Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of Continental European female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

Post by jj »

You've rather run with the ball there......
At no point did I use the phrase "copy/paste" and never have I adopted or
remotely recommended anything resembling such an approach. Parsing words
such as 'check' and 'consult' into 'copy/paste' takes a singular imagination.

My view - which I've frequently made known here, both explicitly and
implicitly - has always been that iafd/egafd are [or ought to be] at certain
points complementary and that the relationship I seek to maintain is
synergistic rather than antagonistic. I have no issues with certain apparent
cribbings from us on iafd and [it seems; and I cherish the hope] that neither
has iafd ahould the position be found to be reversed. Let's also bear in
mind that a lot of contributors [myself included] add material to both
databases - and also to VEF. Although to my knowledge there has never been
any 'round table' demarcation-discussion with iafd I'm sure that if there
were any issues, one or more of the iafd regulars who visit here would have
aired them by now.
So, by default a 'sleeping dogs' modus vivendi seems to have been adopted -
and it's not one I'm anxious to upset.
Misrepresenting my position so inaccurately is both offensive and unhelpful.

As to the specific points you raised: I'll deal with them after I've had a
nice cup of tea and calmed down.

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Re: Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

Post by Len801 »

I am not parsing words and I was not being singular.
You indicated that on reviewing a "submission",
you have the "choice" of taking the info as is or "picking up the slack".
By indicating in another post in this thread that you added a "few blanks from IAFD"
what other conclusion I am/we to draw but the most logical one, that you
seem to be compelled to do work that I should be doing (checking in IAFD and passing on or adding info that is there).
Frankly I am not comfortable with that, regardless of whether IAFD may do some
friendly poaching from time to time.
There is no way of knowing by IAFD or EGAFD that I acquired certain info
by poaching or by personal observation and conclusions (which I prefer to do, especially with regards
to more recent titles, which general information is easily available from Google
and web searches.
We all have standards...
Walter Burns
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Re: Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

Post by Walter Burns »

Len801 wrote:

> We all have standards...

Indeed. So, if you feel EGAFD and/or the people running it don't meet your standards, why do you insist on coming back here again and again and again?

Before you go off on another tangent about this, just know that I am not going to discuss this with you. I won't even read your reply if you choose to make one. Instead, I will recommend to the powers that be that it's in the best interest of this site that this thread would be deleted altogether. It absolutely serves no point.

[b]IAFD, supporters of beastiality! Just say NO![/b]
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Re: Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

Post by Len801 »

Erase ALL my posts if you wish (whereever you find them). I am done with EGAFD.
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Re: Trasgressioni Italiane (Pig Italia) series info

Post by Len801 »

And how many times Mr Walter have you been in and out of IAFD? Kinda of a revolving door...
Where is your next move?
Do you run a tag team?

You have made it personal (you have a very long-standing gripe
with me, so I understand that, so explain why you vented this personal and unprovoked attack
at me at this particular time. Do you have a dog in this particular discussion, and yes please do indeed
explain this behaviour of yours to Alec while you are it).
I was trying to remain very professional and non-confrontational, whereas I was tryng to
explain that I submit changes "AS IS". It's not my job to determine what you do with it
and whethwer you wish to consult other sourses and take information from other
sources. I really do not want to know or be told that's what I should do.
When I submit changes to IMBD or IAFD, I am not asked to do cartwheels
and they do not tell me what type of additinal work (if any) they had
to perform.
If Alec should determine an official policy as to how "submissions/corrections" should be
made to EGAFD regarding new or existing titles, so everyone can adhere to the
same policy and procedures, then place it clearly on the site's web page andbe done with it.

That being said, Alec and other powers are free after careful evaluation and
consideration to nuke all my posts, wherever he can find them.
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Re: envoi

Post by jj »

It's this sort ot petulance and childishness that has left me as the only
person here still willing to have anything to do with you.
Handling you is like tossing a hand-grenade; you explode, often for no
apparent reason, at ever-decreasing intervals. It's as well you jumped now -
frankly you've been so unconscionably and embarrassingly rude to so many
people here recently that a ban was becoming ever more likely, anyway.
It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? I sincerely hope you find some
peace from these demons seem to be driving you - but unless/until you
recognize your part in that and stop blaming others I fear it's a forlorn hope.

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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