Conflicting advice from different clinics

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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by laralatex »

Not scaremongering, just telling what I know. Popping antibiotics without going to see a doctor has been rife for years. Most people have probably worked with someone who does this, they just didn't know.

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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by jayme »

there are people who self treat!!!???????!!!!

jesus i would have thought that working in an industry which involves alot of unprotected sex would highten peoples awareness of STD's and would mean they were more careful with their own health.... self treatment is not an option for any infection whether it be an STD or chest infection... it is like lara stated going to produce super bugs which brings to mind MRSA and the dangers that has put upon the NHS.

There is no excuse for putting other people at risk and yes the population as a whole needs more education on the damage that STD's cause...

In another thread some valued points were raised about the sexual contact workers have outside of the industry.

In my opinion the increase in STD's which you are all worried about hasn't arisen from the industry itself but from JOE PUBLIC. And I agree with graham but this is NOT scaremongery matey..... someone showed some concern and someone will always raise the issue of STD's If I can help educate people I am gunna voice my knowledge just as someone who knows about R18/adult content laws etc are going to share their knowledge!

As this forum is not only for adult industry workers, anyone can read its threads, then my advice gets across to others too! I work on NHS forums not really dissimilar to this one (minus the porn) to help raise peoples awareness so being rather blunt and to the point is the only way the message gets across! The Net is a powerful health education tool.

I still go along to GU med but every 6 months now as I am retired and not because I think my boyfriend will or has cheated on me because I know for sure he would never do that but because vaginal infections can still arise in a loving commited relationship such as bacterial vaginosis,recurrent thrush infections, and bladder/kidney infections which can lead to sexual health problems.

The herpes virus and genital warts are not infections that go away totally so still need monitoring even if the infection is not active as it can lead to cervical cancer FACT! Oh and that is something to be scared of! Did you know that due to the increase in STD's cervical cancer which was once classed as an 'older ladies' disease is now affecting women as young as 16!
Don't let yourself become a statistic.

GU Med clinics are not just for the promiscuous which is the stigma attached to the people who attend them but for the people who want to maintain there own health and fertility. It isn't embarrassing to go and if i was still looking for a partner i would appreciate it that others were conscientious enough to look after themselves.

Please please please go for regular check ups that means even you who don't work in the industry! You see your G.P if you have a nasty cold so why not if you have an increase in vaginal discharge or achey bollocks!

Anyone need any advice contact NHS direct they offer a confidential service which is second to none!

Play safe

Jayme x
Jayme xxx
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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by planeterotica »

I agree Jayme with regular check ups but as i stated before most people within the adult industry are aware of the risk and therefore do get checked on a regular basis if only to get their certs so they can continue working, but there may be some that do not abide by the rules, but as far as the joe public is concerned it is almost certain that a lot of people of both sexes are walking around with STDs and dont know that they have them and having unprotected sex and it is these uninformed people that you need to get the message across to and if posting on this forum does just that then that is a good thing. So it seems that working within the adult industry is much safer than having sex outside of it providing that everyone has regular checks and abides by the rules.

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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by planeterotica »

Jayme, just a thought if you are as qualified as you say and i am not doubting you then why not open your own clinic for people within the adult industry and others of course, im sure that most people would rather visit someone like yourself for checks and to get their certs as you have worked within the industry and have an understanding of it, furthermore people could state that they will only work with others whos certs have been supplied by you and if there is any doubt over the certs a quick phone call to you quoting a ref: number on the certs could verify if they are valid or not no name would need to be mentioned, this would help to eradicate the dodgy certs and riskers and make the industry a more safer place to work in, just a thought.

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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by jayme »

If i won the lottery maybe! you would need more than just a nurse and the equipment would cost millions not to mention appropriate property. So I am gunna stick to my job as it is easier for someone to pay me than for me to pay others.

I posted my response on here because i read the threads which others have posted to do with GU Med and it alarmed me that there was so much conflicting advice floating around.
I work primarily for womens services (which includes GU med) and a massive part of my role is health education and sourcing forums like this adding correct advice when needed. We are concerned our service for people who work in the adult industry is lacking due to the high demand from the general public but we also recognise that the people who do work in the industry are far more health concious than the rest all we wish is that people are honest with us so we can provide the correct information and a better service to you. We are more broad minded than you may think.

Anyone who needs advice or help should contact the clinic they attend, their own G.P or try NHS direct... Please do not accept advice given on here by other performers as being the correct way to practice.

Please play safe and look after yourselves, we don't want to have the problems that the US had

Jayme xxx
Jayme xxx
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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by laralatex »

Just thought I'd add in response to my own thread (!) that i've NEVER self treated myself and never would.

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Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Post by Avalon »

I think its very worrying some of the things that have been posted above. Thankfully its only STD that are being discussed, say if was HIV as Jayme said it would be very serious for us all, I take my sexual health very seriously and I dont let anyone near me expect my partner and the guys who I work with.

I have heard a few worrying rumours about performers in our industry, they could just be rumours, but if they are true it scares me!!

Back to what Lolly posted I have walked off quite a few sets and refused to work with some of the models, mainly foreign, as I had suspicions and it best to be safe than sorry! its your health and you are the only one who can take care of it.......

I heard there is alot of STD going round and i was told by my clinic if you get any STD you cant have sex for 10 days. I am not going to do any hardcore scenes for a few weeks, hopefully it will clear up. if people are working with an STD its just a viscious cycle. I think we should take more care of each other coz it could one day be a worst infection and we will all be affected. I do feel verystrongly about this topic! please lets all be safe:)
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Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Post by planeterotica »

Panorama BBC1 22-15 this Sunday.

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Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Post by BGAFD Admin »

Panorama: Love Hurts

BBC One - 10:15pm, Sunday 16 October 2005

"How the STI epidemic is overwhelming Britain's sexual health service"
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Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Post by planeterotica »

I must make a point that i agree with everything that has been said above, but concerning the forthcoming Panorama programme on the said subject and i hope i can stay awake long enought to view it most of these T.V. Documentries are about the dark side of things and they try to paint a black picture for sensationalism, S.T.D.s have been around since time began, i bacame sexually active in the 60s and condoms were a rare thing you had to go to a chemist and ask for them or the hairdresser would ask if you would like something for the weekend, i expect that the rise in S.T.D.s is because more people are being tested therefore more is being diagnosed, if everone took notice of the scaremongers then civilisation would have become lost years ago as protective sex produces few babies. As i have stated before that within the adult industry in the U.K. there is less risk than within the general population of catching a S.T.D. providing everyone sticks to the rules.
