the shot right. Not too hard.

Plus everyone is new at some time. The crew, the performer, even you. Someone gave them a chance, gave you a chance. Give a little back you know, its good karma :-)

Plus its not like your making a special shoot just for a newbie. All those costs you mentioned would be there anyway."


1. If you genuinely think there's no way to mess up the filming, and that all you do is check the viewfinder and that the red-light is on, no-one will ever give you a chance to find out how wrong you are at their expense.

2. The only person who ever gave me a chance to learn what I do was me. I raised the money to finance my work and I invested the time in learning. I still do.

3. You're missing my point. While all those costs would be there anyway, with the crew I have the risk of an unuseable shoot is minimal - they've already proved they know what they're doing. Can you imagine how frustrating it is to have performers who deliver a really hot scene that can't be used because it's not been captured properly? I take a big enough risk giving performers a chance - and even then I sometimes get stuff that's only "good enough". I'm sorry, but I don't want to produce material that's "good enough" there's no pride in it.

I understand your frustration. You believe you have skill, knowledge and understanding (or the potential to learn those things) but no-one will give you a chance to prove it. Most of us have been there (more than once, probably!). But the truth is unless you invest in yourself first, no-one else is going to invest in you. This business may be great fun to work in, but it's still a business.


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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Archangel »

Well I mean there probably are many ways to mess up a shot but I thought those would be dealt with before or during the shooting rather then shooting the whole scene and then finding it can't be used.

I mean I know there is techincal issue slike lighting and such but with guidance and knowlege they could be dealt with. Its not like I, or other would not be willing to learn. I mean I am an intelligent guy, its just I find it hard to belive I could mess up a shot so bad it couldn't be used but I'd be willing to learn so not to.

of course its a business, but what are your aims?

I mean you individually wanna do the best scenes you can, be the top, satsify your own creative tastes.

But this thread was about the AITA. The industry as a whole and I believe that what it wanst to to be th ebest it can be, big, real, serious and legitimate.

I mean I like a drink as much as the next guy but the board of the entire industry meeting in a pub? No help for producers, loose collections of inviduals and perfeorfs struggling ain a market full of product and still losing to the US and Europe? I mean does the british industry have its own version of the AVN awards yet? And still having thi sno hardcore by post rule.

I figured they wanted to be big, on par with other industries and made leigtimate so they can get everything they want.

I ain't criticising or judging, just observing. I'd love to see the british adult industry flourish and for that you need dedicted people, smart people, organisation and legitimacy.

That was th epoint in my past posts.
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Jacques »

Archangel wrote:

> I find it hard to belive there is a way to mess up up the
> filming though. I mean the red light is on, your recording,
> check ur view finder to make sure you got the shot right. Not
> too hard.

Hum Bars and that's just for starters...........

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: Producers: AITA needs you!

Post by Keith »

Okay Archangel, I give up :) You're still missing my point - the time it takes for you to learn how not to fuck it up costs money - the producer's money!

But you're right, I've hijacked this thread inappropriately, so I'll leave it at that.

As far as the AITA are concerned, I'll reserve judgement for a while. The only point on Jerry's suggested agenda of interest to me is the BBFC / censorship issue, but for me that's a specialised discussion to be had with the BBFC by someone who understands what BDSM is actually about, and there already are individuals and organisations better placed to fight that battle.

Good luck in finding something,
