American abuse websites?

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Dan Zig
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by Dan Zig »

and there are a lot more gag sites
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Rebekah smiling with Max link

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Each to his own,like what you like and forget the rest

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

You could try a search here

900,000 sample galleries will lead you to a plethora of sites

Just pick a term to search under

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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by jimslip »

So I speak the "language of the enemy"? Also I've read other posts who say "He's a really nice guy".

So does that mean if you'd met the Yorkshire Ripper in a pub and found him to be "A really nice guy", you'd forgive him once you'd found out he was a pyschotic murderer. After all in his sick mind he was using the same logic as producers of abusive porn, ie the girls "deserved it" as they were "Dirty whores".

I can see where you are all coming from, I hate censorship. But unfortunately we do have a reponsibility. Our society is sick, you cannot walk the streets without fear of being mugged, raped, stabbed and now bombed.

There are many men who would interpret the work of the likes of Max HC as sanctioning or at least condoning the general abuse of women. Whether the parties in the scenes agree to it or enjoy the experience is irrelevent.

Hence the recent case in Germany, where a cannibal was charged with murder although his victim had agreed, to be diced, fried and served up with a side-salad! By your logic, the nut-case should have not only gone free, but applauded for "expressing himself"

If we lived in a balanced and sane society, I agree, that you should be able to artistically express our work in any way that we see fit. But I have to say, that, extending to these producers the mantle of "Artistic" is a mistake. They are slapping women around to make money, not to make a point. By the same token, these people are so devoid of any kind of morality, that the only thing that stops them broadcasting torture and the law. The law that you hate and the law that you will seek to protect you, in the unfortunate event, that you ever fall victim to some homicidal maniac who has been influenced by something he's viewed on the internet.

We'd don't live in a gold-fish bowl, isolated from society. Unlike any other audio/visual art, our work is generally viewed privately, peoples'responses to our work are kept secret to themselves. Many people would watch Max HC work and perhaps use elements they'd seen in consensual role play games with their partners. Fine. But what about the handful of sickos who having watched, decide to take Max's work out into the night and apply it in a more practical way.

The real question is, the simple understanding of what is "right" and "wrong". I believe it is "wrong" to abuse and slap women in the way Max and others enjoy.

If that makes me "The Enemy" then so be it.
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by eroticartist »

Max makes films about dirty sex not about murder!
Mike Freeman
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by eroticartist »

Always talking about murder
one eyed jack
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by one eyed jack »

Ladies and gentlemen please, lerts not get carried away here. Mike, I think its Lara speaking on Jims handle. I can understand where you are both coming from.

It is dismissive to compare Max Hardcore to a murdering german cannibal serial killer. To use the word art is subjective. Max is making the kind of porn that he thinks is good, which is something we all do...and most of us seem to think we are re-inventing the wheel for the kind of porn we represent by trashing the next mans work as inferior.

I'm not saying anybody should be happy with it but to infringe this man from making his style of video (with consensual, participants of legal age) is to deny his freedom of expression. if we were to impose our dislikes on the likes of Max Hardcore, where do you think we should draw the line?

To draw a line is then limiting porn within confines, where you get the same old standard, but acceptable, blowjob, anal, facial cumshot on face because it is the acceptable norm. There will always be people like Max Hardcore and Rob Black who will say "Fuck this boring shit, lets get everyone coked out of their face and fuck the shit outta everyone!!!" As I said, not my cup of tea but for the followers of this sort of thing, who buy into it, who participate in it, who make it have a right to do so.

To kill someone during the making of one is most definitely illegal and lets not be silly, would never be acceptable by societys standards, no matter how low our morals descend.

It wouldnt surprise me if someone does get into "fake" murder porn which quite rightly will be met with outrage from many people, if it isn't done already, but as i said, theres a lot of things I don't like in the world, including racism but hey, its there and will always be there...What'cha gonna do?
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by jimslip »

I notice you call yourself "Erotic Artist", presumably you consider yourself to be elevated above the likes of me and others who'd call themselves, "Director" or "Pornographer". So in the light of this, ie you being an "Artist", you should be able to defend and justify your "Art".

So, as I've put forward a reasoned argument as to why I consider slapping women around is wrong. Why don't you put together a similar argument to to justify why you believe that the depiction of hitting, choking and general abusing of women is right and proper, as you obviously do.

Incidentally, you say that Max doesnt make films about murder.............but don't you think he'd would be happy to depict murder in his films, if 1/ it was legal and 2/ he could make an extra few bucks?

But of course you'd say "Why not, he's such a nice guy."
Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Officer Dibble
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Re: American abuse websites?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Don't know about dirty sex, but he certainly makes films about 'divi sex'. In fact, the ?sex? is that fuckin? divi that it's not really sex at all.

I recall the first 'Max' film I saw, back in the mid 90's. Me 'n' my associate had just taken delivery of a fresh shipment of pornos (lovely jubbley) and we were flicking though them to see what was what. So, we get to this Max Hardcore movie, and looking at the cover we assumed he must be some kind of cross between Crocodile Dundee and Buttman. So we pop the tape into the machine and settle down to see some shafting. Anyhow, on comes this Max Hardcore geezer and a thin, scraggy, little trailer park sort, with her hair done up in pigtails. And hey, to be frank, she wasn't very attractive, she was a scrag end. Oh well, on with the show... So, Max starts fingering, fondling, pushing and pulling, this unhappy example of the female sex,? and he continues fingering and fondling her.... So, I?m thinking 'OK, anytime now he's going to get down to business and get her to smoke his beef.' But half an hour or so later he's still pushing and pulling her, bending her into all sorts of shapes, splaying her arse cheeks and fanny, and, if I recall correctly, inserting some object (a bottle maybe, into her various orifices). This bollocks seemed to go on for an eternity, and I'm getting more and more uncomfortable and tense, till at last I could take it no more. If I had been on the set at that point I would have jumped up and exploded, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, MAN? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER, YOU SOFT TWAT! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUCKIN' FUCK FILM! SO, WHY PRAY, ARE YOU NOT FUCKING HER? LOOK, STOP TWATTING ABOUT LIKE A CUNT AND GET ON WITH IT. OR I'LL CHIN YER!"

Yep, I was pretty pissed off by this time. Firstly, this was not sex as the vast majority of people understand it; it was bollocks (and quite probably, pretentious bollocks). And secondly, I was aggrieved that I had sat though this shit, because I had faith that the geezer would eventually deliver what I, and everyone else whose not a divi, expect from a fuck film - that is, agreeable fucking and sucking. And he did not.

Officer Dibble
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just to let you know

Post by laralatex »

To let you know that the only time I spoke on jim slips handle was just that one time, the rest of the time its actually him. I was on the beach sunning myself!
Thanx again to the rest of you who came up with some suggestions :)

'Fun for all and all for fun'! Atex