Adult Channel XXX & Splat

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stm distribution
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by stm distribution »

you cant produce much on the budget most of them pay they dont even cover ex's
then they tell you their skint and can they pay you in three months time
waste of time the lot of em and if R18 is allowed on these stations (which i dont think it will) who do you think will get rich certainly not the producers
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by malcom »

Another reason for so many repeats on PB could be to save money that they can use to help finance the technology for their new PB on line venture.....
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Heathray »

As a soon to be ex client of PB I cannot believe a company the size of Playboy treats its punters so badly. If they were offering such a dreadful service in other realms of business they would be bankrupt and out of action in weeks.

As for paying no repeats fees why? Surely the copyright act covers such treatment. If this is the case I now see why only low grade stuff is being shown, why roll the barrel out for a crap reward.

Richard Ings take note, give us quality, more girls instead of relying on 2-3 named performers and push the boundaries. Do you already know that Ofwatch will baulk the R18 issue? If so prepare for a real drop off in subscribers.
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by tigertim »

to right if we dont get R18 or something near it my subscribtion to Playboy, TAC and Spice will definatly go , i,ll just go the satalite route to watch something hardcore, the content of the 3 channels at present is terrible compered towhat Xplicit and a couplr of others are showing
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

The Organisation "Ofwatch" are now recommending potential subscribers to Playboy TV Online not to subscribe at this point in time, following a number of complaints regarding the service.

Despite assurances that problems would be fixed within 72 hours the following problems remain:

1. No LIVE coverage on any channel whatsoever.
2. No updates on any channel for now a two week period (with the exception of what seems a rather hastily thrown together non-live update on spice platinum with the simple message "New Hardcore playing now", with no indication of the two films, no change in the channel heading which claims "channel one live" despite not being live). All other channels have no updates whatsoever despite being advised that Adult xxx would be updated at the end of last week.
3. The failure of Playboy TV Online to respond to e-mail requests advising the situation, apologising for yet further delays, or giving any indication what the subscriber can expect.
4. The removal of the word "Live" from the terms and conditions. Is "live" now not even going to happen.

A very disappointing start indeed on what seemed a promising enterprise.

I am sure that should things improve myself (possibly Ofwatch) and other subscribers will monitor the situation, but will only recommend the service guardedly until confidence can be restored.

This could still be a good service..... "could"

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

Richard - are you out there lol

Would be very grateful for an update on the situation.

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

I today received the following e-mail from Playboy TV Online:

Dear Mr Clark,

I apologise for your email of the 2nd February not being replied to and I hope this email will clear up your concerns. ( It seems that the email was replied to but it kept on bouncing back)

As our original response to you stated we have been experiencing technical trouble with the live streaming of the channels and hope to have this remedied in the near future.

The word live was removed from the T&Cs to avoid confusion, and has only been removed as the channels are not currently being shown live. The next line in the T&C?s states: However PBTV reserves the right to amend the nature and extent of the Services available at any time and this has been in the T&C?s since the site launched.

The content onsite has not been updated as regularly as we anticipated but we have put into place a new mechanic that will from next week ensure that all the channels content are updated on a regular basis, with Spice Platinum and Adult XXX being updated a minimum of twice a week.

Once again I am sorry that u are disappointed with the service you are currently receiving, but if u bear with us u will see a significant improvement over the next 1-2 weeks.


PBTV Support

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 February 2005 08:36
To: pbsupport
Subject: FW: Regarding Playboy TV Online "live" services

Dear Sir/Madam

I refer to my below e-mail sent 2 February 2004 for which I have yet to receive a response.

I would be most grateful if you would be kind enough to respond to the below e-mail and advise whether Spice Platinum and the other channels will have live coverage or whether it will remain pre-recorded coverage.

Myself and many members from the websites Ofwatch and Melonfarmers are increasingly concerned about the following:

The cessation of Live services on Spice Platinum and the lack of live coverage even beginning on the other channels.

The word ?live? being removed from the terms and conditions. Is this because ?live? broadcasts are not currently being shown or because none are now intended?

The lack of any updates on the majority of the channels for two weeks (with the exception of Spice Platinum), and the failure of updating Adult xxx despite being advised in the below e-mail from yourselves that this would be updated at the end of last week.

I and many others have subscribed for a 3 month period at a cost of ?49.99. Although you have kindly extended my membership free for one month, I will need to know your intentions regarding Spice Platinum to know whether I should continue.

At the time I signed up for the service ? the terms and conditions stated ?live? coverage. This has now been removed with no explanation. When first joining, Spice Platinum was live and it was on my advice and praise for your service that several people to my knowledge joined. Many more may have joined after reading my articles on both Ofwatch and Melonfarmers. I and other members of these organizations are now having to retract and advise against potential members subscribing at the current time.

I very much wish to be able to spread the good word about Playboy TV Online and encourage people to join again. I will only be able to do so once I know that the services provided will be as originally intended.

I would be very grateful for your urgent response.

Kind regards

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Richard »


As you are aware we have launched a product which has a great proposition, but has failed to deliver a quality service in it's first month. That is now being tackled and will be sorted by the 1st March 2005.

If you are a subscriber to this service and have been disappointed to date, or have good things to say - please email me directly, I will respond to each email and ensure that by March everyone is delighted with the service that we are offering.

We may not post all the time - but we have been reading your comments and taking them on board. We have let you down - and we are now in the process of ensuring the quality service you were hoping for is delivered.

My direct email address is


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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

I look forward to 1 March with interest:)

Very much hope that there are still updates to some degree in the interim.

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Nigel »

Hi Richard,

Thank you for your post above.

The changes that have been highlighted elsewhere certainly reassure me that they are a step in the right direction and I look forward to March 1st with interest.