Hardcore industry

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Alexis Silver
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Hardcore industry

Post by Alexis Silver »

Just who the hell do you think you are?!!!!!

Firstly, to call the people in this industry is not only wholly mistaken but highly unfair. You

Secondly, do you think you are better than us because you 'only have sex with your husband on film' and you are a glamour model? (I think 'glamour' is really stretching it there dear).If you do, you are so, so, wrong. you obviosly haave issues with more than just the adult industry. Indeed, it would seem that you find anybody who has casual sex 'cheap'. judging by the look of you, I think it's fair to say that you've probably had very few sexual partners and are perhaps jealous of the women and men who have enough confidence to do what we do.

As in the post above, this forum is for those who working within adult films and publications. So why bother coming on here and berrating people who have no impact on your life? Or is that you just caught your beloved watching a porn film?
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Hardcore industry

Post by staceyowenfan »

Kandi i am neither an actor nor a producer-and personally i think you are extremely attractive with a really nice face.. but to come on a forum which is designed for the promotion of pornographic materials and refer to actresses who do hardcore work as "prostitutes" is hardly going to illicit much respect or possible job offers is it.?.. merely going to alienate you from prospective colleagues imho.
It of course is your choice what level you work to but surely it is wrong to be so judgemental about what other models choose to do. its their bodies and their lives after all.. and it is the "adult film industry" i might add
my tuppence.. end of..
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Hardcore industry

Post by Coolcat »

Where do I start?
"I won't do hardcore unless I do it with my husband"
"The way I see it people who do hardcore are just cheap"
So, regardless of who you do it with, if you're happy to do hardcore, you've just called YOURSELF cheap!

C'mon, let's get real, if you'd been offered non-hardcore work, you wouldn't have this kind of attitude.
The fact is, you don't have the look for glamour work, but you can't face up to that, so you criticise others.
The problem lies with you.
mr -spunky
Posts: 27
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Re: Hardcore industry, the self rightous are amons

Post by mr -spunky »

hi kandi whilst i respect you are a glamour model why are you posting on bgafd i know many glamour models who are also porn stars and no one on this site is a prostitute all of the ladies on here work to there specified remits and are good at what they do fair enough you only do things with your husband but this site is about working with consensually orientated adult performers and stars ..no one in the genuine adult industry are prostitutes to say so is a generalisation extremely unfair and actually not true, regardless of what the media tv etc say to call male performers and ladies pimps and prostiturtes is wrong /....we do accept apologies ..you do offend us as obviously you have no concept of the adult uk industry all i can say is get a life, you can do what you want but pleeease do not impose your morale high ground on us ....we dont have a go at you how would you feel if we had a go at you ..its a live and let live world actually we are all tested clean and d/d free what about you!we have certs bet you dont! true you are entitled to your opinion problem is you are misinformed ,biased,self rightouus and basically in the wrong place please do us all favour and save your sermon for the pulpit! go get a life and preach your crap to the born again please check me out everyone at www.mr-spunky.com a guy who actually cares and concerns for the ladies he works with lol

ready to shoot
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Hardcore industry

Post by nakedbritain »

How long have you been trying to get in to this industry and make it. It is tough to try and make a living in it unless your lucky. Also how many years does a model, porn actress have before no one will use them because they have been shot to death, still pictures or on vid. I think you are unfair with what you say because these girls do not go out every day night after night to sleep with strangers for a couple of quid so they can pay some bills. If you do not want to do hardcore that is your choice but please do not run other people down for doing it.
You have a pretty face and a nice body but your boobs do you no favours at all, your nipples are totally in the wrong place. They just do not look right and I am sure it puts a lot of photographers off from using you. These days with so much porn around it gets tougher to make it, you have to come up with things nobody else seems to do. I do wish you luck but you are not going to make many friends in this industry by slagging them off and it they you are going to need to get on in the indusytry.

Do not bite the hand that feeds you.
Let the Trumpet sound and the note to mount, they have said their preys and they stay for Death. (Henry V)