Question for any Gamers

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Question for any Gamers

Post by randyandy »

I know the beauty Mrs Hex was also into gaming but was wondering if any others on here are into them to?

I am useless with PC's, I switch mine on if it works I am happy, if it doesn't I am mad as hell but fucked for answers.

I very very rarely play games, get them now and again for Christmas etc. but rarely use them unless TV is really crap.

I got the game LA Noire this year, last night was the 1st time I tried to use it and as per usual the ferking thing wouldn't work properly.

A brief search online gave the usual handy answers for those who know what the hell the author is saying in pc speak but returned nothing apart from "you're fucked", for a numpty like me.

A rarely had brainwave suggested that I take it off my pc and try it on my laptop and it appears to have workedish in that the preloading video stuff wasn't running slow like it was on the pc etc. but when I got to the security code bit the game refused to except it claiming it to be invalid.

I am guessing its invalid because I used it to load the game onto my PC is that correct and if yes does any wise sage know how to overcome it please?

number 6
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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by number 6 »

i would give you some advice but as im a "fuckwit gimp" i won't bother
Sam Slater
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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by Sam Slater »

It's hard to tell from the info given but did you validate it on the original PC. Did you have to download Steam or Origin when you was installing the game? If so you may be able to deactivate the game on the original PC by going into your Steam/Origin settings (although I've not played a PC game for a few years now so cannot tell you for's just a suggestion).

What sort of hardware is on that original PC? Usually if a game doesn't work it's a video card driver issue (unless the card/CPU/RAM is really old and just can't play the game....though you should still get to some menu after install).

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by randyandy »

cheers fukwit gimp just ignore future posts like I now do with yours !laugh!

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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by randyandy »

Yes Sam validated it using the code on the back of the game info that comes with the CDs.

I've taken the reason for the game running slowly to be the graphics card on the PC (XP) but looking at some of the posts on the gaming forums like Rockstar I am not sure if that is the sole issue.

Oddly enough I do use Steam and would do as suggested normally but on this occasion it was a Christmas present that I didn't buy.

Rockstar support just isn't answering.

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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by alicia_fan_uk »

randyandy, I am sorry you are having tech problems and I defer to Sam Slater's superior tech insight (evident on this and other threads).

Unfortunately, all I am posting is a thanks to you for reminding me about LA Noire. I got it months ago, have never played it, but will now be trying to squeeze in some gameplay over the holiday weekend. On the Playstation.

Best of luck in getting it to work.

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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by justincyder »

Google'Belarc advisor' download it then run it, then copy page and post here. It will list all your hardware/software that is on your machine but nothing personal. It means folks will know what you're running etc and be better able to advise you
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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by randyandy »

Good luck hope it works alicia fan
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Re: Question for any Gamers

Post by BeestonBoy »


Hmmm first look on here in a couple of years and some one who seems to loath the Commie workshy Cripple almost as much as me is asking a question. So what the hell,it seems you and I have a common interest.So, I will stick my Head above the Parapet and give some advice.

OK,this is the Skinny. PC Gaming is the shit. I mean it is really where the smart money's at. Graphics,Game choice and multiplayer....frankly it's the Bollocks. Take a look at youtube.Some of the WW2 flight Sims that are on the Market are frankly breathtaking.

But it comes at a huge cost. As a general rule of Thumb,if your Computer is over Six Months old.....your fucked!!! And if your playing on Laptops...forget about it!!

To keep on top of PC Gaming,you really need to keep on top of your PC and that is a massive drag if you have simple things like a Wife,Family,Job and social life getting in the way. Fuck....what do you know,Number 6 could be some sort of Guru. Having NONE of these things to worry about!!

My advice would be,simply buy an old Ps3 off Ebay for about a Ton and a copy of the Game for 5 quid. You will still be better off than trying to get it to run on a PC and you will be able to play 'The last of us' and 'Little Big Planet' and 'Uncharted' Frankly some of the best Games you will ever play.

Also...the Game is not all that tbh!! It is pretty huge and has some GREAT voice acting,oh and the facial photography thing is impressive....but it is actually VERY depressing.

Watch L.A Confidential (which it is sooooooo based on) and play GTA V if you want some real Armchair fun. All of which can be done on the PS3 for fraction of the Price of the PC.



'I see the usual gang of misfits and dope addicts are here'