Too many muslims in this country.

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Milk Tray Man
Posts: 240
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Too many muslims in this country.

Post by Milk Tray Man »

Godwin's Law invoked 10 posts in. Wondered how long it would take.
Posts: 378
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Too many muslims in this country.

Post by Cuntybollocks »

"small minded, narrow minded,"

So imposing religious beliefs on others is nothing to do with the above then Cockneygeezer 2009?

Also, To draw any sort of comparison between Hitler and UKIP is frankly preposterous.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

I can only sympathise with you, Cunty, living as you do in the multicultural hell that is "a very rural area of the Scottish borders".

You must have been very, very badly affected. Post your details and I will send you a shipment of bacon butties gratis.

We might be able to get a helicopter to fly them into your gaff in order to break the embargo.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Too many muslims in this country.

Post by Larryandrews »

**invokes spirit of Bon Jovi

"Shit in your head, no sign of a brain
You give Brits a bad name"

Life is like having a bath, the longer it lasts the more wrinkly you get..
Posts: 45
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Too many muslims in this country.

Post by RaymondT »

Cuntybollocks wrote:

> Yep, that's what it all boils down to.
> To many here now and breeding like rabbits, their ghettos are
> getting bigger and bigger.
> Allah this, halal that. Offended at this that and the other.
> Not happy here in Britain?. Piss off to a muslim country and
> live there.

I know an awful lot of people who share your thoughts Cunty, none of them are racist or have anything against anyone of any colour or culture but they have just had enough of people in this country being forced to change their ways and having to walk on tip toes and frightened to open their mouths in public.

If you go to someone elses house, you respect them and their home and abide by their rules, you DON'T go in and start moving the furniture around, redecorating, saying 'this needs to be like this' and 'that needs to be like that'. That is how it should be if you go to a country other than the one from which you belong, the minute you set foot on foreign soil you should respect that country and it's people and abide by the laws and traditions, the ways of that country, NOT try to force your ways onto them, and if you aren't happy to do so then don't go there in the first place.