Question for Mr Slater

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David Johnson
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Question for Mr Slater

Post by David Johnson »

In the thread following on from your excellent cartoon, Andrew states

"I am sure David & Co will enjoy it..." meaning the cartoon.

Your reply, Sam,

"They won't. They know that every tragic event like this just makes them look more wrong and out of touch".

My own contribution in that thread was :

"These criminals are obviously scum and I fervently hope that they get found and either wiped out or imprisoned until death. Radical Islamists who use religion as a twisted defence of their actions such as this are as worthy of condemnation as scumbags who kill abortion clinic surgeons with the Old Testament "eye for an eye" as a defence or "Christian" soldiers who slaughter innocent Muslims as part of some "Crusade" to use a Bush term. In neither case would I regard these actions as sufficient reason, apart from being totally misguided, to launch an onslaught on Islam and/or Christianity and its believers in general".

So for the benefit of myself and other forumites who have read the thread, what PRECISELY is "wrong" and "out of touch" with this and other statements I have made on this topic?

Over to you, Samuel.
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Re: Question for Mr Slater

Post by bernard72 »

"Christian" soldiers who slaughter innocent Muslims as part of some "Crusade" to use a Bush term
Please confirm if you think British and American (or other Nato) soldiers are murderers.
Do they purposely target innocent civilians ?
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

Unlike Sam, I am more than happy to answer your question, Bernard.

I think some British and American soldiers are murderers e.g.

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Re: Bernard

Post by bernard72 »

David, link number 4. This took place in the field of war.
Yes maybe he should have just left him to die an agonising death.
At least he did not hack him to bits and hand the body parts on a tree as sign
of gloating.
Link number 3, let's wait and see if any action is taken.
If there is should it be the foot soldiers or commander in chief Mr Blair.
(or the cunt who put the dossier together Campbell).
1 & 2, I cannot disprove what is written but I can change any wiki page just like anybody else can.
If fact a few years ago I was Englands most cappedgoalkeeper.
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Re: Bernard

Post by bernard72 »

Oh and sorry in the 4th link was this guy an "innocent muslim".
David Johnson
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Re: Bernard

Post by David Johnson »

"David, link number 4. This took place in the field of war."

Fair point Bernard, he was described as an "insurgent", but the soldier was convicted of murder.

"If there is should it be the foot soldiers or commander in chief Mr Blair".

I think both.

"1 & 2, I cannot disprove what is written but I can change any wiki page just like anybody else can.
If fact a few years ago I was Englands most cappedgoalkeeper."

Congratulations on your success as England's goal keeper. If you google the details for 1 and 2 you will find many more links about these items which are more difficult to edit than Wiki.

As a general point, Bernard, do you not find it hard to believe that in war, it is only the "baddies" i.e. the opponents of the Allies that commit atrocities?
David Johnson
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Re: Question for Mr Slater

Post by David Johnson »

Posts: 275
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Re: Bernard

Post by bernard72 »

I concede that there are bad eggs in all armies.
However I do not think these soldiers commit atrocities in the name of religion but a warped sense of vengeance.
David Johnson
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Re: Bernard

Post by David Johnson »

Well in the case of Steven Dale Green, the American soldier convicted of one of the massacres outlined "Upon arriving in Iraq, Green said, his training to kill, the rampant violence and derogatory comments by other soldiers against Iraqis served to dehumanise that country's civilian population".

He said he did not think of the Iraqi population as being human beings.

Bush himself used jihadi type language when he announced that the US was on a "crusade" with all the historical connotations that has.

If you read some of the "I hate Islam" beliefs expressed on this forum over the years and then put all of that into army soldiers trained to kill in an extremely terrifying situation like the Iraq or Afghanistan War, you can easily see how in some solders that would metamorphose into a hatred of Muslims and their religion.

That then feeds into a hatred amongst some Muslims in those countries of non-Msulims. And so, it rather depressingly goes on.
Ron T. Storm
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Re: Question for Mr Slater

Post by Ron T. Storm »

There's a lot of evil in this world. Labelling it only serves one purpose... the press.