Rotherham sex gangs

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David Johnson
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by David Johnson »

The following points come to mind:

1. This is a disgusting, vile crime that has obviously been perpetrated over many years in Rotherham.
2. The perpetrators of such crimes deserve a severe sentence irrespective of race, wealth, position in the local society etc.
3. The clear failure of social services, the council and the police in South Yorkshire to heed the warnings they were given about these crimes over a number of years is shameful and almost belief.
4. An independent "hit" squad needs to be put into Rotherham and as far as possible powers used to sack and if appropriate bring to court those involved in any cover-up, failure to act on evidence etc. etc.
5. There should be absolutely no place for kowtowing to people because of their colour, race, position in society etc. or being "scared" to raise issue because of "local sensitivities". Fuck that!
6. The Asian guys who supplied drugs, alcohol to and used violence against vulnerable girls are no more representative of Islam in Britain than all the white rapists, wife beaters, people traffickers, Catholic priest paedophiles are truly representative of their religious faiths, which they may well regard themselves as members of when asked to fill a form in.
7. If we are getting into the wonderful world of statistics - there was an Irish guy in my street who was arrested and found guilty of burglary. As far as I am aware no-one else has been found guilty of that crime in my street. That means that 100% of the burglaries carried out in my area have been carried out by Irish people. Fucking robbing bastards!
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Time to take Allah to task. Do you agree with British laws and standards of decency? No? Then please accept this one way, free, ticket to a Muslim state. A visit to Slough last year worried me. More Mosques than Ford Fiestas.
David Johnson
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by David Johnson »

1"Time to take Allah to task. Do you agree with British laws and standards of decency?

1. Nothing to do with Allah. Just as Catholic priest paedophiles is no reason to "take on Jesus Christ."

2. THey are criminals whether they are Catholic priests or Pakistani taxi drivers and should receive the full force of the law. In my experience, criminals of whatever race or religion are not very good at adhering to laws.
David Johnson
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Sam Slater

Post by David Johnson »

"Passing these things off as nothing to do with the culture of religion of these minorities just makes people more suspicious and cynical."

Just to add a teeny, weeny smidgeon of balance here. True, there were a number of Pakistani councillors who acted as "barriers" in the report published yesterday. This behaviour was clearly reprehensible and shameful.

However it is worth pointing out that one of the main protagonists in this story is one Shaun Wright who as far as I am aware spent most of his time in Rotherham as a councillor responsible specifically for such issues as child abuse and as far as I know is not a Muslim.

Wright took up the post of Rotherham council's cabinet member for children and young people's services in April 2005, staying in the job until 2010, and served 12 years in total as a Labour councillor in Rotherham. During his time he commissioned and received a number of reports highlighting the issues about child abuse in Rotherham and did virtually nothing.

At least two of the reports " set out the links between child sexual exploitation and drugs, guns and criminality in the borough."

So what point are you making here, Sam? That not only chid sexual exploitation, but also drug dealing, guns and criminality has something to do with "the culture of religion of these minorities"?
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

DJ strikes again. Stop defending the perpetrator and start thinking about the victims.
Porn Baron
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by Porn Baron »

Wasn't this was the same council that persecuted and ruined the lives of a foster couple who were providing a good stable home to foster children because they were members of UKIP? Something is rotten in Rotherham

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

What an idiotic answer, even for you

Which part of my reply here, do you not understand?

"This is a disgusting, vile crime " is this confusing you, Argie? Any word that you would like me to explain?

How about - "The perpetrators of such crimes deserve a severe sentence irrespective of race, wealth, position in the local society etc."?

Are you struggling with the above sentence?
Sam Slater
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Re: Sam Slater

Post by Sam Slater »

Seems now David has got out his obligatory, token gestures about how disgusting it is, he now gets to the meat and protect the culture and religion of Muslims because he thinks any criticism whatsoever is out of order.

The untouchables.

There could be another 5 sex grooming gangs filled with mostly Muslims in the next few years to add to the Rochdale, Telford, Oxford, Derby and Rotherham grooming gangs we already have and he'll still put it down to some sort of coincidence. It's his sort of attitude that was partly the cause of the problem in Rotherham in the first place. The refusal to deal with uncomfortable things due to the ethnic angle.

Take away religion and ethnicity, and lets say that Chelsea fans made up only 10% of football fans in London but were responsible for nearly half the sex crimes aimed at children in the same city and he'd have no issues at all discussing the phenomena. It would be weird NOT to discuss it and we'd all be suspicious for anyone trying to pass it off as just a coincidence.

In no way are these men representative of their communities. On that I agree with David. But to ignore the cultural and religious aspects which help develop and shape all of us and how we view each other is doing the victims a disservice and avoiding uncomfortable truths. Basically, we're doing the same as many communities did regarding the Catholic church and the children in their care. It's not coincidence that 2 of the most sexually repressed communities in the country (devout Catholics and Muslims) are the ones doing a larger proportion of the child raping than they should considering their numbers.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Re: Sam Slater

Post by David Johnson »

"Seems now David has got out his obligatory, token gestures about how disgusting it is"

I will ignore this blatant insult assuming my disgust at this crime is not heartfelt. Obviously you have no clue whatsoever whether it is heartfelt or not.

" protect the culture and religion of Muslims because he thinks any criticism whatsoever is out of order."

This is obviously a misrepresentation. Please read the thread before misrepresenting me. I clearly stated "there were a number of Pakistani councillors who acted as "barriers" in the report published yesterday. This behaviour was clearly reprehensible and shameful."

This herd mentaiity can be found in many religions and groups whether they be Catholic, extreme Protestant, Freemasons, etc etc. . People find comfort in a shared sense of culture and upbringing. I note that you have no comeback whatsoever to my comment that the key people who did nothing in Rotherham i.e. the people with power in the council like Wright were white, non-Muslim.

Your argument which is basically, Muslim councillors did nothing because they were Muslims and white, non-Muslim councillors in powerful positions did nothing because they were scared of Muslims is simplistic in the extreme. Councillors, police have a track record of doing fuck all about sexual abuse in all communities.

"to protect the culture and religion of Muslims because he thinks any criticism whatsoever is out of order."

Please quote me where I have said that the criticism of the religion of Muslims is out of order. If not, feel free to apologise. Your silence on my challenge to you, will be taken as an apology.

"It's his sort of attitude that was partly the cause of the problem in Rotherham in the first place. The refusal to deal with uncomfortable things due to the ethnic angle."

This is a lie. I have stated clearly. "There should be absolutely no place for kowtowing to people because of their colour, race, position in society etc. or being "scared" to raise issue because of "local sensitivities". Fuck that!"
Please state where I have suggested that people should not be investigated, arrested and imprisoned if it offends local insensitivities. Feel free to apologise. Your silence to address this specifically, will be taken as an apology.

"It's not coincidence that 2 of the most sexually repressed communities in the country (devout Catholics and Muslims) are the ones doing a larger proportion of the child raping than they should considering their numbers."

Please provide statistical evidence to support the above. Failure to do so will be taken as an admittance that you are talking out of your arse.

I notice that you fail to answer my question - "At least two of the reports " set out the links between child sexual exploitation and drugs, guns and criminality in the borough."

So what point are you making here, Sam? That not only chid sexual exploitation, but also drug dealing, guns and criminality has something to do with "the culture of religion of these minorities"?

Any rambling "I hate Islam, I hate the "culture of the religion of Islam" posts that are badly thought through and illogical and do not address the above will be ignored.

Enjoy your evening.
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: Rotherham sex gangs

Post by Sam Slater »

After his obligatory "Isn't it terrible" points, he's in full flow now. Can't have anyone looking at the culture and religion of anybody ever, because culture and religions are sacred.

All this does is stop people getting to the truth and makes people even more distrusting of minorities they'll see as being protected and above criticism. It actually breeds hate and ignorance..........things he thinks his attitude helps stop. Silly man can't see.

Religions and cultures mould people into being who they are. OF COURSE both play a part in the behaviour of the people they have an influence on. If neither influenced the people that follow their rules and customs then they wouldn't survive and carry on to the next generation. OF COURSE both have a part in this.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]