Boob jobs

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Boob jobs

Post by Sabrina »

This is a question more for the girls, but guys, feel free to contribute too! As most of you know, I am having my boobs done next week and need to decide what size to go for. I want to be about a C and the implants are measured in cc's. I have been told by my surgeon that 250cc will make me a small C and 270cc a larger C. He has said I cannot go any bigger, as my frame is small and I am quite bony on my chest. I said I want to look fairly natural which is why he has suggested 250cc, as says 270cc may be more obvious, as you may get an outline of the implant.

It's tough to choose, as don't want to think they look too small or too big and obvious!! Mind you, there is only 20cc in it!! Just wondered if anyone else had been in the same position and any advice!!

Thanks a million

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Re: Boob jobs

Post by rgb »

I fancy something like this:


only joking, Fran

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Re: Boob jobs

Post by Luke-frenchy »

Hi Sabrina,
Please choose 270cc or over :)
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Re: Boob jobs

Post by Tequila_Woods »

Sabrina....Public forums are probably not the best place to ask advice on such a personal decision hun. Remember, you are the one thats going to have to live with the boobies, so what other people think doesnt really matter. Do what you think is right and what your surgeon advises you to do!

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Re: Boob jobs

Post by myson »

Hi Sabrina,

I would agree with Tequila, all I would add is get what you want and what looks the most natural to you.


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Post by Jonone »

When you decided you would get it done you must have given it some thought as to what size you would like to be, and more recently you've been presented with a choice between 250 and 270. However, you've also been given a professional opinion too.

As you've described it in your post, I would say go for 250. If the priority is to look natural, then it sounds like 250 should be your choice. But, of course, it is your choice.

Every good wish for the op and afterwards.
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Re: Boob jobs

Post by Sabrina »

Nah, the nipples look a bit white!!

I know the choice is ultimately mine, just wondered if any girls had been in the same position.