mount bluewomble858 errupts

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number 6
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by number 6 »

I'm beginning to think this guy is on a wind up.
Milk Tray Man
Posts: 240
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

I can't believe what I've just read here. And credit to OEJ for his measured reply.

Posts: 66
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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by bluewomble858 »

Milk Tray Man wrote:

> I can't believe what I've just read here. And credit to OEJ for
> his measured reply.

well milk tray man, if you could'nt believe what you read there. then you might just have to pull yourself off the floor for this one.

i usually don't like to burn bridges, i like to make friends, i like to get to know people and i like to have fun. but for this one, i brought my lighter fluid for this one, because i'm burning this bridge to the ground.

since i joined this forum a few months back, it's been very little, if any joy and all pain. pain in my back, pain in my neck and a pain in my a**. it all started at that disagrement me and milk tray man had a month or so ago over his critique of me. even though he don't know me, even though he's never walked a mile in my shoes and even though he's making a assesment just on what he's read. at one point, he accused me of being a troll. well, to be fair, i've read some of your posts and i could say the same about you. you come off as some smarmy hoity toity stuffy person who has a "my attitude is the right attitude" viewpoint. you've rubbed me the wrong way every since i've ran into your excistance. but my psychiatrist talked me into coming back here and giving you and the forumites a second chance by saying "it was a isolated incident." and "surely everybody on that forum is not a bad person."

well, i gave in even though i knew it would come to this. goes to show why my psychiatrist knows. all you people want to talk about is worthless politics and in my opinion, rather they are labour or tory or lib democrat, they are all corrupt lying SOBs who don't care about anybody but themselves. i want to talk about fun things like porn and football and other things of the like. but i'm sorry, i don't watch english tv and i don't care about english or american or any other countries politics because all politicians are one in the same, corrupt, egomanicial, rich, lying a**holes.

which brings me to porn, which i'm done with. the first person who knows this is one eyed jack, who found out a hour or so ago on his twitter page. i wrote him to tell him to unfollow me and we will go seperate ways. i wanted to believe terry was a good guy. i wanted to believe terry cared about me. i wanted to believe terry could take time out of his day to answer questions. well it's hard to answer questions when he says "you can e-mail me" and then does'nt send me his e-mail. i waited three days on that e-mail to come and it did not arrive. that's the thing i don't get about not just porn stars, but people in general these days. can you take a single minute out of your day to write somebody??? in my family, if my mother does'nt write my grandfather the minute he sends it to her, he writes her again a minute or so later if there is no reply "fingers broken???" in my family, we were raised if somebody asks you a question, you give them a answer, not in a day, not in a week, not in a month, but at that point. ok, maybe i'm not going into my neighbors bedroom and taping there sexual exploits for a living, but even if i was, i would take time out of MY schedule to write somebody who writes me. it's called common courtesy. another thing i notice in the porn business is you pay somebody a complement, they don't say "THANK YOU". which i wonder if it's so hard for people to say those two words anymore. if i write kiki minaj and tell her "your looking sexy today." i'm expecting in return "thank you". it's called manners. i did not have to take time out of my day to pay you that complement, but i chose to. so i expect some sort of thank you in return, or does that cost money too???

i had it all wrong for the longest time. i was down on myself, i though i was ugly, i though no woman liked me, i though it was me. but it's not. i was talking to my cousin and i told her about me chasing these porn stars and she said "only a pathetic wretch would chase after their approval." she's right. all these porn stars, both men and women, want people to get on their hands and knees and say "oh kiki, your so beautiful, can i buy you a car so you'll f*ck me???" or "oh steve, i wish my dick was as big as yours, your the king." or "oh jazmine, your a goddess" in hoping that they come out of their ivory towers on twitter or facebook and show them some sort of approval. i've heard of guys going goo-goo because "lisa ann retweeted my comment". my cousin got me to thinking like she always does, if these people can't realize me for the one of a kind individual i am. i don't need them. the only woman i will ever need is the one who will take my heart, my soul and my love and cherish it and i will promise her my loyalty til death do us part. and no terry, there's no way your filming our sex, because it will be just between me and her and nobody else. and if you say i'm jealous that i'm not in porn. i'm THANKFUL i'm not in porn. no, shelley lubben is still a idiot for being a anti-porn crusader and is only that because of her shame towards being in the business herself.

i tried so hard to be friendly with you fourmites, this was the very last forum i was a member of. i got kicked off of adultdvdtalk because they censored me. i got kicked off the gaming forum because some a**hole was being a smarta** and i could'nt help but tell him off and i was on the wrestling forum, but i left because today's wrestling sucks. let's face it, i don't like forums because out of ten people, there's a a**hole waiting in every crowd. i know i can be a a**hole, i own that fact because my dad is a a**hole, my grandfather is a a**hole and his daddy was a a**hole. plus, my mom can be a b*tch when somebody pisses her off.

i won't come back to this forum ever again, i won't click the e-mail reply link because i don't care what your opinion is and i'd like to give a collective f*ck you to the porn business, this is the most vain, selfish, rude business i've ever seen, you make the wrestling business look like club med. i will never chase after another porn star's friendship again because they are not REAL people. REAL people CARE about REAL people. REAL people chat with REAL people. REAL people reach out to REAL people. REAL people are interested in REAL people, regardless what they look like. REAL people don't have fake boobs and botox injections. instead, everybody in the porn business is chasing sand castles in the sky and thinking about their careers and not taking it slow and having a LIFE, something I have, yet have overlooked it for so long. i got a mom who loves me, my two cats who love me, my cousin who cares about my well-being, a aunt who asks about me and a father who loves me in a weird roundabout way. you porn stars can live your fast lifestyles, go to your parties, shoot your scenes, make your money and all of that, but you can't take it with you. you will be stuck in porn for the rest of your life due to the unfair stigma society has placed opon it and will never be able to work your way into a "legitimate" job because your porn career will sink your chances at it. plus, it unfairly places shame on your family. if people in porn hate me for saying this, it's only because it's true.

i will end this by saying david hannum once said "there's a sucker born every minute", well so long suckers.

keep right on to the end of the road...keep right on to the end!!!
Milk Tray Man
Posts: 240
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

Cheerio then.

Posts: 96
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

OEJ really dodged a bullet by you cancelling on him having you on his podcast. He was giving you an opportunity and you were so far up yourself, you couldn't wait for him, then bleat on here how no one will help you.

You had a chance, and YOU blew it.
Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by bluewomble858 »

3SS wrote:

> OEJ really dodged a bullet by you cancelling on him having you
> on his podcast. He was giving you an opportunity and you were
> so far up yourself, you couldn't wait for him, then bleat on
> here how no one will help you.
> You had a chance, and YOU blew it.

i told myself i would'nt respond to this. but i feel i must answer this because i am not nobodies pushover. to quote a old english football chant 3SS "are you one eyed jack in disguise???" ever since i've came to this forum, you've been so far up terry's ass, you've probably know what he's had for breakfast. and tell me, how did i blow it??? because in order to blow something or blow a oppertunity, you have to have had a oppertunity in the first place. let's be bluntly honest, terry, one eyed jack whatever you want to call him, wasn't going to have me on his podcast in the first place. he was saying that to make me feel better because i was depressed. he was lying all along and i admit, i fell for it. because i told my mom, i told my female cousin (who's like a sister to me), i told my male cousin (who's like my little brother) and i even told my dear old dad and they all were happy for me. but then i had to tell them i was'nt going to be on and i was being lied to, i was being sold a false load of bull. but now i think back on it and it makes no sense. why would he want ME, a everyday person with no experiance in the porn business, on his podcast when he's had directors and performers who have done something i have never and will never do??? that would be like if a sports show asked me to be on their show to explain birmingham city's season even though i'm merely a fan of the club. i'm not qualified for that, that's something gary rowlett or demarai gray or clayton donaldson is qualified to answer, not me.

i told terry that i would go my way and he would go his. i have since shut down my twitter account because i won't be needing it because i could care less about it. i hate twitter because twitter is for morons. i have a thought and i'd like to express it, even though it might be longwinded, i like to get my point across because i have a brain and i use it most of the time. i've gone four days without porn and honestly, i don't miss it. i find other ways to please myself, but i don't need a bunch of neurotic porn stars in my life. they don't care about me and they never have and never will. even though i was kind enough to reach out. i got people in my life who care about me. i could easily stay on this forum and just play the role of total asshole and piss on everybody on this forum because i don't need a bunch of mean spirted busy bodies puting me down, calling me names and insulting me because i don't act or think the way you do. i wanted your friendship because i like making friends, but i've had sand kicked in my face for so long, i don't care about you people anymore. call me a troll, call me anything you like, but i say i'm defending myself.

i came on here in peace, i came on here to be friendly and laugh and have a good time. yet, i have never been treated so poorly in my life. i wanted to visit england and make friends over their, but if everybody in england is as mean spirited as you people on here, i'll go to canada for vacation instead because i've never met a canadian i did'nt like. they are kind, nice, warm, friendly and always lend you a ear. if you all want to be a asshole towards me, well, two can play that game. and i won't stop being a asshole and i will NEVER apologize for anything because i've done nothing wrong. ask anybody who KNOWS me that i'm a nice person. but you people don't deserve that side of me. my female cousin was right when she said i was too good for you people, which is why i don't care who on this forum i piss off. i would have been a friend to every one of you, i would have treated every one of you with respect and 3SS, YOU blew it, NOT ME. so take your finger of shame that you english like to wave in everybody's face and shove it up your arse. i apologize for nothing. need proof, ask milk tray man.

just know that if you take a shot over the bow at me, there will be a rebuttal from my end because i won't tollerate any bully boy tactics from any of you.

keep right on to the end of the road...keep right on to the end!!!
Posts: 96
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

So much for never coming back to these boards.

As for OEJ, no I am not him, nor do I know him any more than you do (probably less, considering you have been in contact with him outside these boards). Judging by his post on this thread, he was planning on having you on his podcast. You even said yourself YOU cancelled on HIM. So coming on here and bleating about it, and saying he was never going to have you do the podcast has zero merit. It sounds more like you are trying to justify why you blew the opportunity.

OEJ of course has no obligation to answer, but in the off chance that he decides to read this; Where you serious about having bluewomble858 on your podcast, yes or no?

A pointless question since we already know the answer.

As for Milk Tray Man. I am tempted to just copy and paste my breakdown of that situation from a previous post, but considering you brushed it aside, even ctrl v would be a waste of effort on that part. My breakdown of that situation was so spot on, even Milk Tray Man took time out of his day to let me know I "got it".

I find it odd that someone who has frequently brought up his financial difficulties would talk about how he would now rather go to Canada over the UK. Like there was any chance of that anyway.
Also, I'm pretty sure no one in the UK would want someone with your attitude problem there anyway. The way you have spoken to some people here would likely lose you a few teeth in a few places.

I also love how you generalised an entire country (again) over the forum posts of a few. If I generalised America that way, I wouldn't be there now happily married.

I have no doubt you came here in peace, but it was amazing how quickly you turned on people in here, even against people who were pretty calm and collected in trying to defuse the situation in the previous thread.

As for never being treated so badly in your life? Well I guess your situation in your town isn't as bad as you have been making out. We have been pretty tame in comparison to how you portrayed how people in your town treat you.

And I blew what exactly? Being your friend? With your temper tantrums and mental instabilities, that friendship would have been over before it began. I don't keep toxic people in my life anymore.
Milk Tray Man
Posts: 240
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by Milk Tray Man »

bluewomble858 wrote:
[quote]i don't care about you people anymore.[/quote]

No, obviously you don't. Which is why you keep coming back after making "grand exit" speeches !laugh!.

[quote]i wanted to visit england and make friends over their, but if everybody in england is as mean spirited as you people on here, i'll go to canada for vacation instead[/quote]

Ah well. Never mind !laugh!.

[quote]i will NEVER apologize for anything because i've done nothing wrong.[/quote]

No, it's always someone else's fault isn't it? And therein lies your problem (or part of it at least).

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by bluewomble858 »

3SS wrote:

> So much for never coming back to these boards.
> As for OEJ, no I am not him, nor do I know him any more than
> you do (probably less, considering you have been in contact
> with him outside these boards). Judging by his post on this
> thread, he was planning on having you on his podcast. You even
> said yourself YOU cancelled on HIM. So coming on here and
> bleating about it, and saying he was never going to have you do
> the podcast has zero merit. It sounds more like you are trying
> to justify why you blew the opportunity.
> OEJ of course has no obligation to answer, but in the off
> chance that he decides to read this; Where you serious about
> having bluewomble858 on your podcast, yes or no?
> A pointless question since we already know the answer.
> As for Milk Tray Man. I am tempted to just copy and paste my
> breakdown of that situation from a previous post, but
> considering you brushed it aside, even ctrl v would be a waste
> of effort on that part. My breakdown of that situation was so
> spot on, even Milk Tray Man took time out of his day to let me
> know I "got it".
> I find it odd that someone who has frequently brought up his
> financial difficulties would talk about how he would now rather
> go to Canada over the UK. Like there was any chance of that
> anyway.
> Also, I'm pretty sure no one in the UK would want someone with
> your attitude problem there anyway. The way you have spoken to
> some people here would likely lose you a few teeth in a few
> places.
> I also love how you generalised an entire country (again) over
> the forum posts of a few. If I generalised America that way, I
> wouldn't be there now happily married.
> I have no doubt you came here in peace, but it was amazing how
> quickly you turned on people in here, even against people who
> were pretty calm and collected in trying to defuse the
> situation in the previous thread.
> As for never being treated so badly in your life? Well I guess
> your situation in your town isn't as bad as you have been
> making out. We have been pretty tame in comparison to how you
> portrayed how people in your town treat you.
> And I blew what exactly? Being your friend? With your temper
> tantrums and mental instabilities, that friendship would have
> been over before it began. I don't keep toxic people in my life
> anymore.

ha, justify why i blew the oppertunity. i never had the oppertunity because he was never going to have me. and even if he was, i don't want it anymore. i hate porn. what part of that statement do you not understand??? i don't want to be a part of the porn business.

as for my financial situation, i do have a bad financial situation, but if i'm in the situation to go to a another country to visit, canada would now be my choice. several canadians on another forum have been very friendly to me, as i have to them. they don't patronize me (unlike you), they don't criticize me (once again, unlike you), they don't throw things in my face (again, unlike you) and they show me canadian hospitality (unlike most english have i encountered who are quick to judge people).

i don't generalize a whole country, i call it as i see it. you make my point when you say i'd loose a few teeth in a few places, which all i do is come in peace. i have a motto, i treat people the way other people treat me, if you treat me like shit (which you have treated me like), i'm going to treat you like shit. if your nice to me, i'll be nice to you. you don't deserve me being nice to you because all you'd do is make fun of me, call me names and kick sand in my face again.

i could care less what lady you married, i could care less if your in america or china or timbuktu for all i care. you don't deserve me being nice to you, if you wanted that, you would have been nice to me. just remember if you respond, i'll respond every time, which bring me to THE KING OF SARCISM OF CRITICISM milk tray man

> No, obviously you don't. Which is why you keep coming back
> after making "grand exit" speeches !laugh!.

no, i don't care what you think, but i'm not a spineless cockroach that's going to let you and the rest of the forum walk all over me. i've declared war against the EGAFD forum and everybody on here is my enemy, so if you take shots at me, i will retort every time.

> No, it's always someone else's fault isn't it? And therein lies
> your problem (or part of it at least).

no, it's not always somebody elses fault, i ALWAYS take accontablity for my actions and am the FIRST to admit when i'm wrong or in the wrong, that's part of being a adult and a man. but my mother says i'm right, my cousin says i'm right and my psychiatrist not only says i'm right, he's proud of me for standing up for a principal. the principal being that i'm not going to be bullied into apologizing for something i did'nt do wrong. my psychiatrist has read the whole exchange between us and has a negative opinion of the both of you, which is why he told me i should come back, but against his wishes, i came back to defend myself. if you two want to kiss terry's ass. well, i assume he has two asscheeks, so pucker up and pick a cheek and then when you get the hang of it. come over here and kiss my hairy one while your at it. just know when you run your trap, i will be their to counter-act it with my own words so you don't shove words in my mouth like you and 3SS like to do and will continue to post until either you two wave the white flag and admit your wrong and apologize to me or i get booted off of this fourm. you don't know me at ALL, you just have notions about me. get to know somebody before judging them you pricks.

keep right on to the end of the road...keep right on to the end!!!
Posts: 96
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Post by 3SS »

ha, justify why i blew the oppertunity. i never had the oppertunity because he was never going to have me. and even if he was, i don't want it anymore. i hate porn. what part of that statement do you not understand??? i don't want to be a part of the porn business.

- Again, what are you basing that he was never going to have you on his podcast? His reply on this very thread is saying he was, so where are you getting that he wasn't?
- You don't want to be in porn? Thank fuck for that. Last thing we need is someone with your mental problems flying off at the models putting them off doing more porn.

as for my financial situation, i do have a bad financial situation, but if i'm in the situation to go to a another country to visit, canada would now be my choice. several canadians on another forum have been very friendly to me, as i have to them. they don't patronize me (unlike you), they don't criticize me (once again, unlike you), they don't throw things in my face (again, unlike you) and they show me canadian hospitality (unlike most english have i encountered who are quick to judge people).

- Why do you think we would give two fucks where you go for a vacation? We couldn't care less
- Again, still generalizing there. Because of several Canadians on this forum, you believe Canada is worth visiting more than the UK. There are dicks in every country.

i don't generalize a whole country, i call it as i see it. you make my point when you say i'd loose a few teeth in a few places, which all i do is come in peace. i have a motto, i treat people the way other people treat me, if you treat me like shit (which you have treated me like), i'm going to treat you like shit. if your nice to me, i'll be nice to you. you don't deserve me being nice to you because all you'd do is make fun of me, call me names and kick sand in my face again.

- You did generalize. You judged a whole country based on a few forum posts. That is what is called generalizing.

i could care less what lady you married, i could care less if your in america or china or timbuktu for all i care. you don't deserve me being nice to you, if you wanted that, you would have been nice to me. just remember if you respond, i'll respond every time, which bring me to THE KING OF SARCISM OF CRITICISM milk tray man

- MTM didn't criticise you. End of.
- I don't give two fucks whether you care about where I live or who I marry, that wasn't my point and you know it. My point was that if I generalised that way YOU have on here, I wouldn't be where I am now.

> No, obviously you don't. Which is why you keep coming back
> after making "grand exit" speeches !laugh!.

no, i don't care what you think, but i'm not a spineless cockroach that's going to let you and the rest of the forum walk all over me. i've declared war against the EGAFD forum and everybody on here is my enemy, so if you take shots at me, i will retort every time.

- MTM is right though, you called someone a liar for replying to you after saying they weren't coming back (might have been MTM actually), so that just makes you a big hypocrite.
- Declare war all you like. People on here are free to look at both of these threads where you lost your shit and can form their own opinions. Enjoy the flames, prick. (Only added that last word since you used it on me)

> No, it's always someone else's fault isn't it? And therein lies
> your problem (or part of it at least).

no, it's not always somebody elses fault, i ALWAYS take accontablity for my actions and am the FIRST to admit when i'm wrong or in the wrong, that's part of being a adult and a man. but my mother says i'm right, my cousin says i'm right and my psychiatrist not only says i'm right, he's proud of me for standing up for a principal. the principal being that i'm not going to be bullied into apologizing for something i did'nt do wrong. my psychiatrist has read the whole exchange between us and has a negative opinion of the both of you, which is why he told me i should come back, but against his wishes, i came back to defend myself. if you two want to kiss terry's ass. well, i assume he has two asscheeks, so pucker up and pick a cheek and then when you get the hang of it. come over here and kiss my hairy one while your at it. just know when you run your trap, i will be their to counter-act it with my own words so you don't shove words in my mouth like you and 3SS like to do and will continue to post until either you two wave the white flag and admit your wrong and apologize to me or i get booted off of this fourm. you don't know me at ALL, you just have notions about me. get to know somebody before judging them you pricks.

- So you aren't leaving like you said. Guess that makes you a liar then.
- MTM apologised right away, you still acted like a shit, people on here calmly explained where the misunderstanding took place, you ignored it and still acted like a shit. But yes, we are the bully's (rolls eyes)
- I am very sure no one here gives two fucks what your mum, cousin and psychiatrist think. They don't see you on here, we do, and we won't tolerate your crap.
- You printed the whole exchange and showed it to your therapist? You have as much proof of you doing that as you have of OEJ never being serious about wanting you on his podcast.
- Maybe you should take your own advice about knowing people before you judge them. You know no more of us than we know of you.