Models required

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Models required

Post by RoyR »

Mad Burt wrote:

> "I think to say NO CHAPARONE is dodgey, Its one thing to say
> "No Chaparones in the shooting area, but welcome to wait in
> another room or nearby, but out and out no no, doesnt reflect
> well."
> i can recal a post from a model that claimed she'd been messed
> with and the general advise from some of the girls and webbies
> was to get a chaperone. cant find the bleedin thread now but
> its on these forums somewhere

So what are you implying?

As I said before, I've heard more stories of photographers having problems with chaperones than I have of models having problems with photographers.

Is it not dodgey for a model to have a chaperone when there is no legitimate reason for one?

If you're saying models should have chaperones to prevent being "messed with" then maybe photographers then need chaperones to prevent being messed with by the models chaperone, then maybe the models chaperone needs a chaperone and so on. Sounds silly, but just as silly as having a chaperone in the first place.

Anyway, I'm not argueing over the rights and wrongs of chaperones, the fact is I don't allow them and that's that.

Mad Burt
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Re: Models required

Post by Mad Burt »

ofcourse its up to you who you do or dont allow but if i could find that blasted post youd see what i was saying. i see on the index page to your site you have natalie from stoke. natalie always keeps big gaz in tow as her chaparone and he's a great bloke as you must know so there must be a good case for allowing them but as you say its your buisness and your money and you can and will do what you want.

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Re: Models required

Post by RoyR »

You are right about Natalie (fantastic model by the way) but Gary is her driver rather than her chaperone, he kindly drives her to the shoot and calls back afterwards to collect her when the shoot is over. He's a nice bloke, but like I said before, there is a difference between a chaperone and a travelling companion.

Mad Burt
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Re: Models required

Post by Mad Burt »

you forget not all chaperones sit there watching and growling the more pro workers like gaz have a more pro approach but all the same call him her driver if it makes you feel better but if she feels the need to text he growls. so not all chaperones are ass wipes but models get worried when they are told NO CHAPERONES. i wished someone would find that blasted post

Dont tell me how good you are, show me.
Joe A
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Re: Models required

Post by Joe A »

There are pro's and cons to having a chaperone.

One new model brought a chaperone to our first shoot. This chaperone must have been an all in female wrestler. As soon as she walked in to my place she cased the joint, for want of a better description. She continally made comments during the shoot and really pissed me off by the end of it. Thankfully the model felt the same way, and she came without her the next time.

Then.. When I shot Jade Newman the first time, she brought her b/f. Half way through the shoot she asked me to shoot some b/g of the two of them. Her b/f's jaw hit the ground with shock but... I got some great extra pics... LOL.

I think that the balance is 95/5 of models who go without a chaperone, and of the few who've come to me with them, 99% have just brought the model, had a drink and then left, only to return to pick the girl up at the end.

Most togs/producers don't like chaperones being around due to the model playing up to the b/f or hubby and not concentrating on the work if there's nowhere else but the set for the chaperone to go.

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Re: Models required

Post by Peter »

Mad Burt wrote:

but models get worried when they are told NO

In general, the only ones who worry are the pretend models and never-will-bes who haunt sites like net model, looking for nothing more than an ego boost. The real models take much more reasonable sensible precautions in the first place, such as checking people out with other models, photographers, and editors to establish there credibility. Chaperones are just a fashionable thing to do at the moment amongst the play models ("I'm so beautiful I need a bodyguard") but if it was really about safety, they'd be checking if the photographer has liability cover for accidental injury, but they never do, because thats not trendy.

I myself have no problem with a model being dropped off, the chaperone popping in for a coffe and a chat to satisfy themselves everything is OK, but when the work starts (and it is work, not "a laff") they can go aay and amuse themselves elsewhere. If they think they're watching they've got another think coming, and if they think they're spending the next few hours wandering around my premises unaccompanied, they're wrong again.

There's something more dubious about someone wanting to be watched than someone who doesn't allow it.
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Re: Models required

Post by Loz »

"Author: Officer Dibble
Date: 02-15-06 14:35

"Probably not, because I think most of them have been tattooed before even thinking about becoming models. "

That's most likely correct. But it then begs the question - what made them think that they could become models even though they had tattoos (or no tits 'n' ass for that matter)?"

So are you saying that girls have to have big tits and no tattoos to become models?

Officer Dibble
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Re: Models required

Post by Officer Dibble »

"So are you saying that girls have to have big tits and no tattoos to become models?"

Well, they do if they want to model for me ? here?s one I shot earlier. This is the sort of thing I'm looking for -

Of course girls with tattoos can become models. For insistence, if a girl wants a career modelling for ?What Tattoo Monthly?, ?Illustrated Honeys? or ?Biker?s Mamas?, then having tattoos would be a positive boon.

Officer Dibble

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Re: Models required

Post by Loz »

just because u prefer models with big tits and no tattoos doesnt mean there is no market for models with smaller breasts and tattoos. infact i know there are many models with who dont have big breasts and tattoos and they have excellent careers.

so your post
That's most likely correct. But it then begs the question - what made them think that they could become models even though they had tattoos (or no tits 'n' ass for that matter)?

i think u have every right to ur opinion and to like what u like but to say that i think is wrong women who have tattoos or small breasts or not the kind of bum u like have every right to become a model. because there is a market for every range of model. And i believe those models are just as stunning as those u shoot. and modelling is not all down to if u have big boobs or sexy bum or u have flat stomach it also down to personality and how u are in front of a camera.

that is my opinion

Dont want to offend you but i just thought that your comment was about not becoming a model unless u have stunning arese big tits and no tattoos was wrong.

Officer Dibble
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Re: Models required

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Dont want to offend you but i just thought that your comment was about not becoming a model unless u have stunning arese big tits and no tattoos was wrong."

I'm not offended, Loz. In fact I'm somewhat charmed that you?re so respectful and polite. Of course anyone can become a ?model? nowadays, the bar to entry has been lowered so much that it is now almost non-existent. But in my day you expected a model to look a bit special and be a bit special - to be the sum of all male desire. You expected a model to precipitate a silent, involuntary 'wow' upon casting your first glance at her and for her to continue drawing your gaze thereafter, as if she was imbued by some invisible magnetic force you were powerless to resist. You expected her to have a deep aura of sesuality and sexuality, and in all probability, to be a progeny of Venus herself.

I'm afraid I still do harbour those expectations - why shouldn't I? They used to be fulfilled. Now the world has turned, moved on. Today?s models seem pale asexual shadows of yesterdays love goddesses. But I can?t compromise; I can?t pretend to be the slightest bit impressed. I?ve been spoiled by the infinitely curvaceous dream girls of the 60?s, 70?s, and 80?s, with their full red lips, doe eyes, soft siren voices, and overt, mesmerising, sexuality. There?s no going back after that I?m afraid.

Anyhow, I?ve had a look at your website and you?re a pretty little thing to be sure. Today?s? producers and photographers seem to be following the teen/college girl route, so you should fit in just fine with all that mob ? just don?t let ?em drag you through the gutter, that?s all. Show some class and your stock will rise ? look at Teresa May and Adele. The only cream pie?s they have ever taken are the one?s they serve down at Costa Coffee. Yet, the punters and geezers of the forum are still clamouring for the least little piccy or snippet of video ? almost 15 years after they started in the biz.

Officer Dibble
