Do any of you remember a scene with a guy hunting a girl into a warehouse, he takes a forklift and use it to campure the girl. Then they have sex. If I remember it correct then it is the same guy with the same clothes that runs around in the der schleicher movies from videodrama.
Do any of you know what movie the scene is from ?
der schleicher ?
Re: der schleicher ?
His name in the films is Harry. AFAIK he doesn't have sex in any of the
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
Re: der schleicher ?
Thanks maybe it was not him, maybe he was just spying as always. Any idea what scene the movie is from ? I guess there is not many movies with him and a guy driving a forklift ? do you know about a biography site to him, maybe I can find the movie there ?