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Post by planeterotica »

I will vote UKIP not because of this but we are a small island and you can keep on building houses but you cannot keep building land..

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Well said.
number 6
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by number 6 »

Depends what your priorities are. Mine would be poverty , the NHS , a decent , multicultural society. Which is precisely why i would never vote for UKIP.
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by randyandy »

Only the one fukwit gimp member of the idiot left jumping on the post so far is weird.

No doubt this is the "decent multicultural society" they desire / pander for:

A bit odd when you see their pinkbus bollocks but speaks volumes...

I won't be voting, I'll just be sticking my voting paper in the ballot box but have noted the stuff UKIP are saying on housing and the use of brown field sites etc.

It was the "we are different" then Nigel on a boat with Joey Essex which made my choice.

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Decent multicultural society. Like they have in Rochdale and all the other places where Muslim men are raping our kids? Take off your rose tinted glasses and realise Islam is a bigger threat to the UK than Hitler and Napoleon combined.
Essex Lad
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Number 6

Post by Essex Lad »

Why is one of your priorities a multicultural society? Both Angela Merkel and Trevor Phillips say they don't work. What do you know that they don't?

And another is poverty ? I'm guessing you mean the eradication of, you aren't in favour of it...
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by Peter »

You won't be able to say that if Cockney Ted gets in, he's going to make islamaphobia a crime.

We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Vote UKIP

Post by deux_anges »

It is with great sadness that my first posting on this forum has to be about politics and not the stunning girls we love. I am extremely disappointed that so many have been taken in by this UKIP rhetoric, which IMHO is entirely missing the bigger picture.

1) Firstly, if not for immigrants who PAY THEIR TAXES we would have no NHS, Social Security, etc.

2) This country DOES NOT HAVE A SHORTAGE OF HOMES, what it does have is a shortage of AFFORDABLE homes and social housing. This is hardly caused by immigrants but rather a ridiculous NIMBYist planning system as well as greedy property developers who are out to make a profit.

3) The immigrants are only here to do the jobs that local Britons either cannot do or do not want to do. There are too many who prefer sitting on their arses and collecting dole instead of harvesting asparagus in Lincolnshire.

I could go on, but I think I should stop here before my blood pressure gets to high again.

number 6
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Re: Number 6

Post by number 6 »

EL, of course im for eradicating poverty , and UKIP would make things for worse. What is wrong with mulitculturalism?? I get on with everyone in my area, i couldn't care less what colour, faith they are. In fact i think its enriched Britain to have many different cultures.
Essex Lad
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Re: Number 6

Post by Essex Lad »

What is wrong? It creates ghettoes for a start. And this from Trevor Phillips:

Mr Phillips attacked the ?racket? of multiculturalism which took root under Tony Blair?s government. He said:

The inability to discuss racial issues contributed to child grooming scandals in cities such as Rotherham and Rochdale, because authorities ?turned a blind eye?;
Silence on racial issues led to the failure to take action to save Victoria Climbie;
A film commissioned to warn young people of the dangers of grooming was suppressed because it featured an Asian perpetrator abusing white girls;
He was accused of being ?fatuous? by senior New Labour figures when he warned of the dangers of multiculturalism;
Multiculturalism has become a ?racket? in many parts of the country, with self-styled community leaders battling for funds which prop up their authority and entrench segregation.

Mr Phillips was for a decade the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality and its successor, the Equality and Human Rights Commission.