police numbers cut when may was home secretary

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

thanks I almost went off the idea yesterday as there were labour activists around my area encouraging people to go out and vote and I thought they were doing it because they expected the worst. as it turns out our labour mp had a very comfortable majority and a significant swing to on top so maybe they would have been better utilised in a seat down the road where the tories held on. May really is a fucking witch anyone with a shred of decency or dignity would resign but as we know the tories and her anonymous right wing backers have neither. I seem to remember her imploring corbyn to resign at a prime ministers question time. If he'd said he'd press the nuclear button and condemned the ira specifically rather than all terrorists we'd undoubtedly be looking at a labour majority. Dianne abbott must have cost them a couple of seats as well. You've got to feel sorry for the sun and daily mail (ok no you haven't) who don't seem to have shit to throw at corbyn and round of applause for the first time voters who actually went out this time. keep it up kids the right wing fuckwits can't cope with you.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

hopefully the queen tells her to fuck off
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

The Tories getting into bed with the DUP!

I admit it. Theresa was right all along. We are going to end up with a coalition of chaos with a contingent of terrorist sympathisers.

Do you think Nuttall will go back to professional football?

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

you must feel like an even bigger twat than usual today

remember in twenty years the ones who nearly turned your racist dreams on their head today will be the ones running the country.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

It's hard to believe that only a few days ago Theresa was saying something about there's been too much acceptance of extremism.

And now she's gone into a coalition with the DUP.

Oh how I laughed.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

she's a conniving, opportunistic, right wing dictator in waiting who will do anything to get and keep power. Last time the lib dems lost votes subsequently for doing the deal with the tories but this time it will be the tories themselves who lose votes. their middle ground leaning voters aren't happy that they are dealing with the DUP. How can any LGBT tories now vote for them again with a clear conscience? I doubt she'll get the queens speech through so we'll be back again in a couple of weeks. with the snp already back tracking on the second referendum we'll get what we want this time and the deal will be a second brexit referendum that is a resounding 65% in thanks to the kids who have more sense than their brainwashed racist relatives.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

If the DUP have their way the next Conservative election slogan won't be "Strong and Stable", it will be "Save Ulster from Sodomy".

With regard to your prediction to a second Brexit Referendum. My knee-jerk reaction was no way. Then I remember you were forecasting a hung parliament on 22 May, and I'm thinking of taking a walk down to William Hill this afternoon to see what odds I can get on that. It might be worth a tenner.

As write this I am listening to the radio and Theresa's two top advisors (Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill) have just resigned. It's going to be fun seeing the Conservative Party apart over the next several days.

It's going to be feet-up, beers in and enjoy the show for me this weekend.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

my reasoning is this:

she'll be forced into a general election re-run very, very soon with the following result. Whereas last time it was the libdems who suffered the backlash for going into coalition this time it will be the conservatives themselves and most notably the Scottish conservatives who will be victims of the middle-ground conservatives not happy at the DUP pact taking their votes elsewhere. The SNP will sort themselves out and make it clear they are not looking for a second independence referendum and regain at least half the seats they lost or a couple will go labour. The same will happen across England with labour picking up maybe fifteen to twenty seats in the backlash and the lib dems a couple. resulting in a labour/snp/liberal coalition - can we guess what the deal will be? goodbye brexit, goodbye Theresa, thanks for being the tory who brings in the first left-wing government in forty years cos I never thought I'd see one in my lifetime.

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by m100 »

I'm told the house of lords can throw back any legislation they don't like and she can't force it through as a government normally would because she has no majority. suck on that farage.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

If the Tories don't like the "Save Ulster from Sodomy" as their new slogan, they could always try.........

"The future's bright. The future's Orange."


That'll work for Trump's state visit as well.

m100 - I can see your logic, and it's difficult to challenge it with your record.

It will be interesting though to see a party go into a new election though with a promise on a second referendum, especially after the stick the SNP got over their aims.

But... after the 2015 election, the EU referendum result and Trump being elected I have given up trying to make predictions.

If you had told me twelve months ago that BORIS JOHNSON was going to be Foreign Secretary representing the interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I would have told you, you're stark raving mad.

But then again two years ago the UK was a stable member of the EU, a major world power and highly respected member of the G7. Now we are just a laughing stock.

I just cross my fingers now and hope for the best.