How Do British Girls Get Work?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by planeterotica »

Basically times are good and there is plenty of money around, some of us older ones can remember when it wasnt always like this when people were glad of any job that came their way, i dont think any of us wish to go back to the dark days but who knows what the future holds, my advice to any model is grab any worthwile job and honour all your bookings because you never know whats round the corner.

one eyed jack
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by one eyed jack »

Damn reading all this makes me feel like I'm on a little isalnd all on my own. Who are these models that don't turn up for jobs? Don't get me wrong 600+ shoots later I have only experienced a few letdowns. Some for a variety of legitimate reasons. Is it really that bad now?

Mind you, the more bodies you book for a shoot you can guarantee late arrivals and a no show. Thats just the nature of the beast. Its not acceptable but thats usually how it is

i would have to agree with Ian too. Unreliable people should get nipped in the bud quick fast and told to ones fellow colleagues but as Ian has aid, other producers think they'll take the chance until they come unstuck. I'm privy to a lot of inside info. Knowledge is power! probably why i am very calculating about who i get to do shoots and with whom compared to those that just rush in without knowing anything about a model except to say she does anal therefore book her then on the day find out she can't do it because her arse was mullahed on another producers shoot the day before.

its hard enough to make the movie you see in your minds eye without having to deal with this unprofessional bull shit
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Walpole Are the best

Post by laralatex »

For years now I have mantained that you are the best and I will stick to that. You try your damned hardest if there is a no show. Myself and Jim have been around for years and will always use you as our agent to book the girls because when the chips are down no other people will work as hard as you both to try and keep a shoot going. Respect! Every penny spent is worth it if you are a professional and have built a rep with these guys. When I first met u 6 years ago I was shit scared but now you are on my 1471 list (don't tell Jim that lol) and have the best business sense out of all the model agencies. Thanx guys (an gals) xx

'Fun for all and all for fun'! Atex
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by tas »

I have to agree with Terry here, in the past few years we have only experienced a couple of let downs, and in a couple of hundred scenes that isnt bad going. The girls we have worked with that have replied to this thread (Lara, wendy and kazb) have all been very reliable and professional. a couple of times we have needed a model at short notice and walpole have always helped us out and the girls booked through walpole have always showed up..

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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Peter »

tas wrote:

> I have to agree with Terry here, in the past few years we have
> only experienced a couple of let downs, and in a couple of
> hundred scenes that isnt bad going. The girls we have worked
> with that have replied to this thread (Lara, wendy and kazb)
> have all been very reliable and professional. a couple of
> times we have needed a model at short notice and walpole have
> always helped us out and the girls booked through walpole have
> always showed up..

Maybe thats because, generally, most of the models you'll be dealing with are in the hardcore area, and have managed to work their way through the standard solo stuff before deciding to go hard. As comparatively few girls go straight into hard work, those that get to the point of choosing to do b/g will have proved themselves at the soft levels, which will, in effect, act as a natural filter for the girls you work with.

Its the "wannabe in FHM" and the chav car mag wannabees where the problems begin.
We have need of you again, great king.
Darren Morgan
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Darren Morgan »

This situation exsisits in the industry be it here, Europe or USA. The difference is everyone else just gets on with it and accepts it for what it is. Fact is, in Europe and US the industry is in such good shape that it probably goes un-noticed. Yes, it's annoying when a model lets you down, but i am honest enough to say that i also have cancelled models, very rare, but i have.

The majority of models i book always turn up, i can count the no shows on one hand. Ok, I'm still quite new to Production and learning all the time but what i see already in the UK is that we like to complain, bitch and slag off our own industry. This is maybe why we are lacking compared to europe and the US. If we all supported each other and looked for ways to improve our industry, as a whole, not divided, maybe we would be better for it.

I am proud to be a British producer and hopefully one day the UK will be up there with the best of them, I will always prefer to shoot British girls and maybe we would have more models to choose from if our country treated them with more respect instead of frowning upon the industry. In the US the porn stars are treated as exactly that, STARS, they are celebrities. The girls in the industry are working in the industry because of demand, demand to see naked girls, demand to see sex, the country wants to see them, but will not recognise them! there lies the problem.

Darren Morgan
P M Productions LTD
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by conovia »

My Goodness what a grumpy Brerbear! Or are you just looking to try and cause arguments and upset who ever decides make a comment on this thread? Don't you think its "unpro-like" to jump down everyones throats in whatever industry you say you are in?

Or are you just eagerly waiting at your PC fingers twitching with anxiety just to shove your opinion down everyones throat and throw insults around desperately hoping that you will get more than 20 replies? Well congratulations you have well done?

Final say
I thought this forum was for fans to interact with models and producers alike and a place where models and producers can promote their work see
not make us suffer with all this moaning and groaning and then hope someone bites so you can have a pop at them bottom line is if you dont like it and you are unprofessional enough to take the rough with the smooth then perhaps you should get a job as parking attendant or bailiff where you can really piss people off and make them miserable.

Final final say(no really)
My hands are now twitching with anxiety awaiting your response....Nah I lied I really don't care just chill out and smile life really ain't that bad. By the way whats your email address and contact details? I thought most pros have contact details?
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by ReneeRichards »

Ha ha Brerbear!! No wonder girls don't answer their phones/emails to you, nor do they show up... I wouldn't want to talk/email or work for you if this is all you do, bitch and slag off the adult industry and more importantly the models.

Cheer the f*ck up you miserable c*nt, you're shooting p*ssy at the end of the Day!!

And by the way.. Its not just england that gets cancellations, it happens all over the world.
Poppy Morgan
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Poppy Morgan »

I dont know who you are and i dont believe i have worked with you, and after your comments probably never would but i am proud to say that i cant think of a shoot i have cancelled without genuine reason, and the shoot has been re-arranged without problem. I have had shoots cancelled on me, but thats life, glad for a day off ! as for your quote

"Every other girl in the industry needs to take a leaf out of their book, wise up or get another job".

On behalf of that 99% i think i am right by saying "F*CK YOU" !
