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Essex Lad
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Two angels

Post by Essex Lad »

deux_anges wrote:

> It is with great sadness that my first posting on this forum
> has to be about politics and not the stunning girls we love. I
> am extremely disappointed that so many have been taken in by
> this UKIP rhetoric, which IMHO is entirely missing the bigger
> picture.
> 1) Firstly, if not for immigrants who PAY THEIR TAXES we would
> have no NHS, Social Security, etc.

Don't be ridiculous. You think immigrant taxes pay for the NHS, dole etc?

> 2) This country DOES NOT HAVE A SHORTAGE OF HOMES, what it does
> have is a shortage of AFFORDABLE homes and social housing. This
> is hardly caused by immigrants but rather a ridiculous NIMBYist
> planning system as well as greedy property developers who are
> out to make a profit.

Surely if there is a nimbyist attitude then homes are not being built, therefore there is a shortage homes.

> 3) The immigrants are only here to do the jobs that local
> Britons either cannot do or do not want to do. There are too
> many who prefer sitting on their arses and collecting dole
> instead of harvesting asparagus in Lincolnshire.
So you think all our economic woes would be sorted if only Britons were willing to pick asparagus in Lincolnshire?
Milk Tray Man
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Milk Tray Man »

deux_anges wrote:

> I am extremely disappointed that so many have been taken in by
> this UKIP rhetoric, which IMHO is entirely missing the bigger
> picture.

And I am equally disappointed that so many have been taken by the cloud-cuckooland multiculturalist rhetoric that claims that immigration can only ever be a positive thing and never a negative one. It completely misses the bigger picture, and is just as blinkered and daft as claiming that all immigration is bad.

Sam Slater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Sam Slater »

In times like these many people in society always look for a scapegoat to blame for everything that is wrong. It's usually the 'poor' or 'foreigners' that get it first.

The lack of homes all started with Thatcher letting people buy council houses at knockdown prices the taxpayers paid to build. How many of those houses were bought up by greedy landlords who charge extortionate rents now, contributing to this crisis?

UKIP do have a point: immigrants create more demand, which raises rent prices. It all falls into the hands of the greedy landlords..........but that's only a small part of the problem. Silly policies from decades ago set the ball rolling.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

If you look into the history of social housing the taxpayer didn't build council housing. The councils themselves borrowed the money and paid it back by charging rent. The UK government has no responsibility to build houses.
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by 3SS »

No, but they should have had the sense to reinvest the money they made from selling the council houses into building more houses for a growing population. Then they charge rent on those new houses.
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Sam Slater »

I didn't know that. Cheers, Arg.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

And the right to buy money went back to the councils, not central government. And what did they do with this cash? Er sweet fa.
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Stripey »

The councils didn't build more council houses with the money, because the Tories restricted the number of council houses they could build. The Tory policy was all about destroying the very concept of social housing, to push new potential renters into the hands of their mates running the private sector.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

The private sector is not run by Tories. Most private landlords own precisely ONE extra property, usually as an investment and in many cases left to them in a will. Our local Porsche driving Labour councillor owns a mass of houses....not sure what Bangladeshi is for two faced.....
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Re: Number 6

Post by william »

I wouldnt care what they were.....

When is it people will realise that they care - an they want us to be like them ?