Eurofilm databases ? or not

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Ian P

Eurofilm databases ? or not

Post by Ian P »

Ever since I discovered that the search engine, Google, automatically translates certain foreign-language sites (French, German and Spanish at least), I?ve been looking for European equivalents to bgafd. Without, it has to be said, much success.

Here is a Spanish attempt at something similar, but don?t get too excited?

I don?t believe any of you will spend much time looking up Spanish porn stars here ? even ones with apparently English names that turn out to have been born in Hungary ? but anyone who does check out this site will immediately realise (if they didn?t already) how much better bgafd does it.

I?ll continue looking and keep you posted ? unless you decide it?s too far off-topic.

Re: Eurofilm databases ? or not

Post by alec »

Any finds of a database of European porn films (as opposed to girls) would be extremely useful if its cast credits were accurate. One of the major weaknesses of the database here is the lack of info on British girls in European films. We can only find them by chance and there must be many more missing than are actually listed here. So I'll make my periodic appeal to be told about any sightings of British girls in European films.

Re: Eurofilm databases ? or not

Post by John »

Try XXX Relations at which has castlists and reviews of many European films as well as a few American ones. Also the site is in English so you don't need to translate anything.
Ian P

Re: Eurofilm databases ? or not

Post by Ian P »

Thank you John ? I shall explore further.