no shows

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
big red
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Re: no shows

Post by big red »

Chris @ Demon Eyes. We were informed at 9.55am that our 'Star' would be a noshow at Ipswich BR, ETA 10.00am !

Apparently the doc called, 'prob with the STD ticket'
To arrive in Ipswich for 10.00am, a pro would leave Liverpool St by 8.00am in order to arrive on time, what time does the Doc get up to make that call ? All together now 'Bullshit'
Ask that Model what she's doing Wednesday? 10-1 the answer will be ' Same as Mon , Tues, Thurs & Fri. SFA !'
What she won't be doing 'Ever' is working for Demon- Eyes.
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Re: no shows

Post by sandie »


nice one big red. i see where kat is coming from. has it occured to u u could have put this industry back a few years with ur comment.

so now any girl catching an std is gonna show up regardless cos she will be scared she will get labeled a "no show".

ur damned if u do and ur damned if u dont!
big red
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Re: no shows

Post by big red »

I appreciate your stance Sandie but as my partner Chris tried to explain, to have arrived at the shoot at 09.45 hours she would have left home at 08.00 hours. Now the clinic that she uses does not open until 09.30!
So it follows that if she had any intention of arriving at the shoot she would have been on the train and only 15 minutes from her destination 1 and 1 1/2 hours into her journy when they called!
When you also consider that she had confirmed with Walpole only the day before that all was well and also consider that Ian is always in the office until way after any clinic has closed it becomes apparent that she just plain LIED.
Since I hinted at her identity 2 other producers have come forward to say she has done the same to them.
As to 'setting the industry back years' far from it we had assumed that we had booked a professional model who proceeded to let down the entire crew. A crew incedently of true professionals some of whom have been in the trade over 20 years.
Reading this back it sounds a little shirty, I have no axe to grind with you Sandie and consider you amongst the finest models in the country. I hope given a full explaination you understand my pov. Robbie
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Re: no shows

Post by nikitadevine »


I am a reliable model except at the moment cos my plastic surgeon messed up my right tit so i am uneven or you could look at it as i cater for the man who likes small tits and the man who likes big tits

But i will be back to work in January and I will be itching to get a full length so i am going to be extra reliable.

Nikita Devine
Twitter account @nikitadevine
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Re: no shows

Post by MarkB »

Story for me is the same as EmmaB but with a happy ending.

I went to do a video shoot sometime ago at Beehive and the model I booked didnt show, didnt ring, didnt reply to later emails...nada. Which was a shame because I had a great sketch for her.

But lucky for me Amanda Dawkins was just coming out of the room I had booked. I offered her the same I had offered M.... the model who let me down. I came away with some excellent footage, and M wasnt in the same class as AM - I'd never seen contortionism in action let alone had the pleasure of it bouncing around the room naked.
Cheers AM for that.

but yea, I learnt the hard way there.

Another nasty trick I had played on me was with two girls I booked for a shoot. I was doing stuff for myself, hopefully to release but this industry is no easy thing to get into. Anyway I got a little suspicious when one of the girls rang me up and started bumping the price up even after agreeing to the whole thing. Then within minutes the other one did the same. I knew it was wrong and going to get worse so blew them both out on the spot. This resulted in them trying their hardest to give me a bad name, lots of email threats telling me I was unprofessional and would never work again etc...and I ducked out of the whole thing for a while feeling a bit bruised to be honest. You cant beat that kind of behaviour. One bad word and you are history when you are starting out.

Incidently I spoke to the guys at Beehive and they said this lady had done this before to some old gent who came there to shoot her. She started doing stuff he hadnt asked for then at the end kicked off that he wasnt paying the full whack for it. She's a tricky one.

Anyway big learning curve for me. Left it on a good note with Amanda. But now hopefully gonna be doing another shoot, though fear of models is something I am starting to get after my experiences and reading this!

But someone mentioned a 'no-show' web site. Was that a joke or is there really one?

Mark B
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Re: no shows

Post by davey »

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Re: no shows

Post by fevrd »

Well big red I think you are going off half cock there. Why would a girl claim chlamydia as an excuse when she could choose something a lot less discreditable?

Reading your post it would appear that you spoke to Walpole and not the girl. And I'm hearing it from you. So readers of this thread are already quite a bit removed from the actual event. You will find out before you are much older that everyone in this business has their own spin to put on things, even more than in ordinary life and you would do well to be wary before you go shouting around like that.

I have to say that the fact that you found other people willing to slag the girl off doesn't impress me either. That also will happen to you one day.

The bottom line is that you named this girl on the basis of hearsay and without making any attempt to check the story out with her. You don't know any better but some of the other people who have arf-arfed on this thread do. Frankly I'm amazed that the mods haven't pulled the post because it's completely against the FAQ.
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Re: no shows

Post by videokim »

The excuse given was by the girl involved the morning of the shoot Fevrd
we must admit it was a febble poor excuse for the girl to give 1 hour before the shoot but it was the truth as she saw it, i don't think she understood what goes into a pro shoot but never mind we came up with a far more honest healthy model. The reason i say this is because she would have known the night before when she spoke to Rob but decided to keep quite & almost put the health of her fellow workers at risk.
After you've been in the industry a few years you'll understand how it works & why messages like these are important for other producers.

Kim & John

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
big red
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Re: no shows

Post by big red »

Not Big Red ! But CHRIS. I think I proved my point several weeks ago. I have come to this Genre of television from Entertainment, do a google search of 'Chris Potts Television Sound', I have no time for idiots ! I couldn't give a flying doo dahh what the girl, her name escapes me, has caught !! A phone call is nothing, if not common decency.
Moral of the story : Don't Bullshit a Bullshiter !
That said, all the Stars we worked with, were just that - STARS, we are not some fly by night toy town operation, we only work with the best - defend you're friends by all means - Giro day is THURSDAY !!!
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Re: no shows

Post by videokim »

As a producer i can understand Robs comments about this girl. But i do feel that some of the other comments made by the so called professionals with regard to this thread, have been both unfair & unkind.
I for one do not find 'common courtesy' alien to my female mind and i suspect many other British models would agree with me.
I find it an insult as a model to be compaired with mindless loutish women used by channel 4 to sell their programmes. Which by the way is referred to as (LADDISH) behavior.
I take great pride in my appearance as have all the models i've ever worked with. I certainly don't agree with the comments that all British models are lacking in class & elegance.


Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled