I'm looking for tapes featuring Tiffany (http://www.escorts-of-london.com/Main/G ... ffany.html)
As well as Indian stuff, can anyone help?
Anyone got video's of...
Re: Anyone got video's of...
There may be one of the Henry's British Tarts series on www.adultvideo.co.ukbut if there is it needs checking to see if it's the one that she is in.
Re: Anyone got video's of...
I have Nasty Girls (I think it is #17) with Tiffany in a nice lez scene. I had it on e-bay, but pulled it...If you want it I am happy to sell (of course by agreeing you are stating that you are of legal age and that such items meet your communities standard ...sorry, but jsut to be safe)
contact me at my e-mail and happpy to help
contact me at my e-mail and happpy to help