Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
one eyed jack
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by one eyed jack »

Any self respecting parent would never put their children on tv to confront these issues anyway. Nowt to do with bravery as utter stupidity.

I am really surpirised as a woman this Tori should think about doing a programme like this...She obviously has no children of her own otherwise she would never have asked put a request in for this. Despicable!
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by Jacques »

The clue is in the name Tori as in Tory

Nuff Said.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by Digi-Guy »

Ah but you are wrong

She does have children which she ate whilst make her last docustitchup on film for national tv.

Shame it was canned

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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by steveb »

I'm not sensing a whole lot of love in this room?

Deep breaths everyone, picture your quiet place....


*achieves serenity and oneness with the universe*
VFX artist, occasional porno-maker and frequent pub denizen.
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by b217bravo »

This posting has quite rightly, imho, been well flamed but it raises a question in my mind, would a girl who has been/is in the adult entertainment business encourage a daughter, when old enough of course, to follow in her footsteps or advise against it?

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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by Cerberus »

Strangely, perhaps understandably, no response or attempt to justify the cause as yet. Are you watching Tori? Or has the idea lost its appeal?

Yours cynically, et al..................
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It's been done already, in a way

Post by Ned »

The idea of profiling a porn star and showing her as a normal person who has a family life has already been done.

No attempt was made to interview her children about her job, because no respectable broadcaster or programme maker would even think of putting children in that position.

What do you think people in the porn industry do by the way? Talk about their jobs to their kids over the breakfast table?

If the point of your film is to find out what impact parents having sex with other people has on their children, you could knock on any door in the UK and ask. You'd only need to try four or five times before you hit gold. Probably even less.
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Re: Don't they make u want to puke?

Post by robbie »

Hi Tori listen to the above!!!! as usual sound advice from sound Caring people .....Robbie
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by miniskirts4u »

Judging by the tv company name, will u be having jim bowen or tony green wheeling out a model at the end saying, "here's where you could have cum!"
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Re: Adult entertainment stars needed for TV documentar

Post by Tequila_Woods »

This is the most ridiculous request iv read in a long time...and i get asked to do alot of ridiculous things!

I regularly get asked to go on various chat shows, documentaries etc and the answer is always the same. FUCK OFF! No matter how much they tell yoou its going to be in a different light, its not going to be a part of the 'lets slag the porn industry off' brigade, its undoubtedly always going to be. But to involve somes CHILDREN in this is absolutely dispicable.(sp.)

Do these people really think that any parent, never mind whether they are an adult performer or not would put their kids in this situation? A parent is a parent way before they are an adult performer.
