New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by Mulletman »

Thanks i checked out Nord cheap ?2.29 per month but it's a 3 year plan, i sometimes buy VR movies from Sexlikereal but I'm worried about my bank details if i use a free VPN add on .
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by spider »

Going back to the original subject.

I'm guessing that the Conservatives are going to say that this legislation is required to protect under 18's from accessing "adult" content.

I've just looked at the Conservative Party website (don't worry I'm going to have my PC disinfected).

I wanted to see what the Conservative Party values actually were.

Here are the two that interest me.

- Responsible (personal responsibility and self-reliance)
- Pro-freedom (freedom of choice, liberty, free speech)

How does this legislation fit with these values?

Surely if you have children, it's your responsibility to supervise their access to the web. No-one else. Isn't that what personal responsibility and self reliance is all about?

I think I must have been on holiday when I was personally made responsible for managing access to the web for every under 18 in the whole of the United Kingdom!

The pro-freedom bit speaks for itself. So, why don't I have freedom to look at legal "adult content" if I want? You know, just like Damian Green!


Rant over.


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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by sparky »


Totally agree with you.

When were politicians ever consistent ? Their policies are all about appeasing enough of the electorate to vote so they win an election.

This is just a small part of the ' snoopers charter ' Theresa May(hem) & Co brought in when she was Home Secretary that I totally disagree with yet it will never be repealed.

I'm fine that by default when joining an ISP adult content must be blocked and the account holder has to remove the block.

Similarly all public Wi-Fi must be family friendly and some limits on places where over 18's only are allowed. Without blocking VPN's how this could be done I don't know yet they should not be blocked so people can securely access banking, remote access work email and applications etc.

The reality is many under 18's are far more tech savvy than their parents / guardians and will soon find a way around regardless e.g. free VPN unless there is a block on their computer, tablet, phone etc. based on the sites regardless of how accessed, which browser is used etc.
While IMO many younger children now spend far too much time unsupervised for those who are older it is more difficult given the vast majority can not be separated from their phone / tablet any more than a person with severe lung damage from an oxygen tank.

The bottom line is short of moving from the UK we are stuck with this despite it going totally against freedom and free choice.
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by sparky »

For online purchases I keep a separate bank account and and only leave a small balance plus have a credit card with a low limit. Worst case if hacked all I can loose is this plus main account and cards are unaffected.
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by zzhawker »

Hi , once you buy a code from newsagent , is that it or do you have to re-new from time to time ? Thanks.
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by Mulletman »

I read that the porn pass could cost ?5 or ?10 instead of putting your credit card and other stuff like driver's licence passport online to verify your age you buy the porn pass from a newsagent you don't need to show the newsagent any ID unless you look under 18 you buy the 16 digit porn pass and use it when you visit a porn site , from what I read the pass is to be used once , i can't see the point of having to buy passes for every porn site you visit , when you visit a porn site you will be redirected to a site where you will be asked to verify your age, the porn pass will act like a TV licence , it's also another tax and more money for the government. I would rather buy the pass than give my bank and other personal details online, that would be too risky .
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by spider »

Good article in today's Observer (24 March) newspaper about this.

That article is saying this legislation is now postponed until "after Brexit" (whenever that is).

The article is saying the Tories want to save this plan until they are over Brexit because it will be a "good news story" to roll out in the future. LOL.


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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by Mulletman »

Good news story after Brexit are they taking the piss?
The UK government is a dictorship, they tell us what to do, watch are every move with CCTV, stop Brexit and now they want to stop us having a wank , as soon as i win the lottery im fucking out of this shithole Facist country.
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by sparky »

A further postponement was inevitable given this was no clearly nowhere near ready even though 15+ months late.

With a change of PM or better still government maybe it will be repealed on the basis of fundamentally unworkable or ineffective or at least hidden away at the rear of a bottom draw.
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Re: New UK online Porn law April 2019 big brother

Post by sparky »


Nothing there to disagree with there .............