Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

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Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by petitdoigt »

Dans tous les kiosques et par abonnement!

Enfin une revue consacr?e au cin?ma ?rotique et pornographique fran?ais (un th?me par mois), conjugu?e ? tous les temps, coupl?e ? un dictionnaire (en 24 livrets) consacr? aux longs m?trages en 16 et 35 mm... et une heure de VOD gratuite tiss?e de courts m?trages pornos clandestins ou amateurs entre 1920 et 1960, strip-tease et petits films naturistes des 50's et 60's, pour la plupart issus de collections priv?es.

En deux ans,constituez-vous ainsi la toute premi?re encyclop?die consacr?e ? la savoureuse et turbulente histoire du cin?ma ?rotique et pornographique!


36 pages illustr?es en couleurs sur une seul et m?me sujet qui abordent le cin?ma fran?ais ?rotique et pornographique, sous des angles historiques,th?matiques et esth?tiques.

De L??rotisme dans les ann?es 1920/30 et le porno clandestin en passant par Le cin?ma sexy des ann?es 60-d?but 70 ; La loi X et la censure ; Le porno comique ; L?homosexualit? au cin?ma et le porno gay ; Le cin?ma naturiste ; jusqu'? La mise en sc?ne de l?acte sexuel ou Les codes et les enjeux de la pornographie... (sommaire complet, voir dossier de presse). Des entretiens exclusifs avec des cin?astes, com?diens, hardeuses... seront aussi propos?s.


48 pages, soit plus de 1000 pages au final recensant plus de 1700 titres r?pertori?s par ordre alphab?tique, d'A bout de sexe ? Zob, zob, zob, sans oublier des classiques, comme L'?ge d'or ou encore Et dieu cr?a la femme. Des g?n?riques complets , r?sum?s, critiques originales, notes informatives, dates de sorties avec les salles d'exclusivit?, titres alternatifs (?trangers, vid?os).

L?ensemble composera in fine une encyclop?die (un boitier pour les revues th?matiques et une reliure pour les livrets du dictionnaire seront bient?t mis ? disposition pour les abonn?s)

Ce travail a ?t? r?alis? avec l?aide du Centre National du Livre.

Ardemment mijot? par CHRISTOPHE BIER pendant deux ans,ce projet, qu'il dirige de A ? Z, regroupe de nombreuses plumes :

Edgard Baltzer, Christophe Bier, Pascale Bodet, Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, Fran?ois Cognard, Maxime Delux, Didier Dhuique, Fr?d?rick Durand, Gilles Esposito, Dominique Forma, Pierre-Arnaud Jonard, Herv?-Joseph Lebrun, Emmanuel Levaufre, Richaud d?Ombasle, Italo Manzi, Herbert-P. Mathese, Alain Minard, Francis Moury, Jean-Fran?ois Rauger, Yves Riquet, Fr?d?ric Tachou, Fr?d?ric Thibaut, Jacques Zimmer.
Il est ?dit? par.NSP-Dagorno / Diffusion / 40 000 ex
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Attn: petitdoigt

Post by EGAFD Admin »

Please read FAQ 3.8
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by petitdoigt »

Oops ! Sorry.......

In all newsstands and by subscription!

Finally, a magazine devoted to erotic and pornographic films French (one theme per month), combined with all-weather, coupled with a dictionary (24 books) devoted to feature films in 16 mm and 35 ... and one hour of free VOD woven short film Pornstars illegal or amateurs between 1920 and 1960, strip-tease and small film nature of the 50's and 60's, mostly from private collections.

In two years, you build the first encyclopedia devoted to tasty and turbulent history of erotic and pornographic films!


36 pages illustrated in color on a single topic that address the French cinema erotic and pornographic under angles historical, thematic and aesthetic.

From Eroticism in the years 1920/30 and illegal porn via sexy cinema of the 60s and early 70; Act X and censorship; The porn comic; homosexuality in film and gay porn; Cinema naturist; to The staging of the sexual act or codes and issues of pornography ... (complete, see press kit). Exclusive interviews with filmmakers, actors, hardeuses ... will also be offered.


48 pages, more than 1000 pages final listing more than 1,700 titles listed alphabetically, A bout of sex Zob, zob, zob, not to mention classics such as The Golden Age or And God created Women. Generics comprehensive summaries, reviews original informative notes, release dates rooms with exclusive alternative titles (foreign videos).

All consist in fine encyclopedia (one box for thematic reviews and binding books for the dictionary will soon be available to subscribers)

This work has been done with the help of the National Center of the Book.

Simmered in CHRISTOPHE ardently BIER for two years, this project, he leads from A to Z, has many feathers:

Edgard Baltzer, Christophe Bier, Pascale Bodet, Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, Fran?ois Cognard, Maxime Delux, Didier Dhuique, Frederick Durand, Gilles Esposito, Dominique Forma, Pierre-Arnaud Jonard, Herv? Joseph Lebrun, Emmanuel Levaufre, Richaud of Ombasle, Italo Manzi, Herbert-P. Mathesis, Alain Minard, Francis Moury, Jean-Fran?ois raug, Yves Riquet, Fr?d?ric Tachou, Fr?d?ric Thibaut, Jacques Zimmer.
It is published par.NSP-Dagorno / Diffusion / 40 000 ex
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by Len801 »

It appears on the face it to be an honorable undertaking, but what is so different from what was done by:
= Ado Kyrou (AMOUR-EROTISME & CINEMA, Eric Losfeld, 1966)
= Lo Duca (EROTISME AU CINEMA, JJ Pauvert-1958-1962) (3 volumes; plus a supplement in 1968)
=and the long-running "Sex in Cinema" series (published in Playboy magazine)
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by Len801 »

I also noticed, among the contributors of this dictionary of erotic/hc cinema, the name of Jean-Pierre Bouyxou. Was he not the editor of the monthly magazine "Sex Stars System", which was published in the 1970's?
Is he basically dusting off what was found and pubished in the pages of that defunct publication?
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by petitdoigt »

The magazine contains a dictionary that lists all the French films with erotic and pornographic sheets detailed summary, nicks clarified, stock shots and so.

That is this Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, one of the biggest specialists in France.

Go to the website, you have excerpt of this mag :
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by petitdoigt »

For subscriptions, it is better to go through the online store (or wait for the No. 2) with more realistic pricing that in this No. 1:

[url] ... e-boutique [/ url]
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Re: Cinerotica, the bible of french porn movies

Post by Rob4 »

does the dictionary have cast lists? as i guess that would be the most useful to this site?
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