Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

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Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I got an email from a model agent that im not registered with but i had seen their website a few times asking me to do a job handing out leaflets at a car dealerships open day...Apparently Max Power were going to be there also. I agreed, emails went back and forth and it was all set.

I get a call a few days before asking me if i wanted to go down the night before, he would sort out the hotel and i could do a freebie photoshoot for him. He mentioned that he did all levels including adult so if i needed any pics, i could have a copy. I politely declined saying i had enough images in my portfolio.

I called him yesterday (around 4pm) to let him know that my boyfriend would be driving me to the location (i didnt want to go on my own after having him asking me to stay at a hotel and give him a free shoot) and could i have the address. He said he was on his way home would email it to me when he got back. I checked my email several times and still hadnt got it by 9pm so i called him back and then got it. His reason was that he had forgot.

We drive down there this morning, get to the location before he does and, as iv never worked for any of these people before i mention payment to the guy whos running the show. He says that he is paying the agent an overall fee by cheque. I say ok, ill sort it out with the agent when he gets there. I call the agent and let him know that ill be needing cash payment, not cheque and his response was 'Well i havnt got a cheque book and iv not got any cash so ill have to go to a supermarket and get some cashback on my credit cards to pay you'

Riiight ok then, well professional!!

Im getting changed in a back room and the owner comes and knocks on the door telling us we have to leave with this massive security guy because he's not doing business with the agent anymore and just wants to leave it. Thats fair enough, i can see him point as this agent has not got a professional bone in his body. I go downstairs and see the agent and tell him i still need my expenses paying as its cost me 20 quid in petrol to get there. He umms and aaahs and tells me it must be my fault, i must of pi***d him off.

I eventually get 20 quid out of him for petrol money but bloody hell!!! How this man manages to run a business with these organisation skills is beyond me.

If any one would like to know who it is then PM me as i wouldnt trust this guy with any model, particularly the newer girls.

***Since posting this on another modelling site iv had replies from another pro model who sent me this -

"I knew it! he has been trouble from the start - it's not even a proper agency and he apporaches all the new girls who sign up here.

He was a "stylist" on a shoot I did (photographer was fab tho!) - and all the way home (and there) he was just really pervy"***

brit lover
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Re: Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

Post by brit lover »

Hi tequila hun could u email me this persons info direct im wondering if this is the same guy who asked me to do some photography for them he wanted to bring some cars down my at my gaf this week & i was supplying 2 models thanks hun sorry to hear this assholes sent u on a wild goose chase
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Re: Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

Post by Tequila_Woods »

Iv emailed you hun.

Anyone else who wants to know who this is - email me and ill happily tell you

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Re: Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

Post by Jayr »

Simon Flex? lmfao!
Posts: 16
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Re: Dodgy agent...Warning for girls

Post by PDA »

Hiya, here, could you give us the web address of this guys web page as we would be interested in approaching some of his girls. If he is as useless as you say we could generate some new contacts from the site. cheers. You can reach us via the email address you already have.

Kind regards

ps we have work for you in a TV commercial if you are interested, and haven?t received our mail yet.
Posts: 1760
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Tequila_Woods »

Iv not received an email from you ??? Please resend -
