Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Mad Burt
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by Mad Burt »

bloody hell as brerbear hacked in to my pc and been reading my notes or does he see the world as it is minus all the bollox. either way i like that song he is singing and perhaps im not just the lone voice after all

Dont tell me how good you are, show me.
one eyed jack
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by one eyed jack »

Brerbear, you make a lot of interesting points that I actually agree with but as the saying goes: Rome wasnt built in a day...I wouldnt purport to hold all the answers here and nor would I give them on this forum...If you want a full reply to this post, please take it to the as I dont feel this forum was meant for our verbal slugfests.

I can see cracks already with webmaster versus product produced for sell through market and little petty beefs....This is not about a group of porno elitists...and all those wishing to join who havent made anything for sale yet shouldnt even consider coming on board...Even if you feel you have great words of wisdom for us because you are a lawyer and such. You can still be part of things in the general forum.

The password protected section is exclusively for producers who want to share resources and cut down on costs and save money by joining forces with projects that I'm sure will bore the pants off those who dont care for this kind of thing...Personally, I suspect some of those who are interested are just sniffing for gossip and general bitchiness in the industry...Sorry folks, contrary to what you may have heard, this doesnt go on there either...

The password protected section is like a war council behind closed doors where the UK producer (who ever they may be) can address his or her problems and share with others to make an easier place for us as producers that have to face the problems everyday that Brerbear has outlined in his post.

If you so wish Brerbear, you can cut and paste your post and leave it in the general discussions forum of the producers forum which I'm sure will get a better response than it will here
one eyed jack
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by one eyed jack »

Sorry to say this Madburt but you come across as antagonistic in your approach in your responses....Whereas Brerbear comes across as intelligent in his snide cynical way. I have more time to answer someone like him than a guy like you who is always vying for a fight.

If you really are that angry about the state of the UK porn industry, stop bashing up on people and do something about it sensibly...We can all waste time styling it like we are hard behind a keyboard and trashing other people but then ...where does it get us...Its all time wasting.

Put that anger into good use instead of taking it out on everyone...Or better still, form your own group of brigands.
one eyed jack
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by one eyed jack »

I see no reason for secrecy

Really? So if you embark on a project arent you concerned that outsiders might steal your ideas for themselves? This is an everyday paranoia with anyone in any business.

I know that we wont get the huge support to begin with until the industry start seeing some sort of results that we mean business. I dont see disclosing our every intention as a valid thing in front of people here at the BGAFD.

Other than that there is nothing secret...Its just we dont want any of our plans scuppered by busy bodies and trouble makers and ...well generally people who like to trash UK porn all the time...Think of it as we are quietly getting on with what we are doing. Minding our own business....Why are you bothered? Are yo a producer yourself? Do you feel left out?

I totally see your point about the majors and I for one was unhappy with my treatment at one company I choose to remain nameless (no prizes for guessing either) which is why my partner and I formed Wrist Action Entertainment...I was pissed off with the way the business is and decided to do my own thing within that business...Right now we are a co-operative distribution company that encorages producers to bring their own product to market by knowing every single unit that is accounted for. Froim comps to sales...I would say hand on heart we are (at least I feel so) the most honest distribution company out there today. We dont do any back door deals and are fully auditable. Does that make us sound wishy washy and stupid? I'll leave that for you to decide but as far as I'm concerned, the producers on hand with us at the moment are the ones that we'll be doing our plans with and by not getting out there suited and booted in swanky hotels to do our business doesnt mean we cant be professional enough to get things done.
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by Cenobitez »

I dont know a whole lot about what either of you are going on about, but what i do know about is marketting and the big fish eating the little fish... and finally about short sightedness.

In the process or doing a models website recently with a Flash Intro, written in perl, with cookies and flatfile db's, all taken care of. It came down to her images, which all the photographers agree'd she could sell them, until her site was up when they wanted EXTORTIONATE amounts or cash for a release.

What has this got to do with your posts you ask ?

Well the photographers in question, I offered a residual income, EVERYTIME someone signed up via their photo-set they got 33% of the net profit from that sign up, potentially ?4-10 each time, which 100 members = ?1000, and its money coming in until the sets so old its useless or the site folds, you may make ?1 or 10,000 who knows. Good Deal yeah ? the content is shot, paid for and months or so old and making you no money, was a single photographer interested ? NO!

They wanted a lump sum payments that starting at ?500, i told each one where the m1 was, and what bridges was best, in the end most was willing to accept ?150, now ?150 Cash NOW or 33% residual ?

The photographers and people in the industry and life in general are ALL short term gain, totally not interested in anything long term, no matter how calculated the risk or how it works or how the figures are.

For the record, i finished my part of the site, I was paid my sum for that, then a few weeks later they had another coder working on it, and paid me again for the copyright and permission to edit my custom software (which i wrote so i owned copyright), and off i went paid which was all i was offered.

I spoke to the model in question maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago, and she is getting 3-6 new members per day, now $100 per day call it, $3000 per month NEW members, and she says 1/3 stay for more than a month, so lets say 1/3 of 150 = 50, so you got over a 3 month period around 300 paying members, so $6000 a month, and that will grow every month, I have no way of verifying these figures, nor do i say they are 100% accurate, this is just based on guess work and the models claims.

There was 3 photographers i was sourcing from, and they accounted for 80% of the content, the other 20% i took some, and a photographer friend of mine did, mainly custom pics for the artwork, so each of them photographers could have been looking at $1000 (?700) per month, but they didnt see it, so they got ?150 (to best of my knowledge) one off.

Everyone does seem to see ONLY the short term gain with little or no risks, which i agree is killing alot of this industry.

Maybe not directed related but seems to one of the pointed raise.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by jackjohnson »


I remember not so long back brebear was pretending to be a producer himself just to take an opportunity to slag off as many models as possible and start up some stupid debate(or should I say arguement).

Its seems to me that brebear isn't happy unless he's trying to be controversial, upset everyone in regards to their spelling or grammar when he really he doesn't exactly have perfect linguistic skills himself and pretend to be something he's not, its a very strange way to get your kicks mate but each to their own I suppose.

You can just tell he's just 'busting his pants' in hopes of getting over 50 replies, which he quite often does as people fall into his nonsense.

OEJ did this guy really tell you he was a lawyer? A Lawyer and a producer/photographer? A busy life you have there mate.
John Mason
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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Post by John Mason »

The fact of the matter is that not ALL the producers in the business like each other and therefore putting them in the same room at the same time is not the best idea I've heard. Mix in some alcohol and you could have a problem!
The only thing that is going to 'fix' this industry is going to take goverment legislation.
First, they legalize mail order, second, you can show R18 on the satellite channels and third, they make the more 'pedestrian' porn into 18 instead of R18, therefore increasing the outlets to sell the DVd's.
Until this happens (if ever!) this business will remain fucked!