Never-ending austerity

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Dave Wells
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Re: Never-ending austerity

Post by Dave Wells »

Why do you automatically think so poorly. The rich could be ousted bloodlessly by the majority who would take control. There need not be any violence.

Dave Wells
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Re: Never-ending austerity

Post by Zorro »

Then from that majority some would take control and become the rich and we would go back to square one.

It has been proved that society needs a class system. You need the mega rich and the mega poor and the grafters in the middle.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Then from that majority some would take control and become the rich and we would go back to square one.

It has been proved that society needs a class system. You need the mega rich and the mega poor and the grafters in the middle."

Please let me know when your book is available. I think you are on to something with this political analysis
Dave Wells
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Re: Never-ending austerity

Post by Dave Wells »

What bollocks Zorro ! It is continuously proved that it doesn't need a class system and whenever one is place it doesn't work, time after time after time after time !
Sure you have to control MANS greed but there are ways to do so.

Dave Wells
Alex L
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Re: Never-ending austerity

Post by Alex L »

More austere for some of us, not all of course:

At least with the tories you expect a bit of feathering ones own nest, far worse for a man to claim to understand, work for and help the working man, only to be stuffing his back pocket!!


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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

This has always struck me as a really stupid viewpoint i.e. people in the Labour Party cannot be rich either in the past or present without totally undermining their views..

They can only be true Labour party people if they were born on a council estate in poverty with their arse hanging out of their trousers.

Personally, I am no great supporter of Tony Blair but what matters is what someone actually does in power.

And whether it is introduce the minimum wage, save the National Health Service from collapse, set up Sure Start Centres for parents, put money into infrastructure etc etc. it cannot be denied that those who weren't rich and privileged were better off under Labour than they are now after 3 years of the Tory "economic turnaround".

Clem Attlee who was Prime Minister during the great reforming parliament of the late forties which saw the nationalisation of the utilities, the setting up of the National Health Service etc, all vehemently opposed by the Tories, was the son of a solicitor, went to a prep school, then a public school before higher education.

Blair made lots of mistakes, but judge people on their actions in power rather than their background, otherwise in effect you are stating - only rich people can be Tories, only poor people can be Labour etc. etc. which is obviously a stupid viewpoint.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Alex

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

So in DJ Land aka Lala Land it is fine for VP Blair to hold a massive property portfolio but wo betide a hard working poorer person to own their own house for they are fascists....
Posts: 255
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Re: Alex

Post by bamboo »

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Essex Lad
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Re: Never-ending austerity

Post by Essex Lad »

Dave Wells wrote:

> What bollocks Zorro ! It is continuously proved that it doesn't
> need a class system and whenever one is place it doesn't work,
> time after time after time after time !
> Sure you have to control MANS greed but there are ways to do
> so.
As Churchill said democracy is the worst system in the world ? apart from all the others.

Can you think of any country/society that has not had a class system?
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

"So in DJ Land aka Lala Land it is fine for VP Blair to hold a massive property portfolio but wo betide a hard working poorer person to own their own house for they are fascists...".

Read this sentence again Argie. It is nonsensical. Who the fuck calls people who buy their own house "fascists"?