who reads the daily mail??

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Porn Baron
Posts: 993
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Re: Harmsworth tax status

Post by Porn Baron »

Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Porn Baron

Post by Essex Lad »

Which part of your link is supposed to dispute what I said?

The present Lord Rothermere's father did not admire Hitler.

The Mail does pay corporation tax in this country.

Its employees pay income tax and national insurance.

Who wouldn't try to pay as little tax as possible? (That's why lot of people employ accountants.)
Porn Baron
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Re: Porn Baron

Post by Porn Baron »

Just posted a link on the subject.

The Mail is trying to discredit Milliband over something his father said.

Hislop is trying to discredit the Mail over something the present owners family said and did. Fair enough?

Now the Mail is whinging about people digging up it's past. All rather embarrassing for the Rothermere family.
andy at handiwork
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Re: What did you do in the war, Margaret?

Post by andy at handiwork »

I think the name for people who bang the drum from a position of safety is 'Chickenhawk'.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Harmsworth tax status

Post by andy at handiwork »

I stand corrected tat it was not his father who was the Hitler admirer. However, your assertion that his companies pay tax so its not important that he doesn't contribute personally is a fallacious argument. Anybody owning a company could use it as an excuse to avoid tax. I presume he would expect the police to investigate a burglary at his home, the army to safeguard his country, and civil society to provide a safe living and working environment for him and his family, he just doesn't want to pay for it unlike the rest of us. And the likes of him have the cheek to call the unemployed parasites.
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: .What did you do in the war, daddy?

Post by andy at handiwork »

If he is considered to have heavily damaged the brand, I shouldn't think that will stop him being sacked.
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Re: .What did you do in the war, daddy?

Post by Essex Lad »

andy at handiwork wrote:

> If he is considered to have heavily damaged the brand, I
> shouldn't think that will stop him being sacked.

No very true but I don't see him leaving any time soon.
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Re: Harmsworth tax status

Post by Essex Lad »

andy at handiwork wrote:

However, your assertion that his companies pay tax so
> its not important that he doesn't contribute personally is a
> fallacious argument. Anybody owning a company could use it as
> an excuse to avoid tax. I presume he would expect the police to
> investigate a burglary at his home, the army to safeguard his
> country, and civil society to provide a safe living and working
> environment for him and his family, he just doesn't want to pay
> for it unlike the rest of us.

I don't want to pay either. I'd be quite happy not paying tax when I see what it is wasted on.

And the likes of him have the
> cheek to call the unemployed parasites.

He doesn't though. Find me one example where Lord Rothermere has called the unemployed parasites.

andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: Harmsworth tax status

Post by andy at handiwork »

Every penny he doesn't pay in personal tax has to be made up by the rest of us. And as for calling the unemployed 'parasites' its all his newspapers ever do, that and maligning every social group that doesn't fit within its very narrow world view.
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Re: Harmsworth tax status

Post by Essex Lad »

Since he isn't ever likely to give up his non-dom status, would you prefer he closed the Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday and put thousands of people out of work?