Great customer service/delivery- yes
Limited selection- yes
High prices- what do you think ?
I'm not comparing their product with pirated product here.
One standout example from their latest cat.-"When Rocco Meats
Kelly 2"
Your Choice video ?27.50
American DVD (note DVD) $23 (approx ?15 or so)- This is from
a major US supplier.
Even allowing for postage from US it's one hell of a difference.
your choice
Re: your choice
American stuff costs more in the mainstream, so I think the price is pretty fairly reflected in porn.
Besides which, I don't mind paying a few quid extra if I KNOW the delivery will happen. In the same respect, maybe Vidshop should charge slightly less as their delivery is less then full proof
(Sorry, couldn't resist that one, Rich/Dave/Barry)
Besides which, I don't mind paying a few quid extra if I KNOW the delivery will happen. In the same respect, maybe Vidshop should charge slightly less as their delivery is less then full proof
(Sorry, couldn't resist that one, Rich/Dave/Barry)
Re: your choice
I agree the prices are high - but then I don't want to debate the finer points of the BBFC guidelines with some Customs git who happens to check out a parcel sent from abroad.
Having said that, many people do seem to order successfully from the states.
The price could be a special - also, from a major supplier they can get discounts from wholesalers due to bulk buying.
Also, Your Choice offer a multiple discount - order 5 or more tapes and they are ?100 for 5, ?19.50 each thereafter.
I think you will find the price difference is more marked if you compare like for like on DVDs - Your Choice are EVEN MORE expensive.
What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have been poor, but then they always take your complaints seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?
Having said that, many people do seem to order successfully from the states.
The price could be a special - also, from a major supplier they can get discounts from wholesalers due to bulk buying.
Also, Your Choice offer a multiple discount - order 5 or more tapes and they are ?100 for 5, ?19.50 each thereafter.
I think you will find the price difference is more marked if you compare like for like on DVDs - Your Choice are EVEN MORE expensive.
What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have been poor, but then they always take your complaints seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?
Re: your choice (tape quality)
pasta wrote:
> What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice
> copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home
> taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have
> been poor, but then they always take your complaints
> seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?
Well, they could try getting it right 1st time !
There really is no excuse for poor quality copies when they're
not pirated.
> What I object to a little more is the way that Your Choice
> copy on very cheap cassettes and what you get is just a home
> taping really, some tapes I have had from them lately have
> been poor, but then they always take your complaints
> seriously and sort things out, so what can you do?
Well, they could try getting it right 1st time !
There really is no excuse for poor quality copies when they're
not pirated.