mount bluewomble858 errupts

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Milk Tray Man
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

[quote]"my psychiatrist has read the whole exchange between us and has a negative opinion of the both of you"[/quote]
!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

That was my reaction too. Probably his as well (on the inside)
Milk Tray Man
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

[quote]i've declared war against the EGAFD forum and everybody on here is my enemy, so if you take shots at me, i will retort every time.[/quote]
Newsflash: Nobody really gives a fuck. But if you want to continue making yourself a laughing stock, please .... do carry on.

Milk Tray Man
Posts: 240
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

3SS wrote:

[quote]That was my reaction too. Probably his as well (on the inside)[/quote]

Yes probably.

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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by bluewomble858 »

hey. i did'nt know 3SS and milk tray man were dating. i got a couple of gay friends myself. awesome people. so let's throw a wedding party for mr. and mr. milk tray 3SS. i think milk tray man is the one who wears the pants in the relationship.
i'm not a liar 3SS, i'm a man defending myself. do i wish for peace??? yes, but you won't give it to me. so why try.

as far as wasting my time on you assholes. i got a life, i enjoy it. i,m happy with my life and if you three want to be misrable in your lifes, go ahead. knock yourself out. i declare the flame war over because life is too short to waste my life on you three.

let it be know i won't read your posts, i SWEAR on my dying day i won't come back, i declare you the winners and i award you with the fuck you of the century award. porn is for losers, i'm moving on with my life. i'm not a perv like 3SS, milk tray man and terry stephens. oops, did i say his name??? like i give a shit. bye bye suckers.

keep right on to the end of the road...keep right on to the end!!!
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

hey. i did'nt know 3SS and milk tray man were dating. i got a couple of gay friends myself. awesome people. so let's throw a wedding party for mr. and mr. milk tray 3SS. i think milk tray man is the one who wears the pants in the relationship.
i'm not a liar 3SS, i'm a man defending myself. do i wish for peace??? yes, but you won't give it to me. so why try.

- Gay jokes?? 8 year olds are more mature than you

as far as wasting my time on you assholes. i got a life, i enjoy it. i,m happy with my life and if you three want to be misrable in your lifes, go ahead. knock yourself out. i declare the flame war over because life is too short to waste my life on you three.

- Enjoy your life, the one where you apparently have no friends outside your family and the town hates you, where you have next to no money.

let it be know i won't read your posts, i SWEAR on my dying day i won't come back, i declare you the winners and i award you with the fuck you of the century award. porn is for losers, i'm moving on with my life. i'm not a perv like 3SS, milk tray man and terry stephens. oops, did i say his name??? like i give a shit. bye bye suckers.

- You lied before about not coming back so no one here is going to hold their breath.

- Porn is for losers? Says the one who not too long ago wanted to be a porn director. lol, what a hypocrite.
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by tinykiki66 »

Hey guys, i know bluewomble858. i went to school with him and still talk to him to this day. he told me about this and i've been his friend for years. i know that he can see very stubborn and very hard headed. but he's a very nice guy overall. i only came on here because he told me about it. i feel you guys are giving a bad rap to him and should cut this childish flaming out and make peace with each other. i'm sure you guys ment well, but he took it out of context. please give him another chance and i will talk to him. you need to put it all behind you.

number 6
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by number 6 »

how long did it take you to make a new ID bluewomble?
Posts: 96
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

Agreed, that was way too quickly after he "left"

Makes him a massive liar doesn't it?
Posts: 3
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by tinykiki66 »

I'm not bluewomble858, i'm a old friend of his. i swear. i saw him this morning and that's all he wanted to talk about. i know he's very hot headed. this one time, i was dating a guy named james. he got so jealous of james. me and him had a shouting match and i did'nt speak to him for months because he was being such a prick. but then he apologized by saying he was sorry and he bought me a card. it was so sweet. i just am concerned about him. i don't plan on using this account much because i think porn is gross, ewww. i never knew what he saw in that stuff. it's degrading to women.