supersex magazine girls

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of Continental European female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by soljARis »

Thanks for you input, Cloche.
You say that early numbers should sell within 10 Euros, but what about the late ones, those published around 1985? Are they harder to find?
Another question. I am not much of an expert of ebay. What happens if a sale goes without bids? Does the seller usually tries again with a lower starting price?
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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by cloche22 »

I can't say which are harder to find, early or late, because there isn't an established collector's market for hardcore mags the way there is, for instance, for comic books. Prices are always based on rarity and condition. The early issues were printed in many more copies than the later ones (obviously: if the magazine kept selling high volume, it would still be published today!), on the other hand it is more likely that people threw their porn magazines away in the 70s and early 80s (because their girlfriend or wife wanted them to, or other reasons) than in the late 80s and 90s, so it may also be that there are equal numbers of each type out there "somewhere", and if so they would have the same market value. Right now, some issues of Supesex on ebay have occasionally sold for as much as 40 Euro because the bidders must think it's a one-time opportunity. But if more people start putting their collections on sale, the prices would drop.

As with all collecting, pay only what you would spend because you want to read them for personal enjoyment. I would never suggest that people "collect" magazines for investment unless they are in absolutely mint condition, and once there is an established, mature market. Otherwise you could end up like the poor guys who, twenty years, spent $25 to $100 for single issues of Playboy from the 1960s as an "investment", but who today, because of the glut of the ebay market, are lucky if they can sell them for half that price.

As for ebay practice, it depends on the seller. Sometimes they try again at the same price, before lowering it the third time.

But we're getting off topic and should get back to the main point here: content!

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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by bondurant2001 »


As a Fan of Director M Ricaud i confirm:
- brunette is Paricia (seen with shorter hair in Les 14 ans d'Ar?lie,
- maid is tanya Wallis (seen in A l'ecole du trottoir , or Gretschen ? sodomiser a.o. )

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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by Marmaduke »

Thanks raritan, she was a lovely girl and a great perfomer. Its good to have so many of her films released now on DVD.

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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by Lothaire »

On a trip to Italy in 1980 I bought "Supersex sconvoge il mondo della droga" N. 49. I found it exceptionally good and has kept it to this day.
It is the only issue I have, but I am able on this basis to confirm that "anal sex" did indeed take place.

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Re: supersex magazine girls

Post by melaniniss »

nice thread
I 'd also like to here about other italian hard mags like Le Ore, Men, etc.I wish these weren't that rare
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