police numbers cut when may was home secretary

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number 6
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police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by number 6 »

this is a plain, simple fact..so are we supposed to just ignore this now and say hey ho its the tories , the party of law and order, so its fine...fck off
tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

I just watched The Daily Politics: the police budget was cut by the coalition govt (to address the massive national deficit left by Labour, followed by the global crash). The measure was proposed by Nick Clegg and supported by the Conservatives. Labour proposed that it should be cut more. The security services budget was increased and protected. We heard two anti-terror experts agree with the Commissioner of Police for London that they are "well resourced" and have what they need. Both anti-terror experts were in favour of keeping and expanding the Prevent programme, which Mrs May has said the Conservatives will do if returned to government.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

I think I understand this now.

It's Nick Clegg's fault and Ed Miliband's fault. Oh, and from September 2015 it's been Jeremy Corbyn's fault.

Plus it's the Police Federation's Fault for not saying anything (although Mrs May said "they are crying wolf").

It's also Top Police officers fault for not saying anything. Oh, hang on they did.

Going back seven years, it's definitely, absolutely no fault, whatsoever of the Home Secretary (2010-2016) or the Prime Minister (2016-2017).

I'm glad we've cleared that up.

Strong and stable my arse.

tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

I am not saying its anyone's fault just stating facts,i just cant see this current labour leadership with their past record whether its corbyns record on voting against ant-terror legislation,mcdonnell signing a letter calling for police to be disarmed and MI5 to be disbanded.

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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

You've been reading that Daily Fail again.

Strong and stable my arse.
tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

Do you have any evidence that a corbyn led government would be tougher on these terrorists given his previous history.
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by spider »

tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

and another tough on terrorism tough on the causes of terrorism, exept when you believe in their cause!
tommy dickfingers
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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Post by tommy dickfingers »

and another one