How Do British Girls Get Work?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Walpole »

Ok Producers, Models and other Agents. Can't keep my mouth shut on this one.

It is a double edged sword. It is amusing to see a Model post on this forum who has let Walpole down claiming to be reliable and u know who u are!!

Rarely does a profsessional company cancel a shoot I admit it does go on but more so with Amateur bookings.

The state of the industry in the Uk is a joke to all other terrortories across the world, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of producers and Models.

Models you know why you are to blame with the exception of 20 who have 100% attendance record.

Producers you will know that a Model has failed to attend a shoot for someone else but deny the past history and work under the presumption that she will turn up for you, this has gone on for years and while producers have the attitude of I need my product and I will shoot a particular Model because she is pretty and I will risk a no show, besides she will arrive for me because its me or im paying good money or she likes working with so and so. If a Model lets one person down without a legitamate and genuine excuse then that is an excellent indication she should not be booked, I challenge anyone to say they have not booked a Model just like above.

If the Models were not so unreliable we at Walpole would not be in business so thank you all. I realise I making no friends here but it needs to be said.

Another major problem is there is very little professionalism everyone wants to save ?20 and book direct when things go wrong they start to realise that maybe they should not have done so, especially when the excuse is I want more money now or I forgot my test is out of date.

Book through an Agent who knows their job, trust them to tell you who will be there and who wont believe it or not WE KNOW......... Please note we have the occassional no shows and always do our best to find a suitable replacement, you will also find no Model will let us down twice or they can work for another Agency. For the sake of clarrification you may pay a little more but you will shoot that day.

One final point the Uk pays peanuts and has done so for years and years and years, it is also the only country where a Model can let 20 companies down everyone knows and yet another 20 companies still want to book her. THAT IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS.

By the way i know you will all reply but what i have said is correct and anyone who knows this business must agree.

Ok im ready for the flack...

Kind regards

Ian Gill
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by davewells »

Ian - superb ! I totally agree !
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Marino »

Don't worry about making friends Ian you never had any in the first place.

By the way to others this is a joke. Ian is one of my oldest and best friends.

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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Peter »

Passionthemodel wrote:

> I understand your angry but we arnt all the same and I do know
> how you feel.
> xx Natasha Harris xx

Maybe you're not all the same, but it does seem the majority are unreliable, which affects the few reliable genuine models. Perhaps if the real models would actually realise this is a business, rather than a sisterhood where every model must be defended regarless of her sins, and start 'throwing out' the bad ones, we may start the recovery.
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by planeterotica »

Yes Ian you are correct on all counts and i have booked models through Walpoles before and on one occassion the model never appeared but you worked your butt of to find a replacement which you did ,there is no simple answer to this you pay your money you take your chances.

Joe A
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Joe A »


How can anyone have a go at you .. Walpole go out of their way to find us models... It was you who found me Kela 2 hrs before my first ever shoot that was being filmed for Ch 5 all those years ago, and something I'll never forget, as you had no idea who I was.. I bet you wish you didn't know me some times today ... LOL

Agencies are the poor guys stuck in the middle of the problem. You can't be held responsible for a model letting us down at the last minute. That is down to them. Thank god only one model has ever done this to me. It took 3 attempts till she showed and I have to say... It was worth the wait.. LOL.

All this is the nature of the UK adult industry, unfortunately. We are not the big porn studios in the US where a model can do 2-3 totally different scenes in a day for different companies.. Over here we have great transport systems known as British Rail and London Transport who can often lend a hand by giving us problems, as well as our motorways which are often closed.. :)

As for UK rates.. Are they that low, as some seem to think ? I'm not harking back to **********s post a while ago, where he said he was going to pay more, but if rates were raised then maybe that would be incentive for a model to show up :) I know that most togs/producers here are independent and aren't given a budget to work with, so instead of doing 3 shoots a week and paying X, why not cut back to 2 and pay X+ ?

Lets be honest, the UK adult industry compared to the US, is no different to comparing mainstream UK films to those made in Hollywood... That's life

Rude Boy
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Rude Boy »

Shit...who'd be a model? I can only conclude that in Hungary and the Czech Republic people must be healthier, cars and mobile 'phones are more reliable, taxis and trains are more reliable, there is less handbag theft and people enjoy less traumatic relationships because in two years of working here I've NEVER been let down.
Bob Singleton
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Bob Singleton »

I agree wholeheartedly with Ian.

I see the exact same things happening in the strip industry. Everyone wants to save a couple of quid so they try and book dancers direct, but it's agents like me they turn to at 9.00pm on a Friday night saying "can you send us a couple of girls right now... we're having a stag do but the two girls we booked havn't turned up and the guys are getting pissed off"

As for the dancers... the worst offenders are the English girls, who think it's their God-given right to be offered work, but equally their God-given right to accept another, potentially better paid, job and not bother saying anything to anyone. I've lost count of the times I've called girls asking if they're available for a particular date to be told "I've got a booking with xyz that night but I can cancel them and do yours instead" I ALWAYS tell them not to cancel and that I'll find someone else. If I know the other agent involved I'll call them to let them know in case the girl calls them later to try and cancel the booking.

The most reliable girls are the Brazilians and the East Europeans. Always on time. Always get ready as soon as they arrive and only then have a drink/cigarette break if there is time before the show. Always reply to messages left. Rarely lose their phones or their sense of direction.

But it's not just in the adult entertainment industry that people are unreliable. This is very much a BRITISH disease.

In August 2004 I had a house fire. In January the builders were ready to start re-instatement work, which should have been completed end of April. As it was I moved back in end of July, fully 3 months later than scheduled. In spite of all this extra time, the work hadn't been properly carried out and the builders had to come back late August to put right their mistakes (which on the whole they failed to do).

Most days the builders arrived at about 8.00am and would set their tools and materials out. By 9.00am (no real work having been carried out) they would adjourn to a nearby greasy spoon to get their breakfast. At about 10.00am they would return and work sporadically (in between tea breaks and fag breaks) until about 12.30 when they would down tools for lunch. Back just before 2.00pm, they would then "work" until about 3.30pm, when they would start packing up their tools... something which took them at least an hour to do. No wonder it took so long for my house to be re-instated.

The other week I had some Polish builders in to re-do some of the shoddy work done by the British builders. They arrived at 7.30am, started work at 8.00am on the dot (local regulations don't allow building work before 8) and worked without a break until gone 2.00pm. They stopped for about half an hour to eat their sandwiches and then continued until nearly 7.00pm, by which time the work was all done and the place left spotlessly clean!

God I hate this country at times!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
Officer Dibble
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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"The state of the industry in the Uk is a joke to all other terrortories across the world, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of producers and Models."

I like this man! More please.

"I realise I making no friends here but it needs to be said."

It certainly does and it's like a breath of fresh air to finally hear it being said - instead of the pukeworthy fawning and sycophancy of some contributors here. Sir, I salute you!

I must also say how impressed I have been with Walpole?s services on the odd occasions I have used them. All the girls turned up at the appointed time ?n? place and Ian?s staff seemed really on the ball and concerned that our shoots should off without a hitch. Thank you.

Officer Dibble
