police numbers cut when may was home secretary

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Huge swings to Remain parties in local elections.............

Pundits and politicians: ?This is clearly a call to get on with Brexit?

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Chris Grayling.............

On Wednesday we found out that the cost to the taxpayer for the ferry contracts with P&O, Brittany Ferries and Seaborne Freight (who didn't have any ferries) was ?50 million.

Then there's the ?33 million paid to Eurotunnel because of the botched tendering process plus whatever will be paid to P&O who also intend to sue the government for the same reason as Eurotunnel.

I'm sure I have a case here to sue the government and make a few million. They never asked me whether I wanted to provide additional ferry capacity in case of a no deal Brexit. I know I don't own any ferries, but that didn't stop them letting a contract to Seaborne Fright. I'm going to go and consult a lawyer.

Yesterday a report came out to say that the mess Grayling had left at the probation service in his previous job was going to cost ?437 million to clear up.

Then we have Gavin (Private Pike) Williamson. The boyo who "allegedly" leaks from the National Security Council, something that has never, never, ever happened before. This same guy who says "you can't trust Corbyn".

If it's correct and he did leak from the NSC he has broken the Official Secrets Act. If they had been able to pin the leak on a Civil Servant, that poor bleeder would be sitting in a Police cell now awaiting their trial. Why does Mrs T get to decide whether the Police investigate Williamson or not?

This Government is the clown car that gives and gives!


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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

It will only be a matter of time before someone goes through all the independents who won council seats to see if they have ever expressed an opinion on Brexit and work out how many of them are pro-eu as well. I know one who got in the next town to me is anti-eu but that was a case of another issue entirely swinging the vote.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Hey Nina, who you going to vote for in the European elections on the 23rd May?

I thought you said we would of left the EU before these elections. LOLI
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Goodbye Theresa. I'd like to say it's been nice knowing you but you're an inept, evil, spying, lying, racist bitch who should never have been allowed within a mile of Downning Street so unfortunately I can't.

Someone on the BBC has just asked one of the Tories chief dickheads "Can Boris Johnson walk onto the world stage".

Walk? Surely he's going to come on in one of those cars that falls apart like every other clown?
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Good riddance - don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.

Something strangely satisfying to see her on the sticky end of "an hostile environment".

"Can Boris Johnson walk onto the world stage"


Wasn't he walking on the World Stage when he held the job of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs?

He was doing that job for two years and he made a right royal cluster fuck of it.

There's some poor woman still sitting in a prison cell in Iran, with no release date in sight, because of his sheer utter incompetence.

Remember this

His utter humiliation by the US press corp.

Best viewed from about 6 mins.


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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Thankfully that bitch Esther mcvey will be knocked out early in the voting and in the general election that is sure to follow.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Ester McVey, what a vacuous cow.

Read a piece in the paper toady that called Boris Johnson "the thinking man's idiot" which I thought was very apt.

What a bunch of cretin's they have applying for the job. Johnson, Loathsome, Gove, McVey, Raab.

I wouldn't trust any of them to run a whelk stall.

I'm surprised Greyling hasn't thrown his had in the ring.

A bunch of shysters.

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Esther mcvey is a fucking witch.

It looks to me as though the whole lot of them fancy their chances with the exception of amber rudd. Kenneth clarke should run just to piss off the brexit bunch.

Grayling has thrown his hat in the ring. Unfortunately he missed. He's now gone out to buy 60 million hat stands.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

"He's now gone out to buy 60 million hat stands."


I bet he'll go to companies who have never made a hat stand before and have no experience of making hat stands and he'll insist that they are all made of solid gold.

It's only taxpayers money.