police numbers cut when may was home secretary

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Poor Mrs May she's going to have no one left to blame soon.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Who do you think is going to replace Ms Rudd?

By the time you read this I should think the decision is made

I wouldn't be surprised if it's Nadhim Zahawi.

If you don't know who he is, look him up.

He's the go to guy for defending the government. He was always banging-on on the Today programme defending the latest Government cock-up.

The Home Office job is a poisoned chalice, anyone who is looking for a long-term future at the top of the government / the Tory Party would run a mile from the job.

Nadhim is a bit thick so I'm sure he'll go for the job if it was offered.

Interesting times.

Well that's Mrs May's human shield gone, how long is she going to last now?

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Sayid Javed.

Do Labour really want May to go? We know she's inept in an election whereas Boris will play the clown card and appeal to the stupid. He'll promise them the earth and then claim after the election that he only offered them a window box. May is an easy target to beat. If she were to turn up for any leader's debate she would be slaughtered or appear so petulant that she becomes unelectable and if she doesn't turn up she'll be seen as the coward she really is.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

I thought they might appoint a BAME to the job that?s another reason I came up with Nadhim Zahawi as a potential candidate.

The mask has slipped and everyone can see what a bunch of racists the Tories are, but giving Savid the job can give the perception that they are really ?right-on? and progressive.

It?s all going so well for them this week. Rudd resigning, the House of Lords sticking it?s oar in over Brexit, the Irish Border issue keeps bubbling away.

I think they will stick with Theresa now until 29 March 2019 and then try and ease her out. Then try to hang on as long as possible but with a fresh pair of hands to take them into the next election.

I think Boris is a busted flush now; there are more skeletons in his cupboard than there are in Highgate Cemetery.

Surely the only supporters that Boris and Jacob Rees-Morgue have left are the swivel-eyed loonies?

If the selection of the next leader was down to members of the Conservative Party I think Boris or JRM would be in with a chance. It?s not though, it?s down to their MPs and there?s one thing they want to hang-on to and that?s power. They have just experienced what happens when they let the swivel-eyed loonies get their way - BREXIT!

If Savid Javid does a good job at the Home Office he might stand a chance as the next leader. They need to pull something out the bag against Jezzer and a BAME might be their answer, especially if they can keep the anti-Semitism accusations bubbling along.

It?s been fun reading some of the comments on various right-wing forums the last couple of days; you know the ones Nina will contribute to. They have been going ballistic about Savid Javid being appointed to Home Secretary. Banging on about him being a Muslim, ?Enoch was right they now have the whip hand?, ?he?ll be letting all his IS friends into the country?.

What with Ruth Davidson announcing she is going to have a baby with a lesbian partner and then the appointment of a Muslim as Home Secretary the Daily Mail forum has been going into meltdown. I've had hours of fun reading some of their comments.

Who are these right wing loonies going to vote for next time around, they cannot vote Tory after this and Farage has abandoned them for a job licking Trump?s arse and spewing venom on LBC?

Interesting times.

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

I wonder whether the local elections this Thursday might be bad enough to force her to resign but then again I can't see Labour doing well either and the Liberals are a joke. So maybe apathy will win a landslide. I have some serious personal issues with our labour councillors who are simply Tories in disguise so i'm voting Green which won't make a bit of difference I know but at least i've not supported service cutting twats.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

David Davis (the Brexit bulldog) has done a runner then.

Shouldn't be too hard on him, at least he has the backbone to resign, unlike Boris.

Then again let's face it Boris isn't really bothered about Brexit one-way-or-the-other. It's all just an act with him. All Boris is interested in is Boris and his chances of getting the top job.

Popcorn and beer in for the next few days, this will keep me going until the footie on Wednesday night.

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

I wondered whether it would be more or you to resurrect this thread. Boris just wants to play the new messiah after the shit really hits the fan as you say he doesn't really care one way or the other the whole thing was a means to an end for him. But she really is a freak. I always used to think Thatcher might have used the Army to keep herself in power if she'd lost an election but i'm fairly sure Theresa is going to. She either doesn't understand her time is up or has her head so far up her own arse she can't hear the alarm going off. Third world here we come.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Let's see her survive now. The most incompetent prime minister Britain has ever had versus her own party's opportunism. Get a new leader and call another snap election to cash in on England's world cup. It's coming home the tories are going in the bin.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

Oh, Oh, Oh,

Boris has gone. He obviously sees an opportunity for the leaders? job here.

Someone else has said to me that IF Engerland win the World Cup they could see Theresa calling a snap election to capitalise on the ?feel-good? factor.

Of course, recent events in Wiltshire might put a damper on that. Here we are playing football in Russia when the Russians are busy murdering UK citizens on UK soil. Notice how there?s not been a word about this from Gavin Williamson? You couldn?t shut the f*cker up when the Skripal?s were poisoned. He seems to be more interested in the football now.

If Mrs May had any sense (a big stretch I know), she would do a Major and resign, stand for leadership again with the slogan ?back me or sack me?. It?s only when you look back on history and realise perhaps Major wasn?t such a dummy after all.

I do agree with the likes of Jacob Rees-Morgue here.

They should never have elected a ?remainer? to lead the party after the referendum.

They should of elected a Brexiter like Boris, or Andrea Lothsome, or Govey. Can you image Andrea Leadsom as PM !!!!

I don?t think the country would be any better off than it is now with a remainer in charge. We would still be in deep shit, and they wouldn?t be any further on in the negotiations, BUT at least they would be able to blame anyone else for the depth of the shit we are in.

There?s nothing these Gammons (Kippers and Right Wing Tories) like more than being able to bang on about how they have been ?betrayed? by ?liberals? and ?left-wingers?.

I the words of Boris ?it?s their turd, they own it and are responsible for polishing it?.

Donald J Fart is coming over to see us at the weekend. I wonder if Mrs May is still going to be in her job when he steps of Air Farce One?

Now the big B has gone I can see I?m going to have to get some more beer in. Best entertainment there is, seeing the Tories tearing themselves apart. It?s a show that runs and runs.


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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

Leadership contest imminent according to the bbc. The Tories have realised she's going to get turned over in the commons, confidence vote, lose, have to fight a general election and lose that as well so as you say hoping to capitalise on England's success they'll elect a new leader and "go to the country for a mandate" ie "cash in". Sad thing is they'll lose, yeah really sad, the conservative party will implode in the in-fighting of 45 anti-europe years and probably never govern again. Well done Theresa. The worst PM we have ever had. Typical of the people who are in the highest jobs in the land but got there by literally doing nothing and not having a clue how they did that. I had one for a manager once. Went from job to higher job but hadn't a fucking clue what he was doing.