Old 80s French movies

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of Continental European female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Old 80s French movies

Post by tobylove »

Hi there :)
im lookin for old french porn movies starring girls like dominique saint clair, cathy m?nard, brigitte lahaye etc....
and boys like alban cerray, christophe clark, Dominique Aveline, Eric Saville, J?r?me Vallin, Richard Lemieuvre....

vhs or dvd doesnt matter...
thanks to all

lookinf for 80's french porn movies, with dominique saint clair, cathy ménard... that kind of stuff, you know ;)
Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Old 80s French movies

Post by bluemovie70 »


I've a lot of french movies from the 70's and 80's.
send me a mail.

Posts: 398
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Old 80s French movies

Post by Marmaduke »

Count me in too please, bluemovie70.

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