so who wins the election??

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number 6
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so who wins the election??

Post by number 6 »

Hopefully Labour but i think Cameron will get the most seats and do a deal with the lib dems again.
Milk Tray Man
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Milk Tray Man »

My blood runs cold at the thought of Milliband's lot getting in. If the polls are to be believed the Tories and Labour will have roughly the same number of seats but the SNP will have a lot more than the LibDems (who are facing a wipe-out), so Milliband will have no option but to get into bed with McSalmond & co. despite his fine words during the campaign about not doing a deal with the SNP. The lure of power will be too much for him to resist. I would be happy to be proved wrong though.

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Millibland will buttfuck the economy, lose foreign investment and make stinging tax raids on the successful entrepreneurs and businesses who provide us with a recovering economy that is the envy of Europe. If he wins I am worried for all of us.
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by sparky »

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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by max_tranmere »

I predict the Tories being the largest party, and them having to buddy-up with someone else to form a government, just like now. Who their bedfellows will be I am not certain. If Labour don't lose hugely then Ed Miliband will remain as leader, if they lose big he'll resign as leader.
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by sparky »

I too think the difference in the number of seats won outright by Cameron & Millibland will be small, as who might win the most that is as predictable as tossing a coin. Hence what actually happens in Scotland is going to be crucial as will the number of seats won by the Lib Dems & UKIP.

Much of what has been said over the last weeks about not doing deals will be forgotten as both leaders try to form a coalition numbering well over 50% of the seats so they can get a majority vote on policies without having to relying on at least a few of the opposition siding with them.

If neither can form a coalition of at least 50% and presuming they can keep their group together for several years if not the full term I don't think long term it will be will be good for the UK due to a combination of bland policies and lots of time spent trying to get 50.1% agreement.

number 6
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by number 6 »

Looks like the tories have won easy. Sad night for me.Didn't expect that much of a difference in seats, i think ukip votes went to the tories.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

I think a lot of potential UKIP voters have played safe and voted Tory. I know I did as the local Labour candidate has only been a member of the party for 3 years, was chosen by HQ and not the local party and is, with the greatest of respect nowhere near bright enough to represent our city. If she wins we will disappear off the map. Wonder if Clegg has plans for next week?
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by spunkie »

You gotta love the Scots. They hate the Tories so what do they do??? Vote against the only party that can possibly stop them from getting into power....thatll be the Tories back in number 10 then you thick Jocks!! Enjoy your 40 or so SNP back bench MPs you muppets!
Dick Moby
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Dick Moby »

Hey spunkie, how about giving me your e-mail address as I intend to report you for making racist remarks.